DEPARTMENT OF …………………………………………


1.  a. Name of the Department :………………………………………….…………………

b. Year of establishment :……………………………………………………..………

2. Head of the Department :……………………………………………………………..

3. Details of academic staff :………………………………………………………………

No. / Name of the teacher / Designation (Professor/Associate Prof./Asst. Professor / Full Time/
Contractual / Sex
Female) / Caste (Gen/ SC/ ST/OBC /DA / Citation index

4. Course(s)/Programme offered :

5. Special Branches in the Department/Centre :

6. New Academic Programme initiated during the period under report :

7. Innovation in Curricular design :

8. Inter disciplinary Programme started :

9. Department/Centre under : SAP/COSSIST(ASSIST)/DST/FIST:

10. Total number of Research Scholar working at present :

a) Full Time: / b) Part time:

11. Enrolment of Students in various courses (April 2016- March 2017) :

Courses / Sem / Intake
Capacity / No.
Admitted / S.C. / S.T(P) / S.T.(H) / OBC/MOBC / Differently abled
M / F / T / M / F / T / M / F / T / M / F / T / M / F / T / M / F / T

12. Teacher-Student and Teacher- Non-teaching staff Ratio :

No. of Teacher / No. of student / No. of Non-teaching staff
Teacher/Student Ratio / Teacher-Non-teaching Staff Ratio

13. Final Examination result during the session 2016-17:

(a) No. Appeared

Subject / Total
Appeared / S.C. / S.T(P) / S.T.(H) / OBC/MOBC / Differently abled
M / F / T / M / F / T / M / F / T / M / F / T / M / F / T / M / F / T

(b) No. Passed

Subject / Total
Passed / S.C. / S.T(P) / S.T.(H) / OBC/MOBC / Differently abled
M / F / T / M / F / T / M / F / T / M / F / T / M / F / T / M / F / T

14. Details of Ph.D. awarded (2016-17):

Name of the Ph.D. Scholars / Title of the Ph.D. thesis / Guide

15. Number of students qualified in :

NET(JRF) / NET / SLET / GATE / Any others

16. Important students’ activities and achievements and awards during the period (Please state briefly)

17. Seminar/Summer School/Workshop conducted during the period 2016-17:

Sl.No. / Name of the
Coordinator / Name of the Seminar/Summer School/ Workshop/ Refresher Course / Date / Sponsorship

18.Honours/Awards/Fellowship (with National/International repute) earned by the Faculty members (2016-17) :

Name of the Faculty / Name of the Award/Fellowship / Conferring agency

19.Visit abroad by the Faculty members (2016-17) :

Name of the Faculty / Institute visited / Purpose / Period

20.(a) Sponsored Research Project (2016-17):

Name of the Principal Investigator / Title of the Project / Funding Agency / Duration / Amount(Rs.)

(b) Patent Generated:

Sl No. / Name of the Faculty / Patent Generated / Remarks

21. Academic distinction earned by the students during (2016-17):

Sl.No. / Name of Examination/Programme / Name of the student / Position held

22. Distinguish visitors to the Department during the period 2016-17:

Name of visitors / Address & Designation / Purpose of visit

23.  Creation /Increase in infrastructural facilities in the Department/Centre during the period 2016-17:

24.  Provisions for (a) computer access (b) internet access and (c) training to teachers, non-teaching staff and students of the Department/Centre:

25.  Technology up gradation in the Department/Centre during the period 2016-17:

26.  Linkages developed with National/International/Academic/Research Bodies :

27.  Academic activities of Faculty members during the period of report (2016-17):

a) Seminar/Conferences/ Workshops attended/presented paper by the faculty during the period :

Name of the faculty(s) / No. of Seminar / No. of Workshops

b) Name of the teacher(s) acted as resource person(s) during the period (state briefly)

c) Refresher Course/ Orientation Course attended by the teachers during the period :

Name of the faculty / Refresher Course / Orientation Course

d) Details of paper published in the Referred journals during the period :

Name of the faculty / Title of the paper / Name of the journal with Vol. No. & Date

e) Paper published in other journals during the period (only those considered for API Score).

Name of the faculty / Title of the paper / Name of the Journals with Vol. No. & Date

f) Details of book published during the period :

Name of the faculty / Title of the Book(s) / Date of publications

28.  Placement record during the period (Please state briefly):

29.  Placement services provided to students by the Department/Centre, if any:

30. Is there any Student Counseling Unit in the Department/Centre ? If yes state activities during the period

under report.

31. Departmental Library :

a) / No. of Books as on 31.03.2017
b) / New Books procured during the period
c) / No. of Journals as on 31.03.2017
d) / New Journals procured during the period
e) / No. of users during the period :

32.Departmental publications :

33.Activities and support from the Alumni Association of the Department/Centre :

34.Activities and support from the Parent-Teacher Associations if any :

35.Involvement in Community services :

36.Provision for financial aid to students in the Department/Centre, if any:

37.Provision for student assessment of teachers. If such provisions exist, the courses in which student assessment is obtained and action taken on this feedback may please be stated.

38.Information on up to five Good Practices followed by the Department/Centre:

39.Detail the plans of the Department/Centre/Institute for the next year :

Head, Dept. of ………………………………………