Please Return To:
Educator Programs
Keystone Science School
1053 Soda Ridge Rd.
Keystone CO 80435
Phone: 970-513-5833 Sponsor: TBD - Denver Metro Area
Key Issues Institute
2014 Application for Sponsorship
Due by Monday, April 28, 2014
Teachers will be notified at the end of June if sponsorships are available.
Please indicate your session preference by marking first and second choice.
*All Institutes held in Silverthorne, Colorado*
Session II: July 8-13 Session III: July 15-20
First Name Last Name
(Please write your name as you prefer it to appear on a nametag – not your entire formal name)
School Name
School Address
City State Zip Cell Phone
School Phone and ext.
School Email Alternate/summer email
Current Teaching Position (grade level AND subject area)
Short Answer Questions: please answer below or on additional sheet(s) of paper
1. Have you previously addressed environmental topics with your students? In what ways?
2. Regarding environmental topics, do you feel you are adequately supported in terms of curriculum availability and necessary equipment (labs, technology, professional network)?
3. It is expected that attendees will share the Key Issues experience with their funder. Are you willing to communicate with your funder about your Key Issues experience? Will you work with your funder to publicize this sponsorship/experience? How will you offer your funder tangible feedback on student outcomes, once you implement the Key Issues curriculum?
4. If you use social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blog) would you be willing to utilize social media to talk about your experience at KSS?
5. Would you be willing to talk to the media in your area about your experience at KSS?
Upon completion of Key Issues Institute, participants are asked to implement an issue investigation with their students, to conduct one in-service training, and to provide feedback to Keystone Science School. Participants must have the support of their school administrator to attend Key Issues and to implement the above in the following year.
Please submit this application to: Educator Programs,
A letter of endorsement from your school administrator must be submitted with this application.
Questions? Contact Educator Programs at Keystone Science School.
Email: or phone: 970.513.5833