
Marching Band Manual


DIRECTORS – Gary Rogers and Travis Foster

COLOR GUARD INSTRUCTORS – Alisa Channell and Paige Bruff



FIELD COACH – Lorraine Parks


PRESIDENT – Sonia Young

VICE PRESIDENT – Allison Timmons

SECRETARY – Michelle Tkach

TREASURER – Lee Counterman


1.  Marching Band Enrollment Form

2.  Marching Band Membership Fee

3.  Medical Release/Information

4.  Instrument Usage Agreement Form

Band of Revolution Mission Statement

Our Mission is to:

◈ identify the values and disciplines of music and music education;

◈ understand how music plays an important part of our personal artistic expression and its developing characteristics in today’s culture;

◈ use music as an engaging tool for student motivation and academic success;

◈ support and represent the faculty, parents, and student body of York Preparatory Academy.

I.  Marching Band Participation Requirements/Lettering Eligibility


1.  Students must be enrolled in a band class (middle or high) at YPA. However, high school students who have taken band but are unable to enroll in a band class due to scheduling conflicts are eligible to participate.

2.  Marching Band is open to rising 8th-12th Graders at YPA.

3.  Students’ with poor or failing grades are NOT restricted from participating in Marching Band. We do NOT check grades for participation.

We kindly ask that students NOT be removed from Marching Band due to poor grades. The absence of 1 performer is very detrimental to the success of those around him/her. Once drill and formations are “set,” we will be unable to “rewrite” the formation to work successfully with the individual missing.


1.  All paperwork goes out toward the end of February. Students who wish to participate in Marching Band must turn in all paperwork and a down payment of $27.50 by the last week of school.

2.  Student interested in a Leadership position need to see Mr. Rogers by the 1st week of March. Leadership Packets are due the first Monday after Spring Break.

3.  Students who do not submit all paper work by the last day of school will NOT be allowed to participate in the COMPETITIVE TERM.

4.  Only Transfer Students will be allowed to turn in any paperwork after the last day of the current school year.

5.  Students are asked to pay their remaining balance by last day of Band Camp. Parents will be allowed to pay 4 payments of $27.50

6.  Please see 2017-2018 Marching Band Membership Fee for further details


1.  Students who wish to participate in a Fall Sport and participate in Marching Band will be required and only allowed to perform in the front ensemble.

2.  Students must be responsible for learning the music and staying “caught up.”

3.  The student is expected to make an equal commitment in regards to rehearsal and practices. If the student does not seem to be able to successful participate in both events, then he/she may be asked to make a decision on the two.


1.  Students may or may not be asked to perform the instrument in which he/she performs for concert band.

2.  Trombone players must play Marching Baritone. If an instrument is not available we will adjust as seen fit.

3.  Flute players will be chosen to play Piccolo based solely on the decision of the current Flute instructor or Band Director.

4.  Percussion assignment is based solely on the demands of the music.

5.  Battery Percussion is typically assigned in this sequence: Seniority, Experience, and Physicality; discretion of the current Percussion Instructor.

6.  Auditions and/or preliminary rehearsals will also help determine percussion assignments if need be.

7.  Students using a school instrument (Piccolo, Baritone, Mellophone, Sousaphone) will be required to sign an Instrument Usage Agreement Form.

8.  NEW! Percussion students will also be required to complete a Percussion Maintenance Assessment and will be asked to assist parents and helpers on how to carefully manage and load equipment.


1.  Marching Band Season lasts from August - February.

2.  Marching Band is divided into 2 Terms:

COMPETITIVE TERM: August – October

Rehearsals: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 to 6:00

PARADE/ PEP BAND TERM: November – February

Rehearsals: Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 to 5:30


1.  In order for a student to meet the requirements to Letter in Marching Band AND participate in any Over-Night event(s), he/she must be an “Active” Member.

ACTIVE: An “Active” Member must meet the following requirements:

a.  Each student is only allowed 3 unexcused (no notification) absences from rehearsal during the COMPETITIVE TERM. Students are to let the band director(s) know in advanced if he/she is to be absent from practice. Things that are excusable are: church, illness, family emergency, tutoring, test make-up, family event planned well in advanced, doctor’s appointment. Basically put….if we do not know where you are, then you are unexcused.

b.  The student MUST participate in ALL Saturday Competitions (5 including State)

c.  The Student MUST participate in at least 3 parades.

d.  The student MUST participate in a minimum of 4 Basketball Pep Band Events.

Upon the completion of the Competitive Term, marching band students will be allowed to participate in other after school activities such as baseball, soccer, theatre, etc. Practices and Rehearsals need to be discussed on an individual basis to ensure that appropriate measures are being taken for a positive performance. However, the Parade/Pep Terms does involve a degree of leniency. However, to remain an “Active” member he/she is only required to participate in the minimum amount of parades and pep band events as stated above.

PART TIME: A “Part Time” Member is defined as the following:

e.  Students who only participate for ONE Term will only be considered a “Part Time” member.

f.  Students who only participate in the Competitive Term will be considered a “Part Time” member.

g.  Students who only participate in the Parade/Pep Band Term will be considered a “Part Time” member.

h.  Part time Members will NOT be eligible to Letter or attend an Over Night Event.


1.  Band Camp is Mandatory for all those who are enrolled in the Marching Band. Please refer to attached schedule.

2.  *NEW* Band Camp make-up days will be scheduled for those who are unable to attend due to family and job situations

3.  Verbal communication with a parent or guardian is required if any portion of Band Camp is to be missed; such as events and vacations planned prior to the scheduling of summer band camp.

4.  Notification of student absences need to be discussed and agreed upon by the last week of school so that certain arrangements can be made if need be.

5.  Students are asked to eat a healthy breakfast the mornings of band camp.

6.  Students are also asked to drink plenty of fluids both the day before and morning of band practice. Hydration is very important.

7.  Students will need to bring a healthy bagged lunch. Students will not be allowed to leave campus for lunch (even if they live in walking distance). However, parents are welcome to bring food to their child.

8.  As a gesture-of-good faith students with their driver’s license will be allowed to leave and pick-up lunch. For students under the age of 18, this will require a note from a guardian stating that they are allowed to do so.

9.  Friends will NOT be allowed to ride along. No matter what!!!!

II.  Materials Needed for Rehearsal


It is normal human nature to get upset and impatient from time to time. However, we must realize that as a band, we are all in this together. We have to work with each other. Encourage one another and help each other out when a student is struggling.


It is extremely difficult to march properly in flip-flops, crocs, high heels, or anything other than tennis shoes. You will not be allowed to march bare-footed. This is for your safety.


Students need to bring water. Gatorade is good also. It is very important that each student stays hydrated when outside. We do NOT encourage students drinking sodas or any beverages that contain high amounts of sugar. We will have means of providing students with water during breaks.


For students who have fair skin and burn easily in the sun, it is suggested need to bring sunscreen.


Please protect yourself from the sun!


Yes, it may be hot, but students must maintain a sense of dignity during marching band practice and follow school dress code. Light colored t-shirts and dark shorts or recommended.


III.  Rehearsal Expectations and Procedures

Appropriate behavior is an essential element in creating, developing, and maintaining a successful marching band program and learning environment. Students will be expected to display a serious level of interest, respect for their peers and director, and integrity of the York Preparatory Academy Band Program.

*In addition, students must follow school policies as well.

*Any changes made to the handbook will be noted and communicated to both the parents and students immediately.



2.  Excessive talking, disruptive behavior, and playing out of turn will NOT be tolerated. Disruptive behavior includes playing without being instructed to, causing other students to lack focus and attention, laughing, talking, and making fun of others.

3.  Cell phones and electronic devices will NOT be allowed during rehearsal on and off the field, ESPECIALLY during a performance. Students will be given water and rest breaks in which they may tend to their electronic “needs.”

4.  Students will respect and understand others strengths, weaknesses, and playing abilities.

5.  Food, drinks and candy are not allowed in the band room unless given to by a director. WATER IS OK! Students will be allowed to eat snacks outside during their breaks. Students must clean up their trash. Please rinse your mouth out before playing.

6.  Students caught eating or drinking while playing a school instrument may and can receive a referral for damaging school property. Sugar and food can create chemical reactions in the instrument, causing severe damages over a course of time. This also poses a health risk.

7.  Students are responsible for keeping up and maintaining the items issued to them. See Uniforms.

8.  Students are required to take care of any instrument or school owned equipment. Students will be financially responsible for deliberate misuse of a school owned instrument. See Instrument Usage Agreement.

9.  Students are not allowed to handle another student’s instrument. It is encouraged that students do not let others handle their instrument even with consent. Respect others property.

10.  Wind players (trumpet, flute, clarinet, etc.) are not allowed to touch any percussion instrument (piano also) unless instructed to by the director. This includes siblings.

11.  Students are not allowed in any cabinets, storage room, office or closets without permission.

12.  Students are not allowed to run in the band room or throw objects.

13.  Students are asked to remain seated during indoor rehearsal and stationary during their drill placement for outdoor rehearsals unless instructed otherwise.

14.  All instruments are to be placed in their appropriate areas of storage LATCHED and OFF THE FLOOR!

15.  Music is to be placed in its designated area.

16.  All trash will be picked up off the floor of the band room and from outside.


Students and sections will be given many opportunities to earn rewards throughout the marching season. Such rewards may be presented in the form of free time and/or small tokens of appreciation.

Students may earn rewards as an ensemble, section or individually by

1.  Reaching performance goals

2.  Being on time and prepared for rehearsal

3.  Being attentive and focused during rehearsal


1.  Students are to report DIRECTLY to the band room immediately when school is dismissed. Students are NOT allowed to roam the halls. Students caught loitering in the hall will be subject to administration intervention.

2.  Students need to use the restroom, get water, send texts, and make phone calls prior to rehearsal.

3.  Percussion and students in the Front Ensemble need to immediately start taking equipment to the field.

4.  Students who are part of the field crew (Water, Electrical, Markers, etc.) are also required to start setup immediately upon arrival to rehearsal.

5.  Students need to come to rehearsal on time with all materials (tennis shoes, water bottle, instrument, music, pencils, and instrument accessories, etc.)

6.  When outside, students are to be in their BLOCK formation at exactly 3:30. Here, attendance will be taken by section leaders and drum majors. During inside rehearsal, students are expected to be in their assigned seat at 3:30.

7.  3:30 -3:45: PT/Stretching

8.  Front Ensemble and Percussion has until 3:45 to be set up and ready to perform.

9.  If you need a reed, valve oil, and/or music, please report to the BAND CAPTAIN or ADJUTANT prior to rehearsal.

10.  All members of the side-line percussion are responsible for ALL the side-line percussion equipment, and must help each other setting up and breaking down.

11.  When inside, wind players are allowed to warm up quietly. Percussion players are only allowed to warm up on practice pads (soft).

12.  Students are expected to participate, make a positive effort, and remain engaged in the learning process.

13.  Students will be dismissed in an orderly fashion.

14.  Students are expected to put all their instruments, music, trash and equipment up at the end of rehearsal in its designated area.


1.  If the Managing Director deems any afterschool activities canceled due to weather, Marching Band rehearsal will be canceled.

2.  In the case of rain, Marching Band practice will be held INDOORS.

3.  Rehearsal WILL be held OUTSIDE if there is a light mist or rain.