The Girl Generation End FGM Grants Programme
Application Form for Activity Grants
- Read the application form carefully before completing the form
- Section A and Bis to be completed for all grant types(i.e. small, medium and large) while Section Cis to be completed by only those applying for medium and large grants
- Please provide supporting documents where requested and an explanation where these are not available
- Please note that an incomplete application form will be returned and may not be reviewed
Grant Overview
Title of Grant:
Name of Organization or Network:
Type of Organization:
(e.g. Charity, CBO, NGO, Association etc.)
Is your Organization or Network registered?
Organization registration number:
(please provide a copy of the registration documents)
Total Amount Requested:
Grant Start and End Date (month/date/year):
Date of Application:
Grantee Information: (Person making the application)
Organisation or Network:
- Organisation Background and Additional Information
1.1Background Information on the Organization: (In no more than 500 words please provide some background on your organisationor network and indicate whether it is registered entity or not)
1.2What is the annual income of the organisation? (Please provide in USD for current year or most recent year audited accounts available (if applicable)?
Amount: ------
1.3Have you received funding from The Girl Generation before? Yes/No- (Please delete as appropriate).
- If yes, please provide the following details:
For which activity/project: ------
When-(Please insert dates):------
1.4Have you received donor funding from other donors in the last 2 years for work to end FGM? Yes/No- (Please delete as appropriate).
- If yes, please provide details (donor, amount, what for, when):
- Donor (s):------
- Amount: ------
- Purpose of funding:------
1.5Are you currently a member of The Girl Generation Network? Yes/No- (Please delete as appropriate).
- If you are not a member would you like to sign up your organization- Yes/No- (Please delete as appropriate).
1.6Please review The Girl Generation Do No Harm Guidelines or which can be found at
- Do you agree to comply with these guidelines? Yes/No- (Please delete as appropriate).
1.7Please review the Human Dignity Fund Child Protection Policy found at:
- Do you agree to comply with these guidelines? Yes/No- (Please delete as appropriate).
1.8If your application is successful, do you consent to The Girl Generation sharing your contact details with other grantees receiving funding under this grants scheme for the purpose of joint learning and coordination? [Please note that responding ‘No’ will not have any negative influence on your application] Yes/No- (Please delete as appropriate).
- Project Details- (Please provide details for the activity you are seeking funds for)
2.1Statement of Purpose: In 1-2 sentences, please summarize the aims of the project?
2.2What activity do you want to undertake? Please describe the activity [500 word limit]
2.3Why is this activity important on ending FGM, and what do you think people will do differently because of this activity? [200 word limit]
2.4How will you know that this change has happened? [80 word limit]
2.5Who do you want to involve in this activity, and why? [Please tick a maximum of 3 target groups – the most important ones - and on the space below briefly describe why you want to involve them]:
☐ Youth
☐ Activists, grassroots organisations, networks
☐ Survivors of FGM
☐ Traditional or religious leaders
☐ Elders
☐ Politicians
☐ Media
☐ TGG ambassadors
2.6Who do you want to reach through this activity, and why? [Please tick a maximum of 3 target groups – the most important ones - and describe briefly why you want to reach them]
☐ Youth
☐ Activists
☐ Grassroots organisations
☐ Networks
☐ Survivors of FGM
☐ Traditional or religious leaders
☐ Elders
☐ Politicians
☐ Media
☐ TGG ambassadors
2.7In which location(s) will this activity take place, and why have you chosen this location(s)?
2.8Which of The Girl Generation’s priority areas and national priorities to End FGM does the activity contribute to? Please tick as many boxes as applicable:
☐Enabling social change to end FGM, [activities that make social change possible that will help to end FGM]
☐Supporting End FGM ambassadors, [activities that support end FGM ambassadors];
☐Supporting positioning of ending FGM on regional/international agendas, [activities that make sure that ending FGM is talked about and taken seriously by decision makers and in national, regional and international events];
☐ Supporting youth-led social change [activities led by young people];
☐Movement-building opportunities [activities that provide opportunities to build a movement to end FGM, for example through joint activities, learning, sharing, coordination];
☐ Amplifying/covering/reporting on stories of change.
2.9If this is a follow on grant, describe how the activities will build upon the previous grant [100 word limit]:
- Project Budget
3.1Please let us know how much are you requesting for this activity? See separate Excel file for full template and example of completed budget- instructions and template are provided below for ease of reference.
Instructions for applicants: Your detailed budget must include a budget and budget notes. The budget notes explain the numbers in the budget and what assumptions underlie the budget.
-Budget should be prepared in local currency e.g. Kenyan Shilling, Nigerian Naira, Gambian Dalasi etc.
-For each activity listed provide information about the costs associated - what the costs is, and the requested amount in local currency. Provide a brief justification for the amount in each line in the notes column. Make sure that the costs in this budget reasonable and as close to actual costs as possible.
-Staffing costs should be included at the top section of the budget, unless these are only associated with one activity (e.g. if you are hiring staff to assist with an event, you should include these staffing costs under the relevant activity).
-You can request up to 15% overhead as part of your application, to cover your core organisational/network running costs. You must enter the percentage you are requesting at the top of the budget spreadsheet.
-You need to complete all the rows highlighted - add additional rows as required for more cost items or activity (let TGG know if you need assistance with this).
-Before submitting, make sure the total amount you have requested will be under the limit for the type of grant you are applying for.
-An example budget is provided within the excel template so you can see what a completed budget looks like.
Applicant name:Local Currency:
Budget Item / Unit Type / Unit Costs / No. of Units / Total Cost / Budget Notes (Brief Justification)
List staff required - role and % time / 0
List staff required - role and % time / 0
Sub-Total / 0
Activity 1: Activity name
List cost item / 0
List cost item / 0
List cost item / 0
Sub-Total / 0
Activity 2: Activity Name
List cost item / 0
List cost item / 0
List cost item / 0
Sub-Total / 0
Activity 3: Activity Name
List cost item / 0
List cost item / 0
List cost item / 0
Sub-Total / 0
Activity 4: Activity Name
List cost item / 0
List cost item / 0
List cost item / 0
Sub-Total / 0
Total Direct Costs / 0
Overhead Costs
Percentage overhead requested / 0% / 0 / Must be 15% or less
Total Project Cost (Including Overhead) / 0
Exchange rate to USD:
Total requested (USD)
- Institutional Contact- (Please provide details and signature from head of your organisation)
- Bank Information
Bank Name:
Bank Address:
Account Name:
Account Number:
Other Transfer Details:
- Referee Details
Please provide name of someone we can contact as a referee for your organisation? [This should be a professional referee, someone who is familiar with your work, not employed by the same organisation as you and not a member of your board of trustees]
Name: ------
Relationship to applicant: ------
Contact details (phone number and/or email address): ------
SECTION C: (Only for Medium and Large Grants)
- Financial Information
7.1Please provide one of the following:
- A copy of your audited accounts for the most recent two years
- A statement of your profit and loss for the most recent financial year (along with an explanation of why you are unable to provided audited accounts). The financial statement should include sources of funds for your activities and details of income and expenditure
7.2Please indicate whether your organization has a financial manual and procedures. Yes/No- (Please delete as appropriate).
- Partner Organizations
Instructions to applicants: If you plan to work with partner organisations during your project, please provide brief information (two or three sentences) of who you plan to be working with. Also, please indicate the number of beneficiaries to be reached as a direct result of this grant; fill in the appropriate columns in accordance to your planned activities.
8.1How many partner organizations are you working with? Please list the names and types of organisations you are partnering with for these grant activities. (Please add in rows where necessary)
Organization Name / Type of organisation1
8.2How many people will benefit from this grant/will you reach as a result of your project activities?
Categories / No. of Beneficiaries / Geographical Reach (e.g. County)1 / Youth – girls
2 / Youth - boys
3 / Activists
4 / Organizations
5 / Survivors of FGM
6 / Traditional or religious leaders
7 / Elders
8 / Politicians
9 / Media
10 / Communities
11 / Other (Please specify)
- Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
9.1Activity and Monitoring Plan
- Please complete the following activity and monitoring plan.
Instructions: Please fill and complete the following activity and monitoring plan, an excel version of the same is also available. An example of how to complete the activity and monitoring plan is indicated below. Please note that it’s possible for more than one activity to contribute to one outcome. At the end of the project, you will be asked to report on progress against what you have indicated in this plan.
Activity # / Activities [Inputs] / What you will produce/achieve out of this activity? (Outputs)[1] / What change do you want to see after you undertake your activity (Outcome) [2] / Estimated Cost / Q.1 / Q.2 / Q.3 / Q.4[1]Output is a product that is derived out of your activities (inputs). For instance, a training workshop produces graduates with or without certification. Outputs usually come out as numbers. For instance, we trained 100 participants on the negative implication of FGM on women's health, of which 40 were men and 60 were women.
[2]An outcome is the beneficial effect your program produces on the people or issues your program serves. The result of a training workshop among policy makers might be the draft of law against FGM in the country.
- Please explain in detail how each of the activities listed (or group of activities) will contribute to the outcomes listed in your activity and monitoring plan [300 word limit]
9.2Evaluation Plan
Instructions for applicant: Answer the following question about the overall impact level (long-term goal) change you expect to see at the end of your project related to FGM if your project is successful. You only need to include a few sentences just enough so that we can understand what you are hoping to achieve (if this is useful, realistic, and links to the TGG priorities).
- How do you see your project contributing to the wider long-term goal of ending FGM?
(Examples – “Decrease in the number of girls who have undergone FGM” /”Establish a network of capable local youth activists to advocate for ending FGM” / “Change local cultural practice though 5 religious leader champions who are supported to advocate for change within the community to end FGM”/ “Build the capacity of the network to lobby for change at the state and national level”/ “Increase awareness of the recent change in law prohibiting FGM”).
- Compliance with ‘Do No Harm’ Guidance
Instructions to applicants: Please refer to the TGG Do No Harm Guidance Note when completing this section of the application. You should complete the table below by listing the main potential harms that may emerge during your project, the likelihood and seriousness of these harms, and what you will do to avoid or minimise the likelihood of the harm occurring. Harms could include (but are not limited to):
●(inadvertently) reinforcing the practice of FGM through negative community backlash to project activities
●Provision of incorrect or incomplete information or ineffective communications
●Being perceived as threatening cultural traditions
●Working in isolation from other initiatives to end FGM in the local area
●Compromising the dignity and/or privacy of individuals through use of inappropriate images or language
Potential harms emerging during the project / Likelihood of this harm occurring (low/medium/high) / Seriousness if this occurs (low/medium/
high) / What you will do during the project to avoid or minimise the likelihood of the harm occurring
Thank you for your application. We will confirm receipt of your application within three business days. We will contact you to let you know whether or not you have been successful within six weeks for small activity grants, and within nine weeks for medium or large activity grants. If you have any questions please contact us on .