Simple Sentences

Simple Sentence (S)

Has a subject, a verb, and makes sense

Ex: The paint dripped from the ceiling.

Simple sentence with a compound subject (SCS)

Has multiple subjects connected by a conjunction that share one verb.

Ex: The heavy wind and rain blasted the island.

Simple sentence with a compound verb (SCV)

Has multiple verbs connected by a conjunction that share one subject.

Ex: The kids smiled and laughed at the circus clowns.

Compound Sentences (CD)

Two independent clauses joined by a comma and a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS) or by a semicolon(;)

Coordinating Conjunctions
F / for
A / and
N / nor
B / but
O / or
Y / yet
S / so

Ex: The children ran into the house, and the rain started.

Ex: The children ran into the house; the rain started.

Subordinating Conjunctions
(just a few)
after / even though / unless
although / if / until
as / in order that / when
as if / since / whenever
as long as / so that / where
as soon as / than / wherever
because / that / while
before / though

Complex Sentence (CX)

an independent clause joined with a dependent clause by a subordinating conjunction

Ex: I finished the assignment before the bell rang.

Ex: Before the bell rang, I finished the assignment.

Sentence Vocabulary

Dependent clause - a group of words that contains a subject, verb, and subordinating conjunction

while the children played

Independent clause - a group of words that contains a subject and a verb without using a subordinating conjunction

the puppies rolled in the grass

Appositives tell more about a noun. Look for commas to set it apart from the rest of the sentence.

My mother met Coach Adams, my gym teacher, last night.

Prepositional phrases can be used as adverbs to tell when, where, or how something happened. They begin with a preposition and end with a noun or pronoun. Find the prepositional phrases in the sentence below.

After school, we went to the store.

To Answer MCT2 Questions About Sentence Structure:


Prepositional Phrase

Dependent Clause (DC)

Independent Clause (IC)

Complex Sentence (CX)

Compound Sentence (CD)

Simple Sentence (S)

Compound Subject Sentence (SCS)

Compound Predicate/Verb Sentence (SCV)


1. Trash the (prepositional phrase).

2. Circle:

·  the subordinating conjunction (complex sentence)

·  FANBOYS with a comma (compound sentence)

·  Semicolons (compound sentence)

·  2 commas (compound subject/predicate or an appositive)

3. Label the subject(s) and predicate(s)/verb(s).