Middle East Technical University

Department of Statistics

Summer 2013-2014

STAT 291: Statistical Computing I

Instructor : Assoc. Prof. Özlem İLK DAĞ, 134, Department of Statistics

E-mail : , Phone: 210 53 26

Course WEB Page : http://www.metu.edu.tr/~oilk/s291.html

Lecture : Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 14:00-16:50 Stat. Comp. Lab.

Office Hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 17:00-17:20

Text Book : No particular text book. Portion of the lecture notes will be posted on http://lms.metu.edu.tr regularly. Please download and work through them before the class.

Reference Books:

Main reference:

·  İlk, Ö. (2011) R Yazılımına Giriş, ODTÜ Yayincilik.

Supporting references (in alphabetical order):

·  Adler, J. (2010) R in a nutshell. O'Reilly Media, Inc. California. [E-copy available at METU]

·  Biran, A. and Breiner, M. (1999) MATLAB 5 for Engineers, Addison-Wesley.

·  Martinez, W.L. and Martinez, A. R., (2002) Computational Statistics Handbook with MATLAB, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton.

·  Muenchen, R.A. (2009) R for SAS and SPSS Users. Springer Science & Business Media, NY. [E-copy available at METU]

·  Part-Enander, E. and Sjöberg, A. (1999) The MATLAB 5 Handbook, Addison-Wesley.

·  Teetor, P. (2011) R Cookbook. O'Reilly Media, Inc. California. [E-copy available at METU]

·  Teetor, P. (2011) 25 recipes for getting started with R. O'Reilly Media, Inc. California. [E-copy available at METU]

Course Content:


·  Introduction: installing; preliminaries; basic commands; getting help; saving, storing, retrieving work

·  Fundamental operations: mathematical operators; arrays and matrices; loops; data input and output; random number generation; data manipulation; subsetting the data set

·  Writing our own functions


·  Descriptive statistics: e.g. graphical representation of data; measures of central tendency; measures of dispersion

·  Statistical inference: estimation; assumption checking; hypothesis testing

·  Regression analysis

·  Analysis of variance

Computing: We will use R and MATLAB.

2 Midterm Exams : 30 pts each
Final Exam : 40 pts

Students who miss only one of the exams can take a make-up exam if they have a valid reason and a supporting document. The makeup exam will be comprehensive and shortly after the final exam. Students who miss one of the exams and make-up will receive an NA grade. Makeup exam will not be similar to the exam that student missed. There are no resit exams during summer school.

Do’s and Don’ts:

·  You are expected to attend all classes and exams.

·  No matter what the situation is, I have ZERO tolerance for plagiarizing (cheating). If one chooses to copy others’ work, s\he chooses grade over learning and is unfair to her\his classmates. There will be legal consequences.

·  Please do not have last minute requests. Especially, don’t try to contact me right before exams.

·  Please respect my schedule. For discussions and questions, come during my office hours.

·  Check your emails, online system & course web page frequently. I may contact you via these sources on subjects concerning class.

·  Please don’t place any calls to my cell or home phones.