Audience: A general mixture of 9-12 grade boys and girls.
Instructional Goals: I want my students to better recognize the voices and mannerisms of the leaders of the LDS church. I would like them to recognize simple facts, birth place, family life, etc. and the sound of his voice.
Timeline: Once class period 80-90 minutes.
Procedure: I love the open/sharing materials we have been shown. I’ve only been teaching now for 9 years but I wish I had seen this 10 years ago. I have a fairly distinct teaching style and love to modify what my co-workers are doing to fit my personality and needs and so having all of these extra ideas to start my own thought processes working is marvelous! I really enjoy seeing what other teachers have done and then being able to modify without going through the tedious and painful process of securing permission and keeping a file of written yes/no letters. has become one of my favorites. I love the specificity of the search engine at the beginning of the web page and how quickly things are brought up and accessible. Even in my field of religious education, I have found useful helps for specific lessons and great ideas for building my own lessons and units.
Another site that could be very helpful is The man that set this up has put together a bucket load of short video clips to teach just about everything you can imagine. I found the main page a bit long and tedious for the eyes but if you know exactly what you are looking for it wouldn’t be nearly as monotonous; where I was just browsing, it seemed a bit lame. I also had a bit of trouble accessing the videos from my laptop but I think that is due to the filters, not the site itself.
Instructional Architect was by far my favorite. I enjoyed building projects on the site because it was simple and straightforward. I had great luck with the search engine, it seemed a hair slower than others but the results were fantastic. And I was very impressed with the sheer number of projects that were available. I will go back to this site often.
Lesson: For my specific lesson, I have set up a web page based on some ideas that I got from other teachers. What I have done is taken all of the prominent leaders of the LDS church and found a sound archive with a short clip of each of their voices. For the lesson, I will give some clues as to who each man is, birthplace, height, other distinguishing features, etc. and use the voice clips as well, and then get my students to guess who he may be. On some of the men I will have them write the answer down on their own sheet of paper, for others I will have them work in a group, and for others we’ll work as a class. The goal is to make these men more pleasant to listen to during talks and conferences because the students feel they know them on a more personal basis. We will go through each of the 15 men and then I will also have a short biography on each of them for the students to work with. Because there are 15 men to know, I will assign each student, or pair of students depending on the class size, one of the bio’s and he/she will take 5 minutes to read and understand the content and then present to the class about this particular man. In this way we hear their voices, learn loads of little things about them, and then hear our classmates also teach about the man.
Technology used: I will be using a home-built webpage with audio clips, picture visuals, and a project modified from an idea that I found on the Instructional Architect. The benefit of having the additional technology goes without saying. To hear the voices and see the pictures and learn about details that have to do with that particular face and voice will cover just about all of the learning styles and will therefore be very beneficial. It wasn’t too difficult to set up the lesson and will yield huge benefits.
Here is a link to the web page and the project I will use. It is under the scripture mastery helps subheading and then section 1.