COGS 17 Handout 1 Pg. 1

Chapter 1

  1. What are the two main beliefs about the Mind-Body question?

Main Ideas: / Main Ideas
Evidence: / Evidence:
  1. What is the difference between bottom-up processing and top-down processing?
  1. Match the following scientists with their respective ideas. Names can be used more than once.

  1. Descartes
  2. Galvani
  3. Bell-Magendi
  4. Ramon y Cajal
  5. Mueller
  6. Darwin
/ ___ First testable hypothesis for MB question
___ Neuron Doctrine (neurons are independent)
___ Doctrine of Specific Nerve Energies (signals from different sensory areas travel in different input lines to specialized areas of the brain)
___ The brain is specialized into the sensorium and the motorium
___ Proposed that our animating force is caused by electricity
___ Natural Selection
___ Proposed that the pineal gland is where the mind and brain come together

Chapter 2

  1. Label the parts to the neuron (assume in PNS) and describe the function of each part. (dendrites, nucleus, cell body, axon, myelin sheath, terminal buttons, nodes of ranvier, synapse)

2. Describe the following terminology:

mitochondria dendritic spines (head vs. neck) anterograde transportDNA

cytoskeletonprotein retrograde transportRNA

3. Setting the stage for Action Potentials

  1. Resting Potential ( ______mV) Question: Why is it like this?
  1. Ion concentrations

Ion / Extracellular concentration (high or low) / Intracellular concentration (high or low)
Sodium (Na+)
Potassium (K+)
Chloride (Cl-)
Anion (A-)

ii. Two forces (Nature wants balance)

-Concentration Gradient/Diffusion:

-Electrical/Electrostatic Gradient:

-Label intra/extracellular space & the ion’s desired direction of movement w/ respect to 2 forces

iii. If these forces are at work, what’s stopping the concentrations/electric gradient from equalizing?



iv. Depolarization (EPSP) vs. Hyperpolarization (IPSP)



  1. The Action Potential
  2. First the bigger picture:

  1. Where does AP begin?
  1. Advantages of myelin:





  1. Where does AP regenerate?
  1. Why does it need to regenerate?
  1. Graded potentials vs. Action potentials

Graded / Action Potentials
  1. Mapping the electrical change (zoomed into the node of Ranvier)







  1. Communication between neurons
  2. Synapses:
  3. Three types:
  4. axodendritic
  5. axosomatic
  6. axoaxonic
  1. Label and describe the following (electrical signal[x2], terminal button, vesicles, receptors, presynaptic neuron, postsynaptic neuron, synaptic cleft, Ca++)

  1. Receptors
  2. 2 types [there is a great figure on pg. 59 in the textbook that visually explains this]

1. ionotropic:

2. metabotropic:

a) ion channel is opened directly by the α subunit of an activated G protein





b) the α subunit activates an enzyme, which produces a 2nd messenger that opens ion channel




d. What happens to the NT in the synaptic cleft?

-Post synaptic potentials usually occur very quickly. Terminated by…

