ECEAP Site Visit Checklist For Licensed Sites
Date of Site Visit / Click here to enter a date. /Contractor / Subcontractor Name: If applicable:
Site Information: / Site Name: / Street address / City / County Zip code
Classroom Observed: / Site Contact Person (person at the facility responsible for operations): / Name
Names of classroom staff: / Lead teacher / Assistant teacher / Family support staff / Health Advocate
Preschool models offered at this site:
☐Part day
☐Full School Day
☐Extended Day / Site is in which elementary school catchment area: / Site is within an elementary school? ☐Yes ☐ No
- If yes, name of elementary school:
- Is this a full-day kindergarten site? ☐Yes ☐ No
Does this site have a published EA rating?
☐Yes ☐ No
If yes, rated level:
Class start date: / Number of children enrolled in the class (ECEAP and non-ECEAP):
Number of ECEAP Children
Number of non-ECEAP children / Names of DEL staff conducting the visit:
Choose an item.
Choose an item. / Other info:
Contract or Performance Standard Number / Standard to be met / Notes
D-13 Infectious Disease Prevention / ☐ Follow universal precautions for prevention of transmission of blood borne pathogens.
☐ If bathrooms are outside of classroom, note plan for supervision and maintaining ratio during group and individual child toileting. / ☐Yes ☐ No
D-14Food Sanitation / ☐ Describe where food is prepared (including any in-class snacks or food experiences.
☐ Use food service gloves or utensils to avoid bare hand contact with food.
☐ Ensure that staff who are ill do not work in or around food preparation or service areas
☐ Ensure careful supervision of children when helping with food preparation. / ☐Yes ☐ No
D-15 Meals and Snacks / Enter the menu for the meal served. / ☐Yes ☐ No
Enter the menu for the meal served
D-15 Meals and Snacks / PART DAY
☐Part day models offering less than three hours: breakfast or lunch provided.
☐Additional snack or meal if round trip transportation times exceeds one hour.
☐Part day models with three or more hours must provide breakfast or lunch, and provide a snack.
Full School Day models must provide:
☐ one meal and two snacks or
☐ two meals and one snack
☐Extended Day models open less than nine hours must provide:
☐ one meal and two snacks or
☐ two meals and one snack
☐ Extended Day models open over nine hours must provide
☐ two meals and two snacks or
☐ one meal and three snacks / ☐Yes ☐ No
Check the requirement with the posted classroom schedule
Contract Nutrition and Physical activity / ☐ Staff support children’s play and learning by promoting children’s active play and participating in children’s active games when appropriate.
Have a planned curriculum that includes:
☐ Use of media only for educational purposes or physical activity and never during meals. / ☐Yes ☐ No
E-2 Materials and Equipment / ☐ Reflect the diversity found in society—including gender, age, language and abilities—while being respectful of the cultural traditions, values, and beliefs of enrolled families.
☐ Are free from religious representations. / ☐Yes ☐ No
E-3 Daily Schedule: / ☐Part Day classrooms: Included a large block of free choice time, at least 45 minutes (Time free choice)
☐ Full School Day and Extended Day classrooms: Include two blocks of free choice time, at least 45 minutes each. These must be scheduled when the majority of children are in class with at least one opportunity in the morning and one in the afternoon
☐ During free choice, children initiate their own activities and engage in play-based learning
☐Included meals or snacks with children and adults practicing family-style meal skills, such as serving themselves and cooperating with others.
☐ Tooth-brushing following one meal or snack daily.
☐ Full School Day and Extended Day sites- Daily Schedule included a minimum of 30 minutes of outdoor play each day. / ☐Yes ☐ No
SOW 9.1 DEL approved, comprehensive research-based curricula. / Evidence of the implementation of the chosen curricula
Creative Curriculum® for Preschool Daily Practice Resources (check seen use of resources)
- Creates and discusses web of investigations for the study topic
- Creates, posts, and/or reviews “What we do we know?” and “What do we want to find out” charts
- Posts and discusses the question the day
- Uses Intentional Teaching CardsTMwith a small group of children
- Uses Mighty Minutes to facilitate learning during transitions (songs, chants, and rhymes found on cards)
- Uses Book Discussion CardsTMto introduce the book for read-aloud (discusses vocabulary, comments and ask questions during read-alouds)
The parts of the daily routine include time for teachers to provide:
- Daily time available for children to make plans or indicate their plans to adults.
- Conduct and participate in children’s activities
- Provide time for children to review their day with adults.
E-4 Curriculum practices were culturally relevant, including: / ☐ Supports ongoing development of each child's home language, while helping each child learn English
☐ Includes and demonstrates respect for diverse family structures and cultures
☐ Focuses on the daily life of families in the community, rather than only on holidays, celebrations, or people far away
☐ Does not plan religious activities in the curriculum (this does not preclude children or families from sharing their traditions) / ☐Yes ☐ No
E-7 Staff support children’s play and learning by: / ☐Noticing and responding to teachable moments. / ☐Yes ☐ No
Document evidence of any of the following prohibited activities:If seen you must document / ☐ Corporal punishment,
☐ Holding, grabbing, or moving the child in an aggressive manner
☐ Verbal abuse,
☐ The use of a physical restraint method injurious to the child or any closed or locked time-out room.
☐ Using or withholding food or liquids as punishment or reward. / ☐Yes ☐ No
G-10 Required Postings / ☐Daily Classroom Routine
☐ Emergency medical and disaster procedures for medical, dental and poison treatment
☐ Current food worker card for at least one person in the room.
☐Child allergies and special dietary restrictions, if applicable / ☐Yes ☐ No