Content LectureHealth Promotion (Titles on slides in b o l d

  • Title pagePage with info on author
  • IntroductionWhat does Epidemiology have to do with Health Education and Promotion?

Learning Objectives

Students will have e widened (improved??)knowledge base about health promotion

Performance Objectives

Students will have an instrument for decision taking and/or opinion building

Students will be able to find support via the Internet when setting up amultidisciplinary project

Theoretical foundations

Book Nr. 1: Health Promotion Planning, an educational and environmental approach

Content of the book (as link)

The most important features (short text)

Theoretical foundations

Book Nr. 2: Theory in a nutshell

Content of the book (as link)

The most important features (short text)

Health Promotion to reinforce Primary Health Care

Basic principles for Health Promotion interventions (text and chart):

Development (Pretest and Revision)

Monitoring and Assessment
Review and Replanning

Health Promotion to reinforce Primary Health Care

Example of a communication plan (as link)

  • From theory to practice

Example 1: School-based health education (paper, as link)

  • From theory to practice

Example 2: IEC Family Health (project description, link to shared)

  • From theory to practice

Example 3: AIDS prevention in Germany (short text.then link)

  • Task sheet

Links: Stakeholders in Health Promotion (short text with recommended links)

The Bretton Woods Family

International Union of Health Promotion

The following slides willhave a map with the geographical distribution, according to WHO, maybe a DOWN UNDER MAP?

Links: Stakeholders in Health Promotion

African Region map on slide( e.g. Frankophon Africa,Dakar,University Ibadan,South Africa,Ghana,Bamako,Tanzania, Amref, Cafs)

Links: Stakeholders in Health Promotion

American Region (Canada and USA, Latin America)

Links: Stakeholders in Health Promotion

Eastern Mediterranian Region (Cyprus, Iran, Marokko, Tunsesien, Gulf states)

Links: Stakeholders in Health Promotion

European Region

Links: Stakeholders in Health Promotion

South East Asian Region (Bangla,Nepal,India,

Links: Stakeholders in Health Promotion

Western Pacific Region (Australien, Japan, Neuseeland)


1)the two books I refer to, are not available in the internet:is it okay to refer to them ?

2)under European region i have the option to add one page with only german links (I collected quite a few): is this oakay?

3)Regarding the map with the regions: any idea on an internet souce from your side?