AUSD – Agenda Message – Meeting of August 11, 2005 9
10365 Keller Avenue, Riverside, CA 92505
Thursday, August 11, 2005, 5:30 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER – 5:30 p.m.
CLOSED SESSION – 5:31 p.m.
1. Student Disciplinary Actions
a. Expulsion Case #2005-06-01 and 02
b. Rescind Enforcement of Expulsion Case #2004-05-56
2. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release
a. Certificated
b. Classified
c. Management
3. Public Employee Appointments
a. High School Assistant Principal
b. Elementary School Assistant Principal
c. Child Nutrition Center Manager
4. Public Employee Evaluation
a. Superintendent
5. Conference with Labor Negotiator
Agency Negotiator: Suzanne M. Pickup
Employee Organizations:
a. Alvord Educators Association
b. California School Employees Association, Chapter 339
6. Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation [Pursuant to Government Code 54956.9(a)]
a. Guerrero v. Alvord Unified School District
7. Conference with Real Property Negotiators
a. Property: Tyler Street/Keller Avenue – APN #147-050-017-3
Agency Negotiators: Paul Jessup, Superintendent, and Wendel Tucker, Assistant Superintendent
Negotiating Party: Juanita Watt
Under Negotiations: Terms and Negotiation of Purchase Agreement
1. Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. – President Mike McKelroy
2. Establishment of Quorum: A quorum is expected with Mr. Mike McKelroy, Mr. K.R. Zack Earp, Mr. Ben Johnson II, Mr. Greg Kraft, and Mr. José Luis Pérez in attendance.
3. Pledge of Allegiance: Board, staff and audience.
4. Special Recognitions:
a. Student of the Month:
Twinhill Elementary School is proud to recognize Diana Flores as the Alvord Unified School District Student of the Month for August 2005.
Diana has attended Twinhill Elementary School since kindergarten. When she first entered school, she did not speak a word of English. However, by the end of the school year, not only was she speaking English, but she was also reading and writing in English. Her academic success has continued throughout her school career at Twinhill.
Diana is now ten years old and in fifth grade. Her teachers have commented that she is cooperative and responsible. Her teachers have also noted that she has outstanding leadership qualities and excellent achievement. Diana is an outstanding student with strong character and a positive attitude toward learning. In her spare time, Diana enjoys playing with friends and skating. She also loves going to the movies.
Diana has a desire to learn and is motivated to study and do well. Mrs. Floes stated that when Diana saw the fifth grade students receive the President’s Award for Excellence last year, she set a goal to study and do her best to receive that same award. She is well on her way to achieving that goal.
It is a great pleasure to honor Diana Flores as the Alvord Unified School District Student of the Month for August 2005.
b. Certificated Employee of the Month:
Twinhill Elementary School is honored to recognize Colleen Mehegan as the Alvord Unified School District Certificated Employee of the Month for August 2005.
Colleen is an exceptional teacher who deserves recognition for her outstanding service to the students and teachers. Colleen’s contributions as a teacher have been exemplary. She is an inspirational teacher who creates a warm, caring relationship with each student and maintains high expectations for performance and behavior, which students meet with great success. She is highly skilled in motivating the students and consistently reinforcing positive behavior. Whenever you visit her classroom you observe the students’ joy and enthusiasm for learning.
Colleen has been teaching for twenty-five years, twenty-three of those years have been with Alvord. During her career, Colleen has made a positive impact on her colleagues. It is easy to see why she has been recognized as the Teacher of the Year on four separate occasions and honored in the Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers for four years.
It is a great pleasure to honor Colleen Mehegan as the Alvord Unified School District Certificated Employee of the Month for August 2005.
Sara Logan will report on current activities and accomplishments at Twinhill Elementary School.
This item is placed on the Agenda so that members of the audience have an opportunity to speak regarding subjects or concerns that do not appear on the Agenda. The chair reserves the right to limit speaking time to five minutes. Government Code Section 54954.2 and Education Code Section 35145.5 prohibit the Board of Education from discussing or acting upon matters not on the Agenda.
5. Consent Agenda:
Your Superintendent recommends approval of Consent Agenda items 5.a. – 5.qq.
Board/Superintendent Items
a. Approve Minutes: Board approval is requested for the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of July 14, 2005.
b. Accept Gifts:
1) Orrenmaa PTA donated $6,000.00 to Orrenmaa Elementary School for student enrichment.
2) Eduardo Casillas donated $30.00 to Norte Vista High School through Edison International’s Matching Gift Program.
3) Orange County Teachers Federal Credit Union donated $500.00 to Norte Vista High School’s ASB.
Fiscal Services Items
c. Accept Warrants:
Warrant Dates Warrant Register Amount
7/1/05 / 14203802-14003804 / $320,628.987/6/05 / 14205089-14205131 / 290,307.13
7/7/05 / 14206747-14206802 / 425,580.35
7/8/05 / 14207477-14207491 / 198,029.26
7/11/05 / 14208293-14208319 / 185,187.45
7/12/05 / 14210069-14210102 / 492,739.70
7/13/05 / 14211466-14211501 / 392,060.54
7/14/05 / 14213045-14213098 / 280,170.82
7/15/05 / 14214111-14214160 / 77,794.54
7/18/05 / 14214970-14214985 / 67,250.56
7/19/05 / 14216165-14216177 / 68,832.91
7/20/05 / 14217420-14217449 / 289,584.88
7/22/05 / 14220235-14220271 / 214,736.15
7/25/05 / 14221069-14221154 / 92,168.71
7/26/05 / 14221977-14221999 / 167,139.25
Total: / $3,562,211.23
d. Adopt Resolution No. 5 – Revise 2005-2006 Budget – General Fund/Unrestricted: Board approval is requested for adoption of Resolution No. 5 revising the 2005-2006 General Fund/Unrestricted budget.
Fiscal Impact: $1,591,353.00 Increase (General Fund/Unrestricted)
e. Approve Transfer of Revenue – 2005-2006 General Fund: Board approval is requested for the transfer of revenue from the 2005-2006 Unrestricted General Fund budget to meet the State required 3% Routine Restricted Maintenance Fund.
Fiscal Impact: $578,151.00 (Decrease Contingency – General Fund/Unrestricted)
f. Approve Transfer of Appropriations – 2005-2006 General Fund: Board approval is requested for the transfer of appropriations to the 2005-2006 General Fund budget to adjust estimated expenditures for furniture and equipment at Villegas Middle School additions.
Fiscal Impact: $179,000.00 (Decrease Contingency – General Fund)
Instructional Support Services Items
g. Approve Overnight Trip to the Thousand Pines Outdoor Science Camp – McAuliffe Elementary School: Board approval is requested for ninety students and ten chaperones to attend the Thousand Pines Outdoor School in Crestline, California on November 8-11, 2005.
Fiscal Impact: $15,660.00 (Student Fundraisers)
h. Approve Overnight Trip to the United Spirit Association (USA) Cheer Camp – Norte Vista High School: Board approval is requested for thirteen students and one chaperone to attend the United Spirit Association (USA) Cheer Camp on August 15-18, 2005, at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Fiscal Impact: $4,700.00 (ASB Funds)
i. Approve Agreement with the Orange County Superintendent of Schools – Inside the Outdoors Field Program: Board approval is requested of the agreement with Orange County Superintendent of Schools for Collett, Rosemary Kennedy and Twinhill elementary schools to participate in the Inside the Outdoors Field Program on October 13 and November 17, 2005, November 15 and December 13, 2005, and October 18 and October 21, 2005, respectively, at Irvine Regional Park.
Fiscal Impact: None
j. Approve Governor’s Performance Award Funding Proposal – McAuliffe Elementary School: Board approval is requested for McAuliffe Elementary School’s Governor’s Performance Award Funding Proposal.
Fiscal Impact: $18,655.00 (Categorical – Governor’s Performance Award Funding)
k. Approve Norte Vista High School’s Request for Seven Minimum Days: Board approval is requested for seven minimum days at Norte Vista High School for the 2005-2006 school year.
Fiscal Impact: None
l. Approve Agreement with Interquest Detection Canines of San Diego: Board approval is requested for an agreement between Interquest Detection Canines of San Diego and Alvord Unified School District to provide substance awareness and detection services from August 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.
Fiscal Impact: $8,100.00 (General Fund)
m. Approve Agreement with Eagle Software – Aeries Browser Interface (ABI) Training: Board approval is requested for an agreement between Eagle Software and Alvord Unified School District to provide training on the Aeries Browser Interface (ABI) posting attendance, grades and gradebook on August 24 and 25 for the elementary schools.
Fiscal Impact: $2,400.00 (General Fund)
n. Approve Agreement for Consultant Services for Band Instruction Services – La Sierra High School: Board approval is requested for consultant services between Enrique Uribe, Lisa Dean, Mark Alpizar, Rudy Arzaga, Pancho Torres, Carl Nelson, Katie McNamee, and Alvord Unified School District to provide student band instruction for the 2005-2006 school year.
Fiscal Impact: $15,600.00 (School Discretionary Funds to be reimbursed by Band Booster Funds)
o. Approve Agreement for Consultant Services – Mary Gee: Board approval is requested for consultant services between Mary Gee and Alvord Unified School District to provide a one-day training on the classroom management program “I Can Do It!” as part of the New Teacher Orientation on August 22, 2005.
Fiscal Impact: Not to exceed $351.65 (General Fund)
p. Approve Revised Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Contract No. C-6243: Board approval is requested for a revised agreement with the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools for Gina Pierson, ROP Computer Information Systems Instructor, to provide instructional services at La Sierra High School from September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.
Fiscal Impact: Not to exceed $12,240.83 (La Sierra Business Academy Fund)
q. Approve Work-Study Agreement – University of California, Riverside: Board approval is requested for an agreement between University of California, Riverside and Alvord Unified School District to provide K-12 math and reading tutors for selected programs for the 2005-2006 school year.
Fiscal Impact: Not to exceed $10,000.00 (Before/After School Programs; General Fund)
r. Accept A+ For Energy Grant – La Sierra High School: Board approval is requested to accept the A+ For Energy Grant for La Sierra High School.
Fiscal Impact: $10,000.00 Revenue
s. Redesignate Loma Vista Middle School from Title I Targeted Assistance to Schoolwide Title I Program: Board approval is requested to redesignate Loma Vista Middle School to Schoolwide Title I program from a Targeted Assistance program.
Fiscal Impact: None
t. Approve Second Amendment to Memorandum of Understanding with County of Riverside Mental Health: Board approval is requested to approve the Second Amendment to Memorandum of Understanding with Riverside County Mental Health to fund Project Connect.
Fiscal Impact: Not to exceed $63,797.00 for 2004-2005 and $60,599.00 for 2005-2006 (Revenue)
u. Adopt K-5 Health and Fitness Textbooks: Board approval is requested for adoption of the K-5 Health and Fitness textbooks.
Fiscal Impact: $59,116.88 (Categorical – Instructional Materials Funding Realignment Program)
v. Adopt the Algebra I Textbook: Board approval is requested for the adoption of the Algebra I Textbook.
Fiscal Impact: $181,687.07 (AB 2727 Williams/Instructional Materials Funding Realignment Program)
Operational Support Services Items
w. Ratify Purchase Order List Number 2-2005-2006: Board ratification is requested for Purchase Order List Number 2 Purchase Order Numbers 96835 through 97347 (Total 513); Short Form Contract Numbers 7 through 13 (Total 7); and Child Nutrition Purchase Order Numbers 5498 through 5524 (Total 27) in the amount of $1,132,524.59.
Fiscal Impact: $1,132,524.59 (Various Funds)
x. Approve Treasury Management Services Agreement and Bank –Depositor Agreement – Union Bank of California: Board approval is requested to enter into a Treasury Management Services Agreement (General Account) and Bank-Depositor Agreement (Administrative Services Only Account) with Union Bank of California.
Fiscal Impact: None
y. Approve Consultant Agreement – The Wright Group – Security Assessment: Board approval is requested for consultant services between The Wright Group and Alvord Unified School District to provide a security assessment for the District.
Fiscal Impact: Not to exceed $13,000.00 (General Fund)
z. Approve Agreement for Professional Services – Schooladvisors: Board approval is requested to enter into an agreement with Schooladvisors for professional services, effective August 1, 2005 through October 31, 2005, for facilities planning and financial hardship assistance.
Fiscal Impact: $34,500.00 (General Fund)
aa. Approve Amendment No. 2 – HMC Architects – Instructional Support Services Center: Board approval is requested for Amendment No. 2 with HMC Architects to prepare Instructional Support Services Center site design including utility connection from street and construction documents for interior improvements, adding two restrooms, five relocatables, and additional parking with disabled spaces.
Fiscal Impact: $11,800.00 (Escrow – Trust Account)
bb. Approve Agreement – HMC Architects – Design of the Alternative Education Center: Board approval is requested for an agreement with HMC Architects to redesign the current Student Services Center at Jones and Campbell to accommodate the proposed Alternative Education Center.
Fiscal Impact: $48,550.00 (Local Bond Fund)
cc. Approve Change Order – R.I.S. Contractors, Inc. – Child Nutrition Center: Board approval is requested for a change order for R.I.S. Contractors, Inc. relating to the Child Nutrition Center.
Fiscal Impact: $11,982.00 (COP)
dd. Approve Change Order – Montgomery Hardware Co. – Child Nutrition Center: Board approval is requested for a change order for Montgomery Hardware Co. related to the Child Nutrition Center.
Fiscal Impact: $2,268.00 (COP)
ee. Approve Change Order – AAA Roofing By Gene, Inc. – Child Nutrition Center: Board approval is requested for a change order for AAA Roofing by Gene, Inc. related to the Child Nutrition Center.
Fiscal Impact: $3,372.16 (COP)
ff. Approve Change Order – Continental Plumbing, Inc. – Child Nutrition Center: Board approval is requested for a change order for Continental Plumbing, Inc. relating to the Child Nutrition Center.
Fiscal Impact: Credit $73,930.00 (COP)
gg. Approve Change Order – Caston Plastering & Drywall, Inc. – Child Nutrition Center: Board approval is requested for a change order for Caston Plastering & Drywall, Inc. relating to the Child Nutrition Center.
Fiscal Impact: Credit $70.44 (COP)
hh. Approve Change Order – Queen City Glass – Child Nutrition Center: Board approval is requested for a change order for Queen City Glass relating to the Child Nutrition Center.