Information, Advice and Support (IAS) Service
Open Monday to Friday 9.30am until 4.30pm (Term Time Only)
TheInformation, Advice and Support (IAS)Service for Windsor and Maidenheadis a statutory service.
This servicewasformerly known as the Parent Partnership Service.
The IAS Service provides impartial and confidential Information, Advice and Support to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their parents. The service covers all aspects of Education, Social Care and Health related to SEND.
A child/young person does not need a formal diagnosis, we can help if you feel there is a Special Educational Need.
The service offers information, advice and support both before and after a child or young person has begun the process for an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan and to people that receive support without a Statement or EHC Plan.
Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans – specific support
The service can talk you through the steps of the EHC Needs Assessment process and answer any questions you may have. It can also support you though the process by offering appointments to review your contributions to the EHC Needs Assessment or creating a child/young person’s profile.
We can also offer IAS around what to do if you are not satisfied with a decision made about whether to carry our an EHC Needs Assessment or decisions made during/after the assessment process. This could include supporting you in discussions with the Local Authority or taking your case to the SEND Tribunal.
Additionally we are supporting a programme of Independent Support until March 2018, together with our delivery partner Adviza.
This is a programme that can offer information and support to parents and young people going through the Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment process.
You can find out more about the Independent Support programme by clickinghere.
Who to contact
Contact Name
Jean Hobson / Ezinne Waudby/ Emma Cobbold
Contact Position
IAS Service Manager / IAS Officer / Children and Young People’s Adviser
01628 683182
IAS Service Website
Office is open Monday - Friday 09:30 - 16:30 (Term Time Only)
Where to go
Riverside Children's Centre
Riverside Children's Centre
West Dean
When is it on?
Date & Time Information
Open Monday to Friday 9.30am until 4.30pm (Term Time Only)
Time of day
Other details
Cost description
No Costs
Referral required?
Referral and availability notes
Due to the arm's length nature of our service, we prefer from parents to refer to the service themselves. We do, however, understand that some parents and young people will need help with this and ask other practitioners to provide the necessary support to complete an online contact form via our website or to send an email to us requesting support. Alternatively, a supporting professional may assist in making an initial phonecall to us.
Who can refer
Self Referral
By Parents or Family
Age Range
Children and Young People 0-25 years and their parents
Local Offer
Is your service accessible?
Our Service is based within Riverside Children's Centre which is fully accessible and has an accessible toilet.
We can also arrange to meet clients in their home or at another suitable venue if it is more convenient for them.
What are the eligibility criteria for your service?
Our Service is for any child or young person, and their parent/carer that lives within the RBWM Local Authority. If you or your child/young person attends a school within RBWM but you live elsewhere, you must contact that IAS Service for advice and support, or we can put you in touch with them.
How are referrals/applications made to your service?
As we offer a confidential service, we prefer clients to make direct contact with us.We do, however, understand that some parents and young people will need help with this and ask other practitioners to provide the necessary support to complete an online contact form via our website or to send an email to us requesting support. Alternatively, a supporting professional may assist in making an initial phonecall to us. What is your service standard for responding to referrals/accessing services?
We aim to respond to any contacts within 48 hours. Where this isn't possible we will usually contact you to explain the delay and inform you when we'll be able to respond to your query.
Who provides / funds your service?
Local Authority
Are children, young people, parents / carers charged for your service?
Feedback and complaints procedure
Complaints should be passed forward to the team manager (Jean Hobson) in the first instance. If this isn't possible, complaints should be submitted via the customer contact centre.
Local Offer Age Bands
0-5, 5-11, 11-16, 16-25, Parents and Carers
Supporting people with
· Autism
· Behavioural, emotional, social difficulties
· Hearing impairment
· Medical needs
· Moderate learning difficulties
· Physical disabilities
· Profound and multiple learning difficulties
· Severe learning difficulties
· Specific learning difficulties
· Speech, language communication needs
· Visual Impairment