Creating Dimensioning Styles

Do not use AutoCAD's default dimensioning style (Standard). Create a new dimensioning style and name it (EDD141-01). The dimensioning parameters can be set by using the menu and dialog boxes provided by AutoCAD. The Dimension Style Manager dialog box can be accessed by typing in the command DIMSTYLE or by selecting the Style option in the Annotation ribbon in the Annotate tab. In the Dimension Style Manager Dialog box make the dimensioning style “Standard” current. Select the New to create a new dimension style and name the new style EDD141-01.

Set the dimensioning parameters as follows:

In the Lines Tab:

Set the Baseline Spacing for 1/2

Set the Extend Beyond Dim Lines value to 3/32

Set the Offset from origin value to 1/16

In the Symbols and Arrows Tab:

(Choose an arrowhead style)

Set the Arrow Size to 3/32

Set the center marks to None

In the Text Tab:

Set the Text height value to 3/32

Set Vertical to "Above."

Set the Horizontal to "centered."

Set the text alignment to "Aligned with dimension line"

In the Fit Tab:

Set the fit to "either the text or the arrows, whichever fits best"

Set to “Beside the Dimension Line”

Set the “Use overall scale of” “1.0000”

Set “draw dim line between ext lines”

In the Primary Units Tab:

Set the Unit Format to Architectural

Set the Precision to 1/16

Set the fraction format to “Not Stacked”

In the “Zero Suppression” section check the “0 feet” box

In the “Zero Suppression” section remove the check the “0 inches” box

Special Instructions:

Structural drawings use the architectural style dimensioning. All dimension lines will be continuous lines with the dimension text placed above the dimension line.

Create a layer for the dimensions with a color of the student's own selection. Dimensioning will be in accordance with the rules and techniques as described in the textbooks Engineering Graphics and Detailing For Steel Construction (AISC).

Add dimensions to the drawing. Space the first dimension line 3/8" from the object and 1/4" for all successive dimensions.

Use GRIPS to reposition dimension text if necessary to avoid stacking.

Use the DDEDIT command to edit dimension text to manually change or add text to a dimension.

Text heights for dimensions and general notes should be 3/32" high and should be all UPPER CASE LETTERS. Titles for details and notes should be larger than that used for general lettering and dimensioning. Letter heights can range from 1/4" to 1/2" (use ¼” lettering). Underline each title using a single line.