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Friday, 26 September, 2014 - Week Ten—Term 3


The holidays are upon us and on behalf of the school staff I hope you have a very restful and enjoyable holiday.

As part of our theme this year – “Piko’s Hauroa” – each class is presenting their learning to parents and caregivers. Last week the junior school had their celebration of learning which was highly successful. In the office we do have a slide show of this evening.

This week Room Five presented their teaching and learning to their parents, caregivers and guests. After sharing their learning in a variety of ways they invited their guests to a shared lunch, based on what they have learnt. It was a very successful day and a big congratulations to the teachers and children of Room Five for their efforts. There is also a slide show in the office on this event.

I understand Room Six will be doing theirs in Week Two of Term Four. They have been studying cyber safety and as it is a topic that affects all people, their presentation will be open to all interested families. I am sure Miriam will provide more details closer to the time. I know it will be an informative evening.

Room Four are looking at doing theirs after camp. Details to be confirmed.

As we look forward to Term Four there are a few dates to put on the calendar.

Monday, 13 OctoberTerm Four starts

Monday, 27 OctoberLabour Day

Wednesday, 29 OctoberCust Senior Athletics (pp Thursday, 30 October)

Board of Trustee Meeting

Friday, 31 OctoberYear 8 Rangiora High School Orientation

Thursday, 6 NovemberCust School Pet Day

Friday, 7 NovemberRakahuri Athletics

Friday, 14 NovemberShow Day

Monday, 17 NovemberCust School (and families) Top Team

Wednesday – Friday, 19-21 NovemberYear 5/6 Hanmer Camp

Sunday, 23 NovemberCust PTA Car Boot Sale

Wednesday, 26 NovemberBoard of Trustee Meeting

Thursday, 27 NovemberJunior Athletics

Monday, 1 DecemberWai Swim (Years 2-6)

Wednesday, 3 DecemberCanterbury Athletics

Tuesday, 9 DecemberChristmas Concert

Wednesday, 10 DecemberBoard of Trustee Meeting

Tuesday, 16 DecemberEnd of Year Assembly

Friday, 19 DecemberSchool Ends

Included in this newsletter I have put more detail regarding Pet Day and Top Team.

A reminder that in Term Four children need to be wearing HATS – Navy full brimmed hats (bucket style acceptable).

Well done to the following children who achieved excellent results in the ICAS English:

Ashleigh LawlerDistinction (Top 10%)

Ethan McLachlanMerit

During the holidays (October 1-7) we have a number of children who are participating in Dale Hartley Drama School Junior Production of “Sleeping Beauty”. It is great to see these children explore and extend their artistic passion and we wish them all the best. Good luck and well done to –

Lily Heidmann

Piper Smith

Megan Smith

Millie McAllister

Harvey Croft




The end of the term has arrived, hasn’t it gone fast. It is probably very timely, as there seems to be a nasty tummy bug doing the rounds! We have had a very quiet week, finishing off work and enjoying learning time without the stress of practises and performances.

Shape has been the focus in Maths and we will finish this unit next term.

Hope your holidays are restful and enjoyable,



Well another term bites the dust - wow the weeks do fly by and before we know it Christmas will be here!
We have had an enjoyable week in Room 2 playing some fun co-operative games (inside and out), completing SOLO assessments in Topic, Jump Jam and the Nickle Nackle tree, writing and publishing/illustrating feelings poems and attempting to solve a variety of different problems in Maths.
It has been a busy but productive term with the highlight most probably being our Celebration of Learning last week. Thank you again for the wonderful turn out - the children have talked of nothing else this week!
Next term our focus will be on "Looking After Ourselves" with an emphasis on hygiene, 'Growing and Changing' and safety. We also have athletics (here at Cust again), Waiswim swimming lessons at Oxford and a pet show to look forward to. Sounds fun!
Have a lovely holiday,


Kia ora!

The last week of term is upon us. The children have ben winding down this week, and we have been working on transformation in maths. The children have been focussing on symmetry and reflection. In writing this week we have also been doing some poetry. The children have had a lot of fun doing this. We created acrostic poems about spring which are up in our room, come and check them out!

There will be no reading over the holidays, but as you will have seen the children have brought home library books.

Also, have a wonderful holiday with your children. I look forward to seeing you all next term.

Allyce. 


Hi All,

Hope everyone has a great holiday. I would like to thank all the parents for their wonderful support over the term.

This week in Room 4 we have had a finishing off week. In reading the children have created their own political cartoons on a variety of issues that is important to them. These are now up on the wall. Please come and have a look at these after the holidays.

In Writing we have continued with our poetry unit. The children have been looking at Onomatopoeia Poems and Personification Poems. Early next term children will be putting their poems together in a Poetry Anthology. Children will be sharing some of these on our Celebration night next term.

In maths we have continued our fraction work. Children have been adding fractions, converting fractions to decimals and simplifying fractions. Over the last three weeks all the children have made outstanding progress with their numeracy work.

Have a great break, please contact via email over the break if you need anything.



What an exciting week we have had! We started the week off with a cooking demonstration by our famous chef Rebecca Barnett and sous chef Kirsten Barnett. They cooked a yummy 'Sesame Bok Choy Delight'. It was the perfect dish to match our findings of the most nutritious foods. Everyone had a go and there were rave reviews with many children wanting to make the dish at home over the holidays. (They all have a copy of the recipe). A big thank you to Kirsten for coming in and giving us the opportunity to try a very delicious and healthy dish. Thanks also to Caroline Smith, Jo Mills, Caroline Edwards, Adrienne Hey and Sarah Prain who have helped with preparation and assistance in cleaning up.

Thank you to everyone for coming to our celebration of learning yesterday. The children loved showing you all their hard work. It was great seeing all their new knowledge applied in creative ways. Thank you so much again for coming and helping the children make a difference by bringing your gold coin donation as well. Well done Room 5!

Have wonderful holidays!

Hannah & Linda


Top Team Challenge involves a number of team based activities and challenges modelled on the traditional Top Town competition that first aired on New Zealand television in 1976. Sport Canterbury have revised this concept designing 22 new games that relate to primary school aged children. Top Team games test teamwork, initiative, problem solving and communication skills. They are a lot of fun!

Sport Canterbury are bringing 14 of these games to Cust School so that our school community, that is all Cust School children and families can compete (in a friendly manner) against each other. We intend to have 28 teams mixed up of school children and parents rotating around the different events.

The event will start at 4pm with teams meeting and instructions given, with games starting at 4.30pm. These will go for approximately 1 ½ hours and then we can have a community dinner afterwards. The PTA will be providing/offering some sort of food to buy.

This will be a fun event (as children who did this last year will attest to) for all families. Please keep this afternoon free.

We will be asking for more details early next term so that teams and food can be organised.

If there are any questions please ask me.



Room One:Great work awarded to Louisa, Taylor, Estelle, Josh, Harvey and Liz for getting all their spelling correct this term.

Room Two:Well done Morrin for showing success in Piko’s Tips, for being a great team member in all cooperative group activities. Always happy to please.

Well done Lakin for showing success in Piko’s Tips, for working hard to be a helpful and agreeable team member in all cooperative group activities.

Room Three:Great work awarded to Frankie for achieving Level 20 in Reading Recovery. Keep up the wonderful reading Frankie. From Mrs Falconer

Well done to Riley for showing success in Piko’s Tips for always caring for others, as well as including. Well done for being a kind and caring member of Room Three.

Great work awarded to Libby for always producing her best work in class. Well done on creating awesome poetry in writing.

Room Four:Great work awarded to Emily and Liam for improving in their reading.

Great work awarded to Scarlett for improvement in all areas of the curriculum.

Room Five:Certificate of Excellence awarded to Libby, Kendra, Lauren, Jack, Rebecca, Finn, Ribh, Matthew and Hollyfor top speller.

Room Six:Student of the Week awarded to Zoe for always willing to contribute to class discussions and share work. Well done.

Student of the Week awarded to Tawny for always being cooperative and kind in all situations.


Cust School Car Boot Sale

To be held at Cust School on Sunday 23November 10 am to 2 pm.

$10 per car/site

Contact Megan to book a site: 3125552 or 0226850057


Important Dates

Sausage sizzle - Senior Athletics, 29October

BBQ dinner (optional and pre-ordered) - Family Top Team Challenge, 17November.

Shirley Temple Peony Tubers for sale

(Double, light pink/white) $5 for 1 bare root tuber ($5/5 eyes)

Tubers will have 5+ eyes – bags of 2,3,4,5 and 10 available.

To order email Sonya

Next PTA meeting:Tuesday 14October at 7:30 pm in the Multipurpose Room. All welcome.


Pet day will be held on Thursday 6 November at the Cust Domain.

Included with today’s newsletter is an Information Booklet for Pet Day. This will help your child with their project, which we suggest they start over the holidays. Children need to be thinking about which pets they would like to enter, and if they have an Agricultural Club animal, they should be collating information that can be made into a presentation.

No class time will be given to complete Agricultural Club or pet day projects, so this is something that needs to be completed at home.

An Agricultural Club Animal is classified as an animal reared from birth and that is dependent on that child for its welfare and wellbeing until the age of 12 months. Examples of these may be calves, chickens, lambs, pigs and horses. Children are to complete a project on this animal and bring it along on Pet Day where points are given for Condition, Care and Attention, Leading and Handling and Project presentations.

These points go towards the Agricultural Club Award Scheme and are compiled as children go through school.

The exact programme for the day will come home next term as there are still some things to be finalised.


A casual vacancy has occurred on the Board of Trusteesfor an elected parent representative.

The Board has resolved under section 105 of the Education Act 1989to fill the vacancy by selection.

If ten percent or more of eligible voters on the school roll ask theBoard, within 28 days of this notice being published, to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy, then a by-election will be held.

Any eligible voter who wishes to ask the board to hold a by-election should write to:


Board of Trustees

Cust School

P.O. Box 28

Cust 7444

By: 18 October 2014



Used egg cartons. Can you please give to Harper or Zaya or phone 3125313.


will be held at Cust Community Centre at 8.00pm on 15 October 2014.

New members are most welcome. Any enquiries Liz Smith 3125765.



All interested parties are invited to attend the AGM of the Cust Swimming Club.

The Club is responsible for the running of thewonderful community owned resource, The CustPool.

Come along and help with the decision making and running of this great recreational facility.

Enquires to Sue Dalley 033125614 or


The Community Dental Service will operate an emergency service over the school holidays. This service is to provide relief of pain only and will not undertake ‘routine’ treatment. The service will be available each working day from 8:30am until 12:30pm from the Hillmorton Community Clinic, Sylvan Street, Christchurch for the following times:

Monday, 29 September to Friday, 3 October 2014 (excluding weekends)


Monday, 6 October to Thursday, 9 October 2014 (excluding weekends)

This service will operate by appointment only and if we are unable to see your child, alternative options will be given. If your child has dental pain as a result of an accident please contact your dentist in the first instance.

You can phone and make an appointment for the emergency clinic by ringing 0800 846 983.


If you are aged 7-14 years old and interested in Sprints, Long Jump, High Jump, Discus and Shot Put, come join our athletics coaching sessions on Tuesday evenings at Rangiora High School Sports fields. In addition, you can also compete in your age group as part of our North Canterbury team on Saturday mornings at Rawiti Domain, New Brighton.

To find out more and have a free taster - anyone is welcome to come along to start of season open night on Tuesday 14 October 5-7pm at the Rangiora High School Sports Ground.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Any queries please contact Jo Olson (Manager) 021 2171643 or or have a look at


Pet lambs available FREE for children completing Agricultural Club projects for Pet Day. Phone Liz Smith 312 5765.


House wanted to rent in Cust area by responsible, clean, reliable tenants. Anything considered.

References available. Contact Craig Thompson 3125202 or 0272068001.


Responsible, older couple, visiting family from UK, will be available to house sit from start of December 2014 till start of January 2015. 1 month period, or to suit. They are familiar with the area and grandparents of children at Cust School. Please contact Mark Whittaker, 0272 362 222.

Sunday 28 September: 10 am - 2 pm, St David's Church,Main Road,Cust.
Contact Kate (03)312 5833 or email


Qualified personal trainer. Contact Pam Johnson to get your training underway now. 027 843 0217.


Essential information for parents evening with guest speaker Nathan Mikaere-Wllis on Wednesday, 15 October at the Showgrounds Function Centre, 158 Ashley Street, Rangiora. 7.00 – 9.00pm. No booking necessary. Free entry. Hot tips, partying, alcohol, brain development.

Email for further details to