Mesopotamian Blue Print

The emperor, Sargon, has “requested” your assistance in the development of his empire. Sargon wishes to create a new city along the banks of the Euphrates River or the Tigris River. He has created a contest in the hopes of finding the best architects and designers forthe year 2300 BCE. The winner of the contest will become the official architect of the emperor……..gaining wealth and glory!


  1. Draw and Label a blueprint showing features of a Sumerian city-state and society. Your blueprint must include the following:
  1. The name of the city
  2. The river the city is located by = Euphrates or Tigris River
  3. Urban and Rural areas. 2 examples for Urban. 2 examples for Rural.
  4. Examples: Buildings, homes, temples, palaces, markets, farms, crops, animals, city wall, moats, palace, temple (ziggurat), etc.
  5. Introduce irrigation to the community. What adjustments are needed to provide not just agriculture, but to ensure there is a surplus of resources?
  6. Think about the irrigation system: are there canals, levees, gates, workers, animals on plows, etc.
  7. How will your city-state honor Sargon’s power and influence? 2 examples
  8. Examples: statues, palaces, special festivals, special military unit, etc.
  9. How will religion influence this new city? 2 examples
  10. Examples: priests, offerings, festivals, statues, responses to natural disasters or attack, name of the god who the city honors, etc.
  11. How is the city organized (social hierarchy & division of labor)? Who are the people in this city? How are these people improving society in the new city? 4 examples
  12. Examples: king, priests, craftspeople, merchants, traders, farmers & laborers, and slaves…, women, and children. This section would include the buildings where these people would be located (palace, temple, houses, market, etc.). Also, you would be showing the various jobs (fishermen, farmers, merchants, cleaning, learning in a school, soldiers training or on guard, etc.)
  1. After you complete the blueprint, answer the three questions below in 2 to 3 paragraphs (5-7 sentences per paragraph).
  1. What does your blueprint show about the divisions of labor in Mesopotamian city?
  2. How does the organization of the city relate to social hierarchy in Mesopotamia?
  3. Why would the irrigation systems be found where you labeled them?
  1. How do I begin?
  1. Analyze (study) a picture of a Mesopotamian city. Notice where the physical features (mountains, rivers, etc.) are located. Next, notice the location of: city walls, gates, canals, ziggurat, scribe’s school, government buildings, merchants, stores, homes, fields, etc. Why are the items in that particular location?
  2. Make your blueprint, on a large piece of paper. Follow these steps to create your blueprint.
  3. Draw the physical features first. Add the rivers, plains, hills, mountains, seas, etc.
  4. Now add the human-made features. Draw and label!
  5. Write your paragraphs on a piece of notebook paper. Use blue or black ink.

2 Points Each / Drawn / Labeled
  1. City Name
/ ______
  1. River
/ ______/ ______
  1. Urban & Rural
/ ______
______/ ______
  1. Irrigation System
/ ______/ ______
  1. Sargon’s Honor
/ ______
______/ ______
  1. Religion
/ ______
______/ ______
  1. City Organization
/ ______
______/ ______
Total Points ______/58
2 to 3 Paragraphs
______/6 / 5 to 7 Sentences per paragraph
_____/6 / Blue or Black Ink
Answer question #1.
______/8 / Answer question #2
______/8 / Answer question #3
Total Points ______/42
Overall Grade ______/99
2 Points Each / Drawn / Labeled
  1. City Name
/ ______
  1. River
/ ______/ ______
  1. Urban & Rural
/ ______
______/ ______
  1. Irrigation System
/ ______/ ______
  1. Sargon’s Honor
/ ______
______/ ______
  1. Religion
/ ______
______/ ______
  1. City Organization
/ ______
______/ ______
6 Points Each / What about Mesopotamia’s geography led to the feature? How? / Did society improve? How?
______/ ______
______/ ______
______/ ______