ACCOUNTING I – Academy Flasza K
ACCOUNTING I – ACADEMYJamestown Community College – BUS 1410 – Accounting Fundamentals
“Accounting is the language of Business”
8081 / TERM Year 2013-2014 / 1 credit/40 weeks
Mr. Flasza / PIONEER HIGH SCHOOL / Business
Prerequisite: 11th grade student in the Academy of Finance
Ext. 1250 / / Please do not hesitate to ask for extra help if you need it. Check with teacher for availability during the school day.
By appointment with teacher after school or Help Center after school.
The first year accounting course provides a thorough background in the basic accounting procedures used to operate a business. Students will have a basic understanding of accounting procedures-payroll records, basic debits and credits, cash and special journals, worksheets, adjusting and closing entries, financial statements and checking accounts. Students will complete an accounting simulation to process accounts receivable, payroll, and transactions specific to a service business.
· Classify accounts as assets, liabilities, owners’ equity, revenue, and expenses.
· Analyze how transactions related to starting a merchandising business organized as a partnership affect accounts in the accounting equation.
· Analyze the changes that affect owners’ equity for a merchandising business organized as a partnership in an accounting equation.
· Verify the equality of debits and credits for each transaction.
· Identify accounting concepts and practices related to recording transactions in a general, sales, cash payments, cash receipts, and purchases journal.
· Prepare a chart of accounts for a merchandising business organized as a partnership.
· Analyze purchases, sales, cash payments, and cash receipts transactions for a merchandising business.
· Total, rule, and prove the purchases, sales, cash payments, and cash receipts journal.
· Post amounts from the general, sales, cash payments, cash receipts, and purchases journal to the general ledger.
· Open accounts in the accounts payable and accounts receivable ledger.
· Prepare a schedule of accounts payable and accounts receivable.
· Prepare business papers related to using a checking account.
· Reconcile a bank statement.
· Replenish a petty cash fund.
· Record transactions related to using a checking account and a petty cash fund.
· Write and endorse checks.
· Identify and record bank service charges.
· Compute employee earnings and deductions.
· Complete payroll records and prepare payroll checks.
· Analyze, journalize, and post payroll transactions.
· Plan adjustments for supplies, prepaid insurance, and merchandise inventory.
· Complete a work sheet.
· Identify selected procedures for finding ad correcting errors in accounting records.
· Prepare an income statement for a merchandising business organized as a partnership.
· Analyze an income statement using component percentages.
· Prepare a distribution of net income statement for a merchandising business organized as a partnership.
· Prepare an owners’ equity statement for a merchandising business organized as a partnership.
· Prepare a balance sheet for a merchandising business organized as a partnership.
· Record adjusting entries for a merchandising business organized as a partnership.
· Record closing entries for a merchandising business organized as a partnership.
· Prepare a post-closing trial balance for a partnership organized as a partnership.
Textbook: Century 21Accounting General Journal 9th Edition
Workbook: Century 21 Accounting General Journal
Teacher Webpage: Click High School then Teacher Tab
Required Supplies: Students must have a folder with pockets and mechanical pencil (preferred) or pencil with them for every class. Textbooks and workbooks will be assigned to students. Calculators will be provided and calculators on other electronic devices will not be acceptable. You will not be allowed to share calculators on tests!
Academic Honesty: The Pioneer Central High School policy will be adhered to in all cases of academic misconduct. Plagiarism is a serious offense. All work is expected to be your own, original undertaking. Using another’s work, with or without their permission and attempting to pass it off as your own is never permitted and will be severely penalized. (Consequences for academic dishonesty will be given consistent with the Code of Conduct)
Cheating: Obtaining or giving work to another student constitutes cheating. Both the giver and receiver will receive a 0 on that assignment and no extra credit will be assigned. Further penalties may also be applied based on the situation.
Statement Regarding Student Conduct: Preparing to become a graduate of Pioneer involves more than academic preparation in the classroom. Every day you need to demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviors that are consistent with our Code of Conduct. All adults in our school will be watching to see that you are developing appropriate behavior and will provide you with feedback on your journey toward becoming world-class citizens.
Class Attendance and Active Participation: Required
It is your responsibility to obtain all class notes and materials if and when you are absent from class. If you are legally absent from class, you are to complete any missed work within TWO days after returning to school or you will receive a 0 for that assignment (see the instructor if you are absent for an extended period of time). If you are illegally absent from class, you will need to speak with the instructor (the day you return) so that they may review the circumstances with you.
Homework that is one day late is given a 10% penalty. Homework that is over a day late will not be accepted but the instructor will review the work so that you can see and learn from your mistakes.
Student Submissions of required work: Class Assignments, Quizzes, Workbook Assignments, Reinforcement Activity 1--Parts A & B, Reinforcement Activity Part 2-- Parts A & B, Tests, SLO Test, & NOCTI Test.
Other: In late May/June, you will be taking the NOCTI – Accounting – Basic Test. NOCTI is a leading provider of high-quality occupational competency assessment products and services to secondary and post-secondary educational institutions in the United States and around the world. NOCTI student assessments are categorized as “Job Ready" assessments. Job Ready assessments measure the skills of an entry-level worker or an individual who has completed course work in a secondary or post-secondary career and technical program. NOCTI assessments allow students to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and talents within their chosen occupational program and NOCTI’s score reports provide valuable data for program improvement and accountability requirements.
Student (Job Ready) assessments are developed using business and industry standards and include both multiple choice and performance components. More information will be for coming.
Assignments will be graded frequently. Grades will be based on:
For the first three grading quarters:
Tests – 40% - Tests are given after each chapter/unit.
Quizzes – 10% - Quizzes will be given weekly (on the last day of each week unless otherwise noted). The lowest two quiz grades will be dropped (at the end of the quarter). If you are absent on the day of the quiz, that quiz will be one of your dropped quizzes for the quarter. There are no make-up quizzes.
4th Quarter SLO Post-Test—10% of quarter grade.
Homework: 50% - Homework is due at the beginning of the next class period unless otherwise noted. Frequently, class time will be given to start the assignment. Classwork is to be done in class. If I find you are not doing the required work, your grade will reflect this. Thus, the overall grade for all assignments includes timeliness (handing assignments in on time), completeness, neatness, preparation, and correctness.
All grades are posted on Power Schools via the Internet.
MAJOR LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND PROJECTS (there may be more or less assignments given at the teacher’s discretion):
Date / Topic / Due Date (if possible)
1st Quarter / Friday Quizzes
Class Assignments
Workbook Activities / Weekly
2nd Quarter / Friday Quizzes
Class Assignments
Workbook Activities / Weekly
3rd Quarter / Friday Quizzes
Class Assignments
Workbook Activities / Weekly
4th Quarter / Friday Quizzes
Class Assignments
Workbook Activities
SLO Post-Test / Weekly
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
All students taking a business course are automatically eligible to become members of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA).
FBLA students at Pioneer operate the school store and can attend District, State, and National conferences where they compete with students from other schools in various business skills and topics.
In addition, active FBLA members receive up to an extra 2 points on their final grade each quarter.
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