Draft Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Staveley with Ings Parish Council meeting held in Ings Parish Hall on Wednesday 4th April 2012 at 7.15pm (Note: these minutes are subject to confirmation at the next meeting of the council)
Councillor Mr JC Berry (Chairman)
Councillors Mrs JM Ashworth, Mr PL Harrison, Mr A Priestly, Miss A Salisbury, Mr DA Taylor, Mr AJ Wilkinson, Mr GL Wilkinson
County and District Councillor Mr SB Collins
PCSO Tom Howarth
8 electors
257/11Apologies for absence
Councillors Mr A Capstick, Mr TC Johnson and Mrs IE Rigg (all working). It was Resolved that the apologies be noted and the reasons for absence approved.
258/11Chairman’s announcements
There were no chairman’s announcements
a)Parish Council – It was Resolvedthat the Chairman be authorised to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 5th March 2012 subject to the last sentence of minute 231/11 be amended to read ….their presentation and for the excellent work of the team to maintain and improve the toilets .
b)Parish Plan Working Group –It was Resolved that the minutes of the Parish Plan Working Group meeting held on 12th March 2012 be received.
260/11Declarations of interests by members
There were no declarations of interest by members.
261/11Public participation
a)The action taken in respect of items raised at the previous meeting was noted.
b)Police matters – PCSO Tom Howarth reported that they had been little crime in the area during the recent month and that there was no pattern of offences committed. He also reported that Inspector Lathom had recently taken control of the rural policing team and was very keen on supporting rural issues. Mention was also made of the increase in fuel and metal thefts in the countryside and he urged local residents to regularly check their fuel tanks especially those sited in remote locations.
c)New items raised
i)Allotments – An elector raise issue of the future use of the Parish Allotments. It was claimed that the use of the allotments had changed over the years and concern was expressed about the possible removal of some trees to provide more growing areas. These were nice trees and provided a home for bats and other wildlife. If they were removed, this habitat would be destroyed and the increased use of the allotments could lead to further car parking problems at Fellfoot. The elector suggested that she would like to purchase some land suitable for allotment use and transfer this to the Parish Council in exchange for the current allotments.
The Chairman thanked the elector for her interest and indicated that nothing would be done until the existing allotment holders had been consulted.
Another elector explained that there was some land on Crook Road about to be sold by public auction but only a small part of it would be suitable for allotments.
In answer to a question, the Clerk explained that the Council had the power to provide allotments either by purchasing additional land or by selling the existing allotment site and using the proceeds towards the purchase of an alternative site.
It was then suggested that the formation of an allotments management committee in some form might be a better way to run the allotments than the current method
ii)Holly tree by public toilets in Abbey Square – It was reported that a holly tree had been planted adjacent to the disabled entrance to the public toilets and asked if this had Highway Authority approval. Another elector suggested that it may have been planted as part of SLDCs Community Scheme. The Clerk was asked to try and find out.
iii)PCSOs – An elector said that there was a rumour going around that the PCSOs were to be disbanded as part of the police budget cuts and did the Council know anything about this. PCSO Tom Howarth explained that no firm decision had been made on this issue. They would remain in place for the 2012/13 financial year. Whether or not there would be any changes in 2013/14 would be decided later. A new Police Commissioner would be elected in November 2012 and he/she would have to decide how the police were to be organised from 2013/14 onwards.
iv)Pot holes in Abbey Square –It was reported that twolarge potholes were developing in Abbey Square. The Clerk explained that these had already been reported on several occasions but no action had been taken. He was asked to report the matter again.
v)Signs on the highway in the parish – An elector complained that the Highway Authority had demanded the removal of some signs on the highway advertising a function in St Mary’s Church, Windermere. He felt that this was unfair as many other signs had not been treated in the same way. The Clerk explained that he currently took a relaxed view of the alleged problem at present as he felt that most of them were intended to aid local organisations and businesses which the council should be supporting. At present the Highway Authority and LDNPA remove offending signs if found and take them to the Highway Depot at Crooklands from where the owners can reclaim them if they wish. If Council wanted the Clerk to report offending signs for removal then this would have to be all signs and not just some. He also pointed out that not all the signs complained of were illegal; those put up/out by individuals and companies on their own property were generally there legally.
vi)Gap in fence by public toilets – It was reported that there was a gap in the railings on the river bank near the public toilets. The Clerk was asked to raise the matter with Cumbria Highways.
vii)Amey highways contract – County Councillor Mr SB Collins explained that the Amey Highways contract in Cumbria would come to an end on 31st March 2012 and the work would be taken back in house. There were some difficulties with the transfer but these were being addressed.
viii)Proposed SLDC bylaw – District Councillor Mr SB Collins explained that SLDC were looking at introducing a bylaw to make it illegal for people to urinate and defecate in the street. If this proceeds, there will be consultation with parishes
a) New planning applications – To consider the following new planning applications and agree any comments for submission to the Planning Authority:
7/2012/5094 High Fairbank, Ings. To create a short access track to the house across rough ground from nearby metalled road. WITHDRAWN
7/2012/5115 Fair Wood, Ings. Dining room extension. No objections, recommend approval.
7/2012/5126 The Heights, Ings. Variation of condition No 3 on approval 7/2011/5244 to include Parish of Windermere. Council strongly opposes this proposal as it is a blatant attempt to increase the sale value of the properties that were proposed and clearly shows that the developer is not interested in providing housing to meet a local need but rather to maximise his profits from the development. If Windermere were to be included in the “local needs administrative area”, it could seriously deprive local people who need accommodation within the existing administrative area from doing so. Council recommends refusal.
7/2012/5130 The Heights, Ings. Change of use of agricultural building to B1 and B2 general industrial use. Council is opposed to this proposal and recommends refusal. The redevelopment of this site was first granted as a farm diversification project. So far as the Council can determine, there has been no farm activity at the site since the first application other than that carried out by tenants of the land. Each new application at the site has moved it further away from a farm diversification scheme. This Council has opposed each application to develop the site purely for profit rather than to enable a farming business to continue at the site. Council feels strongly that this is not a suitable site for industrial activity. Such a use would increase vehicular traffic on the narrow steep country lane that serves the property; would detract from the visual amenity of this open, hilltop country area close to several footpaths and could severely reduce the availability of water to existing residents from local springs.
7/2012/5132 Greenholme, Ings. Two storey extension on the north east side of property, single storey extension to the south west/front of the property and porch to rear. No objections, recommend approval
7/2012/5138 Staveley Recreation Ground Bowling Club, The Ayland, Main Street, Staveley. Single story locker and equipment room extension. No objections, recommend approval.
7/2012/5166 13, Rawes Garth, Staveley. Subdivision of existing dwelling to form two houses. Members were concerned that this may be an overdevelopment of this fairly small site. If granted the new dwellings should have a local needs condition attached to them.
7/2012/5171 Orvieto, Windermere Road, Staveley. Proposed bedroom extension with en-suite wet room. Porch extension at front. No objections, recommend approval.
b)Planning applications determined since last meeting:
None determined.
c) Planning applications still outstanding
To note the following planning applications still awaiting a decision by the planning authority:
7/2009/5191 OS field 3700, Kentmere Road, Staveley. Alterations to field access, construction of bund and drainage works in field.
7/2009/5192 Land south of High House Farm, Ings. Erection of stables and hay/feed store 7/2011/5328 Ex Cactus Unit, Rivermill, Mill Yard, Staveley.
7/2011/5354 Brunt Knott Farm, Staveley. Small scale wind turbine.
7/2011/5705 14, Brow Lane, Staveley. Two storey extension on side of property.
7/2011/5706 Garage adjacent to Wesleyan Chapel, Church View, Staveley. Demolition of existing garage, erection of single storey dwelling for local occupancy.
7/2012/5016 The Power House, Middle Reston, Staveley. Conversion of existing outbuilding into staff accommodation.
7/2012/5033 The Studio, High Fairbank, Ings. Photovoltaic panels and shippon conversion.
7/2012/5044 Birkfield Farm, Staveley. Static caravan for use as temporary agricultural
dwelling for 3 years.
7/2012/5045 79, Main Street, Staveley. Upgrade first floor and ground floor extensions to rear of house; alter window to first floor and new window openings; modify ground floor extension, extend roof, alter and add windows (resubmission)
7/2012/5074 Oakwood, Plantation Bridge, Kendal. Change of use of ‘Oakwood’, Plantation Bridge, from mixed use as dwelling and business premises to a single dwelling
Kendal Road footway – no further developments since last meeting.
a)Income – Allotment rents £21.50
b)Payments – It was Resolved that the following accounts be paid:
Staveley Village Association – Back Room PPWG meeting 12/3/12£12.00
Ings Parish Hall – Council meeting 4/4/12£24.00
John Morris – Parish Steward work March 2012£203.24
The Clerk reported that he had arranged payment of an account from Lakes Management and Construction for repairs to footway lights in the sum of £1049.83 under Standing Order 16A. It was Resolved that the action taken by the Clerk in this case be confirmed.
265/11Letting of Poor Field
The Clerk reported that the letting to Mr M Black for 2012/13 had been confirmed. The completed grazing agreement was awaited.
Members considered the future management of the Fellfoot allotments and took into consideration the comments made by electors earlier in the meeting. It was Resolved that The Clerk should book the Back Room, Staveley Institute and invite all allotment holders to a meeting to discuss the setting up of an Allotments Management Group, mainly consisting of allotment holders; the future management and the possible improvement of the allotments, and any revisions required to the existing allotment agreements and rules.
267/11Upper Kent Local Area Partnership (LAP)
There has been no full meeting of the LAP since the last Parish Council meeting but the Chairman, together with three other LAP members has met with Keith Masser and Steve Gibson of Cumbria Highway. Various suggestions for prioritising highways works were discussed and it is expected that these will be progressed and agreed at the next LAP meeting.
The April County Circular had been circulated to members
The list of correspondence received since the last meeting was noted.
270/11Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be the Annual Parish Council Meeting on Monday 14th May 2012 in Staveley Institute immediately after the Annual Parish Meetings.