Welcome Back To School!
September 7, 2016
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Welcome back to a new school year! We have much to review in the next few days and I ask that you read through this note with your child to familiarize him/her with our routines as well.
I enjoyed meeting and talking with you at Open House! I never have enough time with each family it seems, but I do my best to answer all of your questions and have highlighted some areas below which are very important. Your Back-to-School Folder will also answer many of your questions. I’m very excited to begin this school year!
· The Bus Back-Pack Tag should stay on for the year. It is a helpful tool to make sure your child returns home to you safely each day. J
· Snack – Each child should bring a healthy snack daily. Students are welcome to bring a reusable water bottle as well to keep on desks. We do have a nut allergy. Students may bring peanut snacks though as accommodations have been made for these students in the room and at lunch (as well as their teacher who is also allergic to nuts!) L
· Supplies – I appreciate your purchasing school supplies to help us out in the classroom. We will use most the very first week of school.
· Book bags – Please bring to school daily and check nightly. Good study habits are encouraged from the first day of school.
· Discipline – Appropriate and respectful behavior in keeping with the school plan is expected. All children have a right to learn in an environment conducive to learning. Stafford County Schools has asked for a parent agreement form to be signed and returned in the white folder. We have a weekly check system as well for all students.
· Scholastic News – Each child is asked to donate $8.00 for his/her subscription to this magazine. The children have enjoyed it very much in the past and samples are on the board. Please make checks payable to Scholastic. We will receive an issue every week of the year.
· Volunteer Sign-ups – A request sheet for a variety of volunteer opportunities will come home soon. I generally like to wait a few weeks before asking for class help though. Thanks so much and I can be reached at or 658-6340.
Thanks so much,
Mrs. Carr