Academic Senate President’s Report
January 11-27, 2010
January 11—Cabinet
Discussed the Hanford and Tulare campus plans. Will need over 500 FTES and an administrator on site to apply for center status for Hanford in a year.
At the administrative retreat, it was agreed that there would be Exec Cabinet after regular Cabinet. Steve LeMar and the Senate President will leave the meeting at that point in the agenda when personnel issues are discussed.
Kay McClenney, the Executive Director of the CLASS Initiative
will visit on March 8 and 9.
A community college delegation from China will visit this semester.
We are applying for a SEED grant that would bring 38 students from Latin America to COS to study for two year.
We discussed the APs that are before Senate today.
January 11—Board meeting
The contract was rejected. No discussion.
I invited the Board to our two service awards ceremonies:
April 12 from 3-4 in Room 1 to honor adjunct faculty that have taught at COS for 10, 20, 30 and 40 years.
May 10th from 3-4 in Room 1 to honor full-time tenure track faculty who have taught at COS for 10, 20 and 30 years.
I also invited the Board to our last Senate meeting (May 12) for the awarding of tenure certificates and the reading of resolutions honoring retiring faculty.
I discussed the charrette process we would be following for convocation.
Lastly, I alerted the Board to the Accrediting Commission’s expectation regarding the completion of the assessment cycle by 2012. I added that this is the Senate’s top priority for this semester.
Kristen gave an interesting report about how donations really need to be tracked.
January 15—California Tomorrow Giant Dream Task Force
See handout and flow chart
January 26—College Council
We will not hire a VP to replace Rod Frese. The position will become the Dean of Administrative Services and Leangela Garcia is being appointed to the position. Savings--$117,000
There are 5 slots left for the On Course workshop. See Margaret Lindstrand. Dates are Feb. 4 -6.
Other items
We have a new logo.
Senate is now charged for copies. Please print your own and bring to the meeting
Provost hiring committee:
Josh Geist
Lisa Loewen
Jeff Basham
Program Review Committee:
James McDonald
Senate release time for Fall includes .1 for Honors Coordinator. The chairs of committee A, B and C will be cut by half.