CHS Band Booster Board Meeting Minutes

February 1, 2017


Scott Fields, Kelly McIniry, Tami Brennan, Alissa Mireles, Shakira Williams, Kathy Choi, J. Calip, Dina Masamoto, ElissaKuznik, Becky Sackin, Julia Bergstrom,Tricia Fairbanks, Dana Mekler, Ted Page, Peter Manzi

CHS Band Booster Board Meeting Agenda

Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m.

Treasurer’s Report:

•Kelly M. received some responses from the donation reminder emails she sent out. She’ll send out another donation reminder email soon.

•There is $33,749 cash in the bank and $1,612.59 net income to date.

•Coaches stipends are goingto increase to $1,600 a month for the next few months.

•Total drumlinecash contributions to date are $1,350. However, $2,500 was budgeted.

•Tami will send out 2016 donation letters to parents this week.

•Kelly M.made a motion to approve the current treasurer’s report. Dinasecond. Motion passed.

Director’s Report:

•The jazz band will perform with vocal singers at the “Night with the Stars” show tomorrow and on Friday.

•Musical pit auditions are coming up soon.

•Drumline is off to a good start. Their preview show is this Saturday at Great Oak High School.

•Winter guard will have classification on February 11th.

•Concert band and wind ensemble are preparing for the SCSBOA festival.

•At the CUSD meeting this month, the district will discuss funding $72,000 for new band uniforms.

•“Yes You Can”is the title of a PSA video being created by CHS performing arts groups.

5) Officer and Chair Reports

President: Nothing to report.

Exec VP:Nothing to report.

Secretary: Nothing to report.

Treasurer: Nothing to report.

VP Communications:Nothing to report.

VP Ways & Means:

•Dina sent out tax receipts for 2016 Booster Bucks orders.

•The band will receive 25% of sales from the Pizza Press restaurant night. We don’t know the total profit from that fundraiser yet.

•Jamba Juice BOGO punch card fundraiser: The band can buy these cards for $5 each and sell them for $10 each. Parents are going to check out a set of 5 cards at the March 1st pre festival concert and turn in the cards and money at the combined concert on March 15th. Mr. Manzi’s idea is that for every 5 cards sold, a student can put his/her name in a box for a prize drawing.

•The mattress sale fundraiser will be on May 20th. The mandatory athletic clearance meeting will be in April, and mattress fundraiser information with be handed out at this meeting.

•Sponsorship idea: When companies donate to the band, these company names can be advertised on the side of the big trailer.

•There will be a Project Pie restaurant night in February.

VP Publicity:Position still open. Nothing to report.

VP Uniforms:Nothing to report.

VP Transportation:Nothing to report.

VP Guard:

•There was a parent meeting in January to plan the April guard show. The committee for the guard show was formed. All main positions (programs, concessions, hospitality, check in, loading/unloading) were filled by guard moms. Bella sharedher booklet of job descriptions.

•Guard show program ads: Student groups will go out in to the community on Friday, February 17th to sell program ads. Flyers have been created with pricing information.

•There are enough parent volunteers to sew the winter guard show backdrops

VP Drumline:

•Drumline is going to rent a truck from Enterprise in Vista for each competition. The truck gets 300 free miles with each rental.

VP Travel: Nothing to report.

Freshman/New Parent Liaison: Nothing to report.

Hospitality:Nothing to report.

Standing Members: Nothing to report.

Gift Wrap Chair: Nothing to report.

Banquet Chair:

•Hunter Steakhouse will cater the banquet.

Alumni Chair: Nothing to report.

6) Old Business: Nothing to report.

7) New Business:

•There is a small price increase to the final Chicago trip cost due to a lower number of participants going on the trip.

•The next booster board meeting will be on Wednesday, March 8th at P.F. Changs because there is arestaurant fundraiser there on that date.

Meeting adjourned at 8:11p.m.