Approved Check Pilot (ACP) / Advanced Qualification Program(AQP) Evaluator Bulletin No. 02/17


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  1. ‘PPC ValidTo’ Date on the Flight Test Report - Pilot Proficiency Check (i.e., Forms 26-0249 and 26-0279);
  2. Scripted PPCs; and
  3. ACP Forms.


  1. The purpose of this bulletin is to provideinstructions on filling in the ‘PPC ValidTo’ data field on Flight Test Report- Pilot Proficiency Check (i.e., forms 26-0249 and 26-0279) currently in circulation.
  2. This bulletin also providesinformation on the applicability and location of Scripted PPC guidance previously contained in chapter six of the ACP Manual (9th edition).
  3. Finally, this bulletin introduces the ACP Forms link found on the Transport CanadaApproved Check Pilot / Advanced Qualification Programswebsite.


  1. The Approved Check Pilot and Advance Qualification Program(s) are evolving both in policy and administratively. Efforts to incorporate better use of Transport Canada’s on-line services (e.g., on-line form completion and submission) and Transport Canada’s documentation framework are reflected in changes associated with the ACP Manual (10th edition).

A.‘PPC ValidTo’ Date on the Flight Test Report - Pilot Proficiency Check (i.e., Forms 26-0249 and 26-0279)

  1. Current versions of the Flight Test Report - Pilot Proficiency Check (i.e., forms 26-0249 and 26-0279) do not contain computer scannable dots allowing a date beyond December 2019 to be specified. This is most significant with respect to the ‘PPC Valid To’ data field.
  2. ACPs and AQP Evaluators should do the following when using flight test report forms currently in circulation:Write the ‘PPC Valid To’ date in the space provide and do not fill in any computer scannable dots. An example follows:

  1. Updated forms have been developed and are being readied for circulation at this time.

B.Scripted PPC Guidance

  1. Information on Scripted PPCs previously contained in Chapter 6 of the ACP Manual (9th Edition) was removed in the 10th edition. This guidance is being updated and will be provided by way of a dedicated Advisory Circular consistent with Transport Canada’s documentation framework.
  2. Until an Advisory Circular is produced, the contents of Chapter 6 of the ACP Manual (9th Edition) remain applicable and can be found at the following link:
  1. The requirement to develop Scripted PPCs was recently queried. The following statement is provided in Transport Canada Staff Instruction (SI) 700-02, Issue 01, RDIMS No. 4189414-V9 titled Approved Check Pilot Monitoring Procedures:

“The ACP’s script, if applicable, follows all guidelines outlined in Section 6.0 of the ACP Manual. The use of a scripted PPC is mandatory for all CAR 705 PPCs conducted in a simulator. Although not required, CAR 703 and 704 ACPs are encouraged to use scripts for PPCs conducted in a simulator.”

C. ACP Forms

  1. The Transport Canada Approved Check Pilot / Advanced Qualification Programs website now contains a link titled ACP Forms.
  2. Two forms (i.e., ACP Application Form and Schedule of Flight Checks) previously available in the ACP Manual (9th Edition) are now available via the ACP Forms link on the Transport Canada Approved Check Pilot / Advanced Qualification Programs website.
  3. Additional forms will be provided in the future.


Matthew Dillon

ACP Program Coordinator

Flight Crew Training, Evaluation and Examinations (AARTFE)

(613) 9901015


/// signed by ///


Deborah Martin


Commercial Flight Standards (AARTF)

(613) 990-1055