Club Council – Minutes of meeting held at Elston 25.1.10

Present:- Pres Ivor Walker, SVP Denis Power-Neads, JVP Malcolm Humphries, IPP David Hall, Sec Ron Woolmer. Rotarians Mike Wright, Peter Hall, Ass Sec Michael Ross Sergeant.

Apololgies:- Treasurer David Pattinson, Rotns Louise Girling, John Marshall.

Minutes of Council 23.11.09 approved.

Matters Arising

Newark Town Website – Denis pointed out only Newark Castle R.C. feature on this site and has contacted Bryan Richardson to have our Club included.

Advertiser Publicity – Peter Hall sent in copy on our Haiti Collection and a letter to the Editor thanking Waitrose/the general public for their great support. Regrettably only the report was printed as an add-on to another Haiti article and restricted to the Newark edition. However information has been provided by our Club and Castle regarding involvement with Aqua and Shelter Boxes, which, hopefully, will appear shortly in both the Advertiser and their Magazine.

Cumbrian Flood Appeal – Ron is to contact the R.C. of Cockermouth and Keswick to confirm money is still required before sending our agreed £300 donation.

Hero’s Day, 16th March 2010 – nothing further has been heard regarding our possible involvement in this event, organised by the Advertiser.

Meeting Meals –Mahes has questioned whether by paying more, a better meal could be provided. It was agreed the present food appeared to suit most members as lunch time fare having in mind the limited time available, but as Mike Wright recently announced as Meals Convenor, he would pass on any comments made to him to the Hotel management..


International & Foundation – report submitted.

Meeting postponed from 14/1 to 26/1

Shoeboxes – handed out at Christmas Lunch – Council questioned whether this project, so ably run by Bob Benbow, is now worthwhile for Rotary and more suited to schools and youth organisations.

Expenditure – cheques sent off:- 8 Aquabox Gold £640

1 Shelter Box 490

Hope & Homes 500

Schools 4 All 90

5 Aquabox Gold 400

(Anonymous Donation)

Waitrose Haiti Collection - £2217.38 – as agreed by the Club, the maximum benefit would be through Aqua/Shelter Boxes. The split would be decided on 26/1 with club Funds used to make up any shortfall – cheques to be sent off immediately.

Enkhiuzen Visit – no response yet received – further reminder sent off.

Singen Euros1000 – 2 potential projects to be discussed

R.C. of Doboj Visit, May 2010 – the Singen proposal for a joint visit was discussed. Mike suggested the political situation there has deteriorated and needs to be clarified further consideration.

Fund Raising – no minutes available.

Race Night – the initial foray is with the Norwell Village Hall organisation on 27th February. The necessary equipment is being gathered together and will require up to 6 Rotarians to run the event. Apart from promoting Rotary, we expect 1/3 30% of the net profits takings and theTote profit. Subject to its success the format could be used in other locations.

Bucket Collections – it was agreed such occasions warrant an improved “face” to portray the Club to the public. Proper enclosed buckets are to be purchased which should have computer produced wrappers detailing the cause being collected for. Fold down but stable frames are required to display relevant information to promote our Club.

To this end David Hall is to head a “Promotional Group” to which it was suggested Linda Clark and Jenny Gadsby would be invited to join, making use of their expertise.

Primary School Aquabox Project – Peter Heards efforts are resulting in considerable interest through his “Smartie Tube” initiative.

As a follow-up to this, it was suggested an ongoing “Smartie Tube” collection should be maintained for the Members, perhaps to replace the Shoebox scheme and possibly using plastic pipes.

Skittle/Fish&Chip Evening – to be held at Chattertons Alley 21st May 2010 – co-ordinator Linda Clark.

Membership & Services – minutes 8.12.09 and 16.1.10 filed.

Charter Night – to date 61 acceptances of which 52 paying. Ron to send reminders to other Clubs.

Rotary Day & Thanks for Life. – Market Place displays on Saturdays 20th & 27th February, joint with Castle. Site opposite Starbucks with Life Education teaching caravan in attendance. Nigel Holt has designed as excellent Club promotional hand-out – 500 to be printed costing £50. David Hall to provide suitable gazebo. Manning rota lists to be circulated at next Club meeting.

Community & Vocational minutes 4.1.10 filed.


Grove School Pupil – Aspbergers Syndrome sufferer - £50 towards archery equipment

William Bailey House Social Club – Collingham Senior Citizens meeting place, £100.

Schools Liaison – with the potential expansion of this initiative, consideration to be given to establish an education sub-group or even separate Community and Vocational aspects.

Know your Blood Pressure Day – 17th April – Geoff Evans has completed the preliminary work including liaising with Castle and obtaining the Buttermarket site (through Malcolm Ellison although Southwell RC are not participating this year). Ivor, Michael RS and David Buckler, are to co-ordinate arrangements for this event (with much appreciated advice from “master” Geoff)

The Stroke Association have confirmed through RIBI that they have obtained full insurance cover for all volunteers taking part on the day.

Budget 09/10 – consolidated version as submitted to Fund Raising Committee, presented.

Kids Out – liaison with Castle in hand.

Community Award – Ron has produced an excellent enhanced picture of last years presentation to Mr&Mrs Lowe in place of the “plate” replica.


Haiti Collection, Waitrose £2217.38 including £151 Wine Draw collection at the recent Club meeting.

Bank Balances Club 5521.55

Charity 9860.40

Cleo 1175.95

Wine Draw to date £ 419.20

Cleo Maheson Fund Divided Income to date 697.10


Trade Aid,” A Business in a Box”– following the excellent presentation at the last Club meeting, suggestion that suitable boxes for Haiti should be considered in 6 months time - £399 each


Rotary Week (Day) – in addition to our Market Place events, David Hall is to look into the possibility of obtaining a suitably situated empty shop window to display promotional material.

Next Meeting – Monday 22nd February, Elston

Again our thanks to Jill and Kathryn.
