Leigh Ellen Bee
Lesson Plans: September 14-18
Bell RingerFirst five students in the class will get on Iready Math or St Math, the rest of the students will be working on morning work.
Computer Lab Schedule
11am-12pm, Rm 6
Tuesday – Iready ELA
Friday – Iready ELA
Lesson / RL.2.3Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges.
Iready ELA Interactive Lesson for Supporting Skills – Story Characters, Setting, and Plots
Brain Pop, Jr. - Characters
We will be covering the following pages in the ELA Ready Common Core Book
Lesson 9.
Monday- pg. 75 – TSW analyze a cartoon, identify the challenge and describe how the characters respond to it.
Tues- pgs. 76 - 77 – TSW read the first part of a story, “A Puppy of Oscar” and identify the challenge and how the character acts in response to the challenge. TSW continue reading a story about Oscar. They answer a multiple-choice question and analyze details that describe how Oscar meets his challenge.
Wed- pgs. 78 - 79 – TSW read the story “The Snowstorm” twice. TTW, after the first reading, ask three questions to check the students’ comprehension of the story. TSW answer questions 1-3, using the hints to help them answer those questions.
Thurs- pgs. 80 - 82 – TSW independently read, “Stone Soup” and answer questions in a format that provides test practice. (Common Core Practice). TTW circulate to assess the students’ comprehension of the story.
Friday – Formal assessment will be given. Unit 2 Interim Assessment.
Center 1 / Teacher center: Remediation/skill building center – TSW read “Jenny’s Move” two times together. TTW explain the story and character analysis sheet. TSW complete together. TSW also complete (verbally) the character chart for Jenny.
Center 2 / Asst. Teacher Center – TSW read “The Tortoise and The Hare” together with the Assistant Teacher. TSW complete a Character Response on both the tortoise and the hare. TSW illustrate and explain a time when they really “stuck to it” – theme from the story – slow and steady wins the race.
Center 3 / Computer Center – Iready ELA
Center 4 / Language Center: TSW have an assortment of activities to choose from to sort/identify reflexive pronouns. TSW work together in these activities.
Center 5 / Writing – TSW choose 8 spelling words and write sentences using them.
Homework / Monday homework is given to each student. It is due on Friday. The homework will focus on language, reading, and math skills from the lessons taught during the week.
Vocabulary / Column- an order of things going up or down
Row- an order of things going across
Array- items arranged in rows and columns
Reflexive pronoun- a pronoun that refers back to a noun or pronoun at the beginning of the sentence
Snowstorm- a heavy fall of snow, with high winds
Traveler- a person who moves around from place to place
Essential Question / How do I use details in a story to describe characters?
How can I identify major events and challenges in a story?
I Can / I can use details in a story to describe characters?
I can identify major events and challenges in a story?
Intervention / Boost – Ms. Benton will work with the following students- ZyKendrick Harper, Markee Franklin, and Cornelius Dean.
Mr. Redmond – will work with the following students– ChabliBoler, Skyy Bush, DeAngelo Kennard, Jacob Stacey
GCMH – The following students will go to GCHM– Cornelius Dean, Kaitlin Knue
Teacher - Remediation/skill building center. TTW work with letters, sounds, and blends. TTW use flash cards to help build red word knowledge. TTW distribute Phonics Fluency books to have students read a page at a time out loud.
Asst. Teacher – TATW work with five students at a time on Sound Alike words. This group will circulate to the Reading Center.
TSW – work in pairs taking turns reading to each other. This group will circulate to the Asst. Teacher Center.
Lesson Plans: September 14-18
Bell RingerFirst five students in the class will get on Iready Math or St Math, the rest of the students will be working on morning work.
Computer Lab Schedule
11am-12pm, Rm 6
Tuesday – Iready ELA
Friday – Iready ELA
Writing and Language
Lesson / W.2.5 With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing.
L.2.2a Capitalize holidays, product names, and geographic names.
W.2.2 Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section
RI.2.2 Identify the main topic of a multiparagraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
L.2.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing and speaking.
SS.5 Name historical figures of various cultures.
Brain Pop – TSW watch a 5 minute video on reflective pronouns on Brain Pop.
We will be covering the following pages in the Writing Ready Common Core Book
Lesson 1.
Monday- pgs. 30-31 – TSW identify when capital letters are needed. TSW edit a mentor text for capitalization. TSW capitalize words correctly.
Language- pg. 196– TTW introduce reflexive pronouns. TSW identify reflexive pronouns in sentences.
Project Read- TTW introduce spelling words. Unit 17, Lesson 1. Skill: final consonant blends –st, -nt, -mp, -sk, -sp, -nd
Tuesday – ELA Centers
Wednesday- pgs. 32-33 – TSW illustrate facts for informational paragraphs. TSW share facts and illustration with others.
Language- pg. 197 – TSW identify reflexive pronouns in sentences.
Thursday – ELA Centers
Language Quiz on reflexive pronouns.
Friday- pgs. 34-37 – TSW write their paragraphs for a formal assessment.
Language- Formal assessment- Identifying pronouns in sentences.
Weekly spelling test.
Center 1 / Teacher center: Remediation/skill building center – TSW read “Jenny’s Move” two times together. TTW explain the story and character analysis sheet. TSW complete together. TSW also complete (verbally) the character chart for Jenny.
Center 2 / Asst. Teacher Center – TSW read “The Tortoise and The Hare” together with the Assistant Teacher. TSW complete a Character Response on both the tortoise and the hare. TSW illustrate and explain a time when they really “stuck to it” – theme from the story – slow and steady wins the race.
Center 3 / Computer Center – Iready ELA
Center 4 / Language Center: TSW have an assortment of activities to choose from to sort/identify reflexive pronouns. TSW work together in these activities.
Center 5 / Writing – TSW choose 8 spelling words and write sentences using them.
Homework / Monday homework is given to each student. It is due on Friday. The homework will focus on language, reading, and math skills from the lessons taught during the week.
Vocabulary / Column- an order of things going up or down
Row- an order of things going across
Array- items arranged in rows and columns
Reflexive pronoun- a pronoun that refers back to a noun or pronoun at the beginning of the sentence
Snowstorm- a heavy fall of snow, with high winds
Traveler- a person who moves around from place to place
Essential Question / How can I revise and edit my writing?
How can I identify the main paragraph of a multiparagraph text?
How can I make good word choices when writing and speaking?
I Can / I can revise and edit my writing.
I can answer questions by recalling and gathering information.
I can make good word choices when writing and speaking.
Intervention / Boost – Ms. Benton will work with the following students- ZyKendrick Harper, Markee Franklin, and Cornelius Dean.
Mr. Redmond – will work with the following students– ChabliBoler, Skyy Bush, DeAngelo Kennard, Jacob Stacey
GCMH – The following students will go to GCHM– Cornelius Dean, Kaitlin Knue
Lesson Plans: September 14-18
Bell RingerFirst five students in the class will get on Iready Math or St Math, the rest of the students will be working on morning work.
Computer Lab Schedule
11am-12pm, Rm 6
Monday – Iready Math
Wednesday – St Math
Thursday – Iready Math
Lesson / 2. OA.C.3Determine whether a group of objects up to 20 has an odd or even number of members. Write an equation to express an even number as a sum of 2 equal addends.
2.NBT.A.2 Count within 1000; skip count by 5s, 10s and 100s.
Iready Math Interactive Lesson for Supporting Skills – Odd and Even.
Iready Math Interactive Lesson for Supporting Skills – Grouping Objects by 2s and 5s to 100.
Brain Pop Jr. – Even and Odd.
We will be covering the following pages in the Math Ready Common Core Book
Lesson 4.
Monday – pgs. 26 - 27 – TSW model the concept of odd and even numbers by dividing groups of items into groups of 2 or into 2 equal groups. TSW use doubles and doubles +1 facts to identify odd and even numbers. They skip count by 2s to identify even numbers.
Tuesday – pg. 28-29 – TSW analyze pictures and real-world situations to determine whether numbers are odd or even. TSW independently to complete the Common Core Performance Task. TTW circulate and observe the students. TTW cover whole group for corrections. TSW demonstrate their understanding of odd and even numbers by identifying and generalizing a pattern on a 1-20 chart.
Wednesday – pg.29 – Formal assessment on odd/even numbers.
Thursday–pg. 30-31– TSW analyze an array and write an equation with equal addends to find the total number of objects in the array.
Friday – pg. 32-33–TSW use an array as a representation for solving an addition problem. They will write an equation and use skip counting to model the number of objects in the array.
Center 1 / Teacher Center - Remediation/skill building center. TSW model odd and even numbers with rectangles. Material – 20 counters per student, 1-in grip paper cut into varied sizes of rectangles, each containing 2 rows (activity sheet 3, page 310). TSW place counters into the rectangles. Emphasize that there or no left overs. What would happen if they wanted to add one more? TSW right number sentences to show their work – first even (doubles) then odds (one extra).
Center 2 / Asst. Teacher Center –Materials – grip paper cut into strips of different lengths, crayons or colored pencils. TSW fold a strip of grid paper in half. TSW color each group of squares with a different color. (ex. 1x8, folded in half, color 4 squares red the other 4 squares blue) discuss how this relates to doubles. Then have the student refold into groups of 2. Emphasize that the entire strip is divided into 2s. Emphasize that there is no squares left over. TSW then fold an odd number of grid paper. Have them color the even number of squares, emphasizing that there is one left over. Repeat using different strips of paper.
Center 3 / Computer Center – Iready Math or ST Math
Center 4 / Visual Model: Sorting activity. Material – sorting sheet and counters. TSW get a small handful of counters and sort them on the sorting sheet. They will write number sentences on their white boards. Writing in their math journals which total numbers are even or odd and why.
Center 5 / Student Lead Activities – TSW complete Ready Center Activities. Below, On, and Above level. Materials – linking cubes and even or odd worksheet in a page protector, dry erase pens and sock.
Homework / Monday homework is given to each student. It is due on Friday. The homework will focus on language, reading, and math skills from the lessons taught during the week.
Vocabulary / Even Number – a whole number that can be divided into 2 equal groups
Odd Number – a whole number that cannot be divided evenly into 2 equal groups
Column- an order of things going up or down
Row- an order of things going across
Array- items arranged in rows and columns
Essential Question / How can I explore equal and unequal groups of objects to explore the concept of odd and even numbers?
I Can / I can explain why a number is even or odd.
Intervention / Boost – Ms. Benton will work with the following students- ZyKendrick Harper, Markee Franklin, and Cornelius Dean.
Mr. Redmond – will work with the following students– ChabliBoler, Skyy Bush, DeAngelo Kennard, Jacob Stacey
GCMH – The following students will go to GCHM– Cornelius Dean, Kaitlin Knue