Retention Committee

Meeting Minutes

February 27, 2015

Present: Stephen Cannell, Cathy Colella, Laura Cosby, Mike Collins, Makida Coulter, Kelly Digby, Carol Heeter, Michael McCall, Roger Miller, Chris Stroven, Dave Trites, Diane Vandenberg, LaSonda Wells

Absent: Ken Barr Jr, Bonita Bates, Dennis Bertch, Jackie Cantrell, Colleen Olson, Natalie Patchell, Cynthia Schauer, Isaac Turner


I.  Call to Order

II.  Meeting Minutes of January 30, 2015 were approved.

III.  IT updates: Several requests have come in asking for texting services to be added. Carol will look into possibility of having students opt out of text messages as opposed to opting in. The Rave system guarantees message delivery, whereas other venues do not. Dave Trites suggested creating a phone app for students that would allow for notifications to come through.

IV.  Data Updates: Retention goals have already been met. An additional increase should be seen over the next year. Awareness of retention to the college community has assisted with these goals.

V.  CSI/RMS Updates: Currently reviewing the best venue for taking CSI assessment. In the past, students have completed this assessment prior to orientation. The possibility of implementing this process into FYE courses. The Student Retention Predictor (SRP) is calculated from a Noel Levitz model that has the ability to predict persistence. High school GPA’s would greatly increase the prediction calculation.

VI.  Strategy Committee updates:

·  The probation/mandatory counseling committee will meet in March and will be discussing the best method to contacting these students. New students enrolled full-time in Summer 2015 who receive below a 2.0 GPA will be placed on academic probation for Fall 2015.

·  The goal for automatic pre-requisite drop of students do not pass with a 2.0 is set to begin by the end of the Winter 2015 term.

·  New Student Orientation currently has a soft mandate with the intentions to become mandatory in the future. The committee is reviewing the possibility of connecting with students who do not attend orientation post registration.

Minutes submitted by: Carey Stolsonburg

Next Meeting: Friday, March 27, 2015: 8:30am TTC: Room 5740

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