Meeting Minutes

Department of Art & Design

1: 30 PM, Thursday, August 31, 2017

Whitewater University Technology Park – Innovation Center

Present: Bronson (Dept. Chair) , Eastlick, Faris, Flanagan, Frame, Handzlik, Hubbard, Ince, Janovec, Johnson, Kaminski, Kim, Lind, Luedke, Meier, Messer, Miller, Prange, White, Wilk, Zhang, Willsey.

Absent: Carpenter, Ferrella, Haller, and Prange

Excused: Melton, Porcaro, Wadhwa.

Meeting started at 12:57pm and adjourned at 2:02pm.

  1. Introductions – Professor Bronson introduced himself and gave his history at the UWW campus.
  2. Announcements:
  3. Next meeting Monday, September 11, 12:00 – 12:50, CA 2059. Plan on meeting 12:00 12:50, on Monday for the foreseeable future.
  4. Key control, missing key to CA 2057/2058 – Bethann informed Professor Bronson where the key is kept.
  5. Personnel: R. Melton and G. Wadhwa on leave
  6. Lab assistants are responsible for cleaning computer lab screens, keyboards and desk surfaces. A checklist chart has been created and place in all 3 computer labs (2048, 2051, 2059)
  7. Studios and classrooms are controlled by the college and department. Requests for changes of these teaching spaces will be submitted in writing for approval by the dean’s office or department chair.
  8. Lab fee expenditures must be limited to the takeaway product.
  1. Spring 2018, course schedule – Due date is September 12th – Professor Bronson and Dan Kim will be working on this and submit it to Associate Dean Mertens.
  1. Committee assignments – a revised list will be amended and distributed.
  1. Peer evaluations for academic staff
  1. 5th year reviews for Frame & Miller – Purple Books due on Monday, September 11th
  1. Advising - Dan Kim was thanked for his 9 year role as Assistant Chair and will continue his role as department advisor.
  1. Schuh visiting artist committee – Kaminski, LaMuro, Melton and Johnson
  1. College Connections program on Tuesday, September 05.
  1. Other new business – Dale Kaminski has provided the Lab Mod Form, which can completed and emailed to him. These requests have to be completed by October 7th to be considered. Mike Flanagan stated the Crossman Gallery website has been updated with future shows. Max White thanked Maggie Wilsey and Erica Meier for the assistance with the Print Lab Modification. Deborah Wilk – Milwaukee Show, Teri Frame – Florida Show, Xiao – California Show at Sanford University.

Next meeting Monday, September 11, 12:00 – 12:50, CA 2059.

Items for near-future meetings:

·  Assistant Department Chair

·  Department chair recruitment

·  Documents of Intent, F2F meetings with chair