Gowanbank Primary School Newsletter
May 2016
Dear Parents / Carers
Thank you to all parents who have come into the school to help with the delivery of STEM week. We are so lucky to have such involved parents/carers and we thank you so much for taking the time to add to our children’s learning experiences. Thanks also to the many parents who have volunteered as parent helpers over the last few weeks, accompanying classes on school outings. We appreciate all of your support.
Scottish Parliamentary Elections Thursday May 5th 2016.
The school will be closed to children on this date. Teachers will attend an in-service day in school.
European Union Referendum Thursday 23rd June 2016
The school will be closed to pupils for this. Teachers will receive in-service training that day.
We are continuing to make good progress in raising attainment in reading as part of the school’s Scottish Attainment Challenge work. Research to support raising attainment in children has proven that a child’s learning improves when their parents are supportive of their education at home and work in positive partnership with the school.
I thank all those parents who are involving themselves with their child’s learning targets. This term this will be extended beyond reading to include Writing and Maths targets. Further advice on this can also be found on the parent zone website (link below)
New School Building
Work on the new Gowanbank Campus continues well. I attended a meeting of all establishment heads as well as representatives from City Building just before the Spring Break. There are plans afoot to establish a working group of representatives of each Parent Council members.
Parents Evening Wednesday 26th May 3.30-6.30
The second parents evening will take place in school on the above date.
The interviews will, again, be held in one assembly room, although this time, to create more space as requested by parents , we will meet in the gym hall. Samples of your child’s work will be made available to you and you will receive the Pupil Progress Report from the class teacher.
Summer Fayre 14th June 2016
We will host another Summer Fayre on the afternoon of the above date. We will be happy to receive any donations of soft toys, games, bric a brac, etc... from now onwards.
Nearer the time we will accept donations of more perishable goods.
This is an excellent fundraising activity for the school and helps to pay for all extra teats, trips and parties the school receives no funding for.
Monday 23rd May Hillpark P7 Maths Challenge (four P7 pupils to represent Gowanbank)
Wednesday 25thMay Parents Evening in school gym hall 3.30-6.30.
Thursday May 26th–Non Uniform Day (£1 donation to school funds)
Thursday 26th May Sponsored Aerobics. Whole school fundraiser
Thursday 26th May and Wednesday 1st June 2016 P1 Induction Days in school, 2.00-2.45.
Week Beginning 30th May - Rookie Rock stars in school. Details to follow.
Health Week Week Beginning 13th June including Sports Day 17th June
School summer trip Monday 20th June. Ayr Beach.
P7 leavers’ night out Thursday 16th June 2016
P7 leavers’ assembly Wednesday 22nd June 2016
HOLIDAYS 2015 - 2016
School closed Monday 2 May 2016 (May Day Holiday)
School closed Thursday 5 May 2016 for staff In Service Day
School closed Fri 27 May 2016 & Monday 30 May 2016 (May Weekend)
School closes Fri 24 June 2016 at 1.00pm (Summer Break)
Parents are important partners in their child’s education and further advice on how you can support your child’s learning can be found at:
Further advice on supporting your child’s learning can be found at
Thank you everyone for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
J T Daly
Head Teacher
Please add any comments / views about the work of the school below and return to your child’s class teacher.
Signed: ______Date: ______
Child’s Name: ______Class: ______