Manifest Destiny Study Guide
- What is Manifest Destiny?
- Where did the industrial revolution originate? Who brought it to the United States?
- Describe the assembly line. How good of quality were the products?
- What did the Monroe Doctrine say? What was it in response to?
- Why was the election of 1824 referred to as the corrupt bargain? What happened?
- When did Andrew Jackson become president? What was the Indian Removal Act? Why was this act passed? Where were the Native Americans relocated during it?
- When did most people go on the Oregon Trail? How many people left? What was the device called that they traveled in? What were the people hoping for?
- What was a jumping off point? What was the most famous one? What was the toughest part of the journey west?
- Who was the leader at the Battle of the Alamo? What was the outcome (how many fought on each side)?
- Where did Mexico see as the border of Texas and Mexico? Where did the U.S. think this border was? Why did President Polk send the army to the Rio Grande?
- Though the Texans lost the Battle of the Alamo, how was this significant battle?
- Who was the first leader of the Mormons? Why did they go west and where did they settle? Who led them west?
- Describe what the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was. What were the 3 parts?
- Describe the War of 1812 and the outcome of the war. Who was the President?
- How did the U.S. get the Louisiana Territory?
- What were the 3 main goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition?
- How were pioneer women regarded in the west?
- Who was the Vaquero?
- What were the 3 parts of the Missouri Compromise?
- How did the U.S get the Oregon Territory?
- Why did Texas rebel against Mexico? Who was the dictator of Mexico?
- What was the role of Chinese people in the west? How were they seen?
- Who was the Donner party?
- Who were the 49ers?
- Why did African Americans look to go west?
- What type of industry did the first industrial revolution focus on?
- Define the term Toll
- When the US did not want to make Missouri a slave state, some southern states threatened to secede. What does this term mean?
- Canals were made during the industrial revolution. What is a canal?
- Why was Andrew Jackson referred to as “the people’s president”? What was the spoils system?