Performance and Development Summary 2016
Completed Summary to be submitted to supervisor by April 4, 2016
Name: Hire Date: Supervisor:
Employee Performance and Development Summary:
1. List your most significant accomplishments or contributions since last year. How do these achievements align with the objectives/standards outlined in your previous review and the overall School goals?
2. Since the last review, have you successfully performed any new tasks or additional duties outside the scope of your regular responsibilities as outlined in your job description? If so, please specify.
3. What activities have you initiated, or actively participated in, in an effort to encourage camaraderie and teamwork within your group and/or office? What was the result?
4. To which of the following factors would you attribute your professional development since last year: seminars/classes (specify if self-directed or required by your supervisor), onsite training, peer training, management coaching or mentoring, on-the-job experience, better exposure to challenging projects, other -- please describe.
5. What are some opportunities for improvement (personally and organizationally)?
6. Name any other individuals, besides your current supervisor, who you feel could provide input towards your review.
Employee 2017 Objectives/Standards:
Please list three to five major Professional Development, Performance or Project-related objectives/standards you would like to accomplish in the next year. These can include part of longer objective/standards. The objectives/standards you establish for yourself will be used as a tool for you and your supervisor to gauge your performance against the supervisor’s expectations. There should be agreement regarding the content of the objectives/standards and they should be updated or revised if your key responsibilities change.
Examples of Objectives:
Professional Development Objectives focus on the employee’s career growth. Examples include: on-the-job training, self-study programs (i.e., books or web-based training) or external opportunities such as taking job-related courses, serving on committees, membership in professional organizations, etc.
Performance Objectives are intended to help employees improve personal aspects of their performance or behavior/conduct. Examples of task oriented Performance objectives are improving computer proficiency, time management or writing skills. Or the employee can focus on correcting behavioral problems that negatively impact group morale, job performance or job satisfaction. Examples of such goals are developing conflict resolution or stress reduction techniques, building collaborative co-worker relationships, or reducing incidents of absenteeism or chronic tardiness. As with Professional Development objectives, effective Performance Objectives are well defined, measurable and clearly related to specific job related outcomes.
Project Objectives are specific assignments to participate in or manage ongoing or future projects. Again, they must be well defined, measurable and clearly related to specific job related outcomes.
Performance Standards. While the list of Major Job Duties tells the employee what is to be done, performance standards provide the employee with specific performance expectations for each major duty. They are the observable behaviors and actions which explain how the job is to be done, plus the results that are expected for satisfactory job performance. They tell the employee what a good job looks like. The purpose of performance standards is to communicate expectations. Some supervisors prefer to make them as specific as possible, and some prefer to use them as talking points with the specificity defined in the discussion. Performance standards are: 1) based on the position, not the individual; 2) observable, specific indicators of success; 3) meaningful, reasonable and attainable; 4) describe "fully satisfactory" performance once trained; 5) expressed in terms of Quantity, Quality, Timeliness, Cost, Safety, or Outcomes.
Specific objectives/standards / New orOngoing? / Proposed Start/ End Date / Step-by-step Action Plan for Implementation Including Any Anticipated Obstacles / Specific Outcomes Results/Benefits to be Achieved
Signature of Employee Signature of Supervisor
Date ______Date ______