Call for Presenters

Laubach Literacy Ontario and Ontario Native Literacy Coalition are planning a three-day conference and AGM at Mohawk College, Hamilton, Ontario from Thursday evening, June 16 to Saturday afternoon, June 18th, 2016. The conference is being co-hosted by the Hamilton Literacy Council. See for more information about the conference venue.

We are looking for presenters to provide workshops, and invite you to submit an application based on one or more of the workshop categories listed below. If you have a presentation that does not fit into these categories, but feel it would be appropriate for this conference, please feel free to submit it for consideration.

Selection of Applications

A selection committee will be reviewing and selecting applications based on the following criteria:

  • the relevance of the topic to delegates’ needs
  • a balance of sessions that reflect the different streams/categories
  • evidence that the session will be well prepared
  • clarity and completeness of the application form

Only those applicants selected to present at the conference will be contacted.

Timelines for Submission Process
Tuesday, March 8, 2016 Call for Presenters distributed and posted on website
Wednesday, April 6, 2016 Applications due in the LLO office via email (please provide photos of presenters)

Friday, April 8, 2016 Successful applicants notified


An honorarium of $200 will be paid for each workshop session. Workshops can be repeated, if the schedule allows.

Workshops are 2 hours in length, with time allowed for workshop evaluation, and certificate distribution. If your presentation is longer than one session, the honorarium is $300.00 for a two-part and $400.00 for a three-part workshop.

There are 4 sessions:

Session 1 –Friday morning. Session 2 - Friday afternoon. Session 3 – Saturday morning. Session 4 – Saturday afternoon.

Travel& Accommodation

We are pleased to be able to offer free accommodation for one night, if you have to travel more than 100 km., but we are unable to cover travel costs. If this is a barrier to you presenting at our conference, please note this on your application, and we will contact you to see what arrangements can be made.

Workshop Presentation Categories

Note: Categories and suggested workshops from 1 – 6 are based on results of our recent training needs survey, are in order of priority, and include both Anglophone and Native Stream responses. Category 7 is specific to the Native Stream. Category 8 is from learners/students surveyed. These categories may be condensed (combined or amalgamated) in the actual conference program.

1.  Serving learners with multiple barriers

  • Learning Disabilities, advanced learning disabilities workshop (full day including stats) LP Further Learning Disability Assessment required—next steps. Non-technological strategies for those with learning disabilities.
  • Mental issues, depression, best practices for dealing with learners with mental health issues
  • Recognizing and working with mental health issues
  • No progress, memory issues
  • How to help at-risk learners

2.  Recruiting/retaining learners

  • Learner enrollment, engaging, retention, reaching target learners
  • How to make a learner’s critical first 3 weeks meaningful
  • Transitioning learners to next steps/fostering self-direction
  • Meeting needs of learners at low-level

3.  Marketing the agency

  • Marketing for students/volunteers/fundraising
  • How to market your program/networking/outreach
  • Recruiting volunteers
  • Fundraising
  • Community understanding value of our agencies.

4.  Volunteers

  • Engaging instructors, engaging tutors in OALCF/tutor quality control
  • Individual vs small group tutoring—pros and cons
  • Recruiting volunteers

5.  Culminating Tasks, Learner Gains, CaMS

  • Getting learners to do culminating tasks
  • Choosing milestones and culminating tasks
  • Assessment for all goal paths, assessing progress, MTCU tools, assessment protocol

6.  Resources (Print and online)

  • Digital Technology/Dealing with IT/iPad for admin/elearning
  • Low-level novels for learners/up to date resources

7.  Native Stream

  • Examples of successful targeted training programs/Boutique workshops
  • Learn different assessments for literacy
  • How to market your program/networking/outreach

8. Learners’ choices:

  • Computer workshops
  • Budgeting (household accounting)
  • First aid
  • Fundraising
  • Speaker from a college re further education
  • Confidence building/boosting by past students and motivation

Presenter Application

Deadline date: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

1. / Presenter Profiles
Name of Key Presenter
(contact person for this proposal)
Please provide photograph of all presenters if possible.
Mailing Address:
Postal Code:
Home Phone:
BRIEF BIO: (50 words or less)
Name of Co-Presenter:
BRIEF BIO: (50 words or less)
2. / Workshop Information
a) / Suggested Target Audience:
(check all that apply) / Administrators and Coordinators
Practitioners (including volunteer tutors)
Other Employment Service Providers
Volunteers (including Directors on Boards)
Adult Learners
Other (please specify)
b) / Workshop Categories:
(see page 2)
c) / Are you willing to present your session more than once (please circle)?
YES NO / If yes, please check your preferred sessions
Session 1 - Friday, June 17th morning
Session 2 - Friday, June 17th afternoon
Session 3 - Saturday, June 18th morning
Session 4 - Saturday, June 18th afternoon
d) / Preferred time-slot
(choose 1st and 2nd options)
Doesn’t matter / 1st Choice:
2nd Choice:
e) / Length of Workshop: If your workshop is longer than one session, please indicate # of sessions needed: / I need 2 sessions
I need 3 sessions
I need all 4 sessions
f) / Proposed Workshop Title:
g) / Workshop Description: Please provide a short summary/abstract for use in the conference brochure (max 50 words)
i) / Description of Workshop Content:
(200-300 words/ one page) / Please attach to this form. This longer description will be used to help the conference workshop selection committee.
j) / Resources that accompany the workshop:
(If these can be shared on our website after the conference, please sign your name and provide electronic versions of resources.)
Signature / 1.
3. / Teaching Supports and A/V Equipment
a) / Teaching Supports/AV Equipment:
Check all that you require:
* LLO will endeavor to make this equipment available, although some restrictions may apply. / Overhead Projector and Screen
Flip chart paper and markers
LCD projector
Internet access
Computer Lab
Indicate the A/V Equipment that you can/will bring: / Laptops
Extension cords and power bars
4. / Room Set-Up
Room Set-up Preferences:
(Choose one or more – not guaranteed)
* LLO will endeavor to make this set up available, although, some restrictions may apply. / Classroom (tables and chairs facing front)
Theatre (chairs facing front)
Movable tables and chairs
Preferred Number of Attendees in the Session: / Minimum
No preference
Travel and Accommodation (if not staying for entire conference)
If you are giving a workshop in the morning and have to travel more than 50 km, will you require LLO to provide overnight accommodation at the University and if so, please indicate. / Yes - Thursday night
Yes - Friday night
No accommodation required
If your application is accepted, and you would like to register for the full conference at the member rate of $250.00 please check off the box to the right. / Yes I would like to register for full conference!
(Another option is to do a “pick your own package” on the registration form, if you want some workshops or meals).

Submission of Application: Please send your completed application by email to:

Please attach a brief bio and photograph of each presenter for the conference brochure. Thank you!

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