Full name:UWAYEZU Beatrice

Nationality: Rwandese
DOB: 12.25.1971
Marital status: Married
Mob.:Tel +(250)0785445829
E-Mail:: /


  • IFORD (Institut de Formation et de Recherches Démographiques – Yaoundé Cameroun) 2007-2009; Master Professionnel en Démographie;
  • Kigali Independent University: 2002-2004 Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Population studies, Bachelor degree in demography;
  • NUR ( National University of Rwanda) 1991-1994: Faculty of Agronomy, A1 in Agronomy;

Other professional trainings undertaken

  • February 2013: Training on Population projections using Demproj
  • December 2012: Training on Censuses tabulation using IMPS and Cents
  • October 2012 : Training on Fertility, childhood and general mortality estimation
  • Dec 2011 : Training of the use of CsPro
  • May – june 2010: Techniques quantitatives de base utilisées en planification de l’éducation,organized by UNESCO
  • May 2010: Evidence Based Decision Making in Education, organized by the WB, Accra-Ghana
  • April 2009 Training in IMIS “ Integrated Management Information System” using REDATAM +SP, orgaised by IFORD, Yaoundé -Cameroun
  • August – September 2004: Acquérir les competences d’une assistante organized by IMA Lomé - Togo
  • December 2002: Ms excel organized by RIAM

Publications made:

-The strengths and weaknesses of secondary sources of demographic data in Rwanda, Dissertation presented for obtaining the Bachelor degree in Population Studies, Kigali December 2004,

-Explanatory factors of non utilization of moderns contraceptive Methods among women in union: Dissertation presented for obtaining the Master's degree in population studies; Yaoundé, September 2009

-Situational analysis of reproductive health and family planning in East Africacase of Rwanda; An article made for the CAFS November 2010

-Unmet needs among youth in family planning: evolution and determinants, the case of Rwanda: A presentation made during the workshop on“Jeunes d’Afrique: enjeux demographiques, defis sociaux et potential pour le developpement’’; Yaoundé, November 2012

Working experience:

  • March 2011 till date: Principal Statistician in charge of Population Censuses at NISR
  • My responsibilities include:
  • To participate in the planning and organization of population census;
  • To participate in the preparation of the Division Annual Work Program, Budget and Annual Report;
  • To ensure that all statistics from census are produced and published in a timely manner according to deadlines;
  • To ensure that all census activities are executed and done in a timely manner according to deadlines;
  • To ensure that the division undertakes sound monitoring and evaluation of all population census activities;
  • Coordinate the preparation of the advocacy documents for population censuses;
  • To identify and manage a sound Development Program for the Division;
  • To coordinate the production of a methodological report of the population census.
  • 2010-2011: Monitoring and Evaluation Expert/ Sixth Joint Programme between UNFPA and the Government of Rwanda
  • My responsibilities included:
  • Ensure that MDGs, Population indicators are well monitored and aligned with the ICPD goals and recommendations as well as EDPRS and UNDAF indicators 2008-2012;
  • Guide the establishment of population programme M&E systems including ensuring its proper functioning;
  • Based on the UNFPA monitoring Guidelines, oversee and monitor the 6th country programme and the Population program in particular implementation using the Annual Work Plans for the 6th programme, Common Operational Document (COD), UNFPA Country Programme (CPD) and well defined performance indicators, baseline and targets;
  • Provide regular monitoring feedback and reporting system to the management along with the necessary recommendations and action plan of programme and projects performance;
  • Collect and compile the implementing partners progress reports
  • Create and update a database on population issues, as well as MDGs’ indicators in the country including updates on progress of the 6th Country Programme activities;
  • Assist relevant programme implementing partners in establishing monitoring and evaluation systems and plan, while ensuring that population, RH and Gender issues are well integrated in development planning process;
  • Liaise with the UNFPA M&E Programme Officer on monitoring Population activites perform other emerging M&E functions as need arises;
  • Conduct regular field visit for program monitoring, supportive supervision and guidance to the districts staff. .
  • Guide and assist the staff as well as all impelenting partners in preparing their progress reports in accordance with approved reporting formats and ensure timely submission to MINECOFIN and UNFPA.
  • Assure a timily mandatory report availability (Quaterly technical and financial report, Mid term review report and annual progress report ) using the standard report format approved by UNFPA;
  • Assist the MINECOFIN in the publication of the Population bulletin by writing articles, making follow-up of the publication;
  • Provide support to NISR in updating population related data to assist in tracking progress of MDGs, EDPRS, UNDAF and Vision 2020;
  • Organize (and provide) refresher training in M&E for project and implementing partner staff,
  • Plan for regular meetings to identify lessons learned and implications for the project’s next steps
  • 1995-2007: Ministry of Education

I occupied various positions in the Ministry of education:

2006-2007: In charge of education Information Management System

2003-2006: administrative assistant to the Minister

2002-2003: administrative assistant to the Minister of State

2000-2002: administrative assistant to the Permanent Secretary

1996-2000: inspector on utilization of funds and foodstuffs allocated to schools

1995-1996: Teacher at Lycée de Kigali

Computer skills: Word, Excel, Access, Power point, SPSS, STATA, CsPro,Spectrum, Ms project, internet navigation.

Language skills:

-English: Good

-French: Excellent

-Kinyarwanda: Mother tongue


  1. Dr Agnes NTIBANYURWA ,

Assistant Representative
Population and Development


Phone : 0788750917

  1. Prosper MUTIJIMA

Coordinator of the PHC Project


Phone: 0788500112

  1. Dr Jeanne d’Arc MUJAWAMARIYA

Phone: 0788306629

I hereby certify that the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge.

Done at Kigali 27thMay 2013

Beatrice UWAYEZU