825 Montecillo Road

San Rafael, CA 94903

415 847-4910 cell



Ph. D. - Critical Studies & Theater History (June 1990) University of California, Los Angeles, School of Theater, Film & Television. Dissertation - "A Biographic and Critical Study of the Life and Works of Dan Rice - American Circus Clown, 1823-1900"

M.F.A. - Acting (June 1981) Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. Professional Acting Program

B.A. - Theater (June 1978) Pomona College, Claremont, California.


2008 - Present Assistant Professor, Department of Teacher Education, California State University, East Bay. (Serve as Credential Coordinator for all Multiple and Single Subject candidates. Teach Visual & Performing Arts Methods for Multiple Subject Candidates; Instructional Methods Single Subject – Visual Arts, Social Studies, Music, and Physical Education; Arts Skills for Teachers; and Visual & Performing Arts for Early Childhood. Supervise student teachers and interns, and advise students. Served as Chair for Tenure Track search committee. Serve on Teacher Education Department Faculty Affairs Committee, College of Education and Allied Studies Unit Accreditation and Assessment Task Force, and University Honorary Degrees Committee. Represent CSUEB and serve on the Policy Council of the California Alliance for Arts Education and sit on steering committee for Alameda County Office of Education’s Arts Is Education Program. Serve as Principal Investigator for United States Department of Education Professional Development in Arts Education grant at West Contra Costa Unified School District and the East Bay Center the Performing Arts.)

1994 – 2008 Lecturer, California State University, East Bay, Departments of Teacher Education and Theatre & Dance. (Taught a variety of classes primarily for preservice teachers in the arts methods including Arts Skills for Teachers, Visual and Performing Arts Methods, Visual Arts Methods Single Subject, and Interpreting Children’s Literature.)

1996 - 2007 Lecturer, Solano Community College, Actor Training Program, Department of Theatre, Fairfield, CA. (Taught Beginning Acting, Voice, Shakespeare, Mask, Theater History 1 & 2, and Intro to Theater)

1996 Lecturer, Sonoma State University, Department of Theatre & Dance. (Taught Theater History)

1992-1994 Assistant Professor of Acting and Voice, Wright State University, BFA Acting Program, Department of Theatre Arts, Dayton, OH. (Taught acting, voice, ritual theater, and theater theory.)

1990-1991 Assistant Professor, Theater History and Dramaturgy, New World School of the Arts, BFA Program, Theater Division & Florida International University, Department of Theater & Dance, Miami, FL. (Taught theater history, dramaturgy, and theater appreciation.)

1990 Lecturer, Voice for the Actor, Cal Poly Pomona, Department of Drama and Dance. (Taught voice.)

1990 Teaching Fellow, University of California, Los Angeles, Department of World Art & Culture. (Assisted in senior seminar.)

1988-1990 Director of Music Theater, Yuba Community College, Colusa Center, Colusa, California. (Directed summer music theater program.)

1989-1990 Lecturer, Cal State Northridge, Department of Theater. (Taught theater history.)

1987-1990 Teaching Fellow, University of California, Los Angeles, School of Theater, Film & Television. (Assisted in theater history.)

1985-1987 Substitute Teacher, Los Angeles Unified School District. (Substituted in middle and high schools in LAUSD.)


2009 – 2011 Facilitator, Gateways Cradle to Career Education and Workforce Partnership. (Facilitate Executive and Steering Committee meetings for CSUEB sponsored program dedicated to educational reform. Assist in the formation of school district professional development partnerships, represent Gateways at local and national conferences, and collaborate with team on publications.)

2009 - Current Consultant, East Bay Center for the Performing Arts, Richmond, CA. (Advise on preschool arts program, after school arts education programs and multidisciplinary in-school enrichment program. Work with West Contra Costa Unified School District leadership on arts education issues.)

2006 – 2009 Director of Art and Public Education, East Bay Center for the Performing Arts, Richmond, CA. (Directed First Five funded preschool arts program, after school arts education programs and multidisciplinary in-school enrichment program. Directed enrichment program for Albany Unified School District and provided professional development in arts education for West Contra Costa Unified School District.)

1997-2004 Visual and Performing Arts Curriculum Specialist/Regional Curriculum Implementation Facilitator, Mosaica Education, Inc., New York, NY. (Core member of design and writing team that created a K–8 arts integrated social studies curriculum for charter schools. Designed middle school arts curriculum, managed and supervised writers, edited lessons for middle school, recruited artist-educators, and managed artist-educator program. Implemented, coordinated and over-saw grants from state arts agencies in five states. Designed and presented professional development for elementary and middle school educators in Michigan, Delaware, Colorado, Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, Arizona, and New Jersey. Supervised curriculum implementation at schools in Phoenix and Denver. Trained teachers through classroom modeling, working in classrooms grade K- 8.)

1992-2002 Co-Founder & Artistic Director, A LIVE ACT: An Educational Theater Company, San Rafael, CA. (Wrote, directed, designed, marketed, and managed professional children’s theater company touring Bay Area schools.)

1994 - 1997 Special Projects Assistant to the Executive Director, The California Arts Project, (TCAP) San Rafael, CA. (Designed, directed, and supervised budgets of collaborative institutes for TCAP teachers and California Arts Council (CAC) Artists in the Schools. Researched the effectiveness of TCAP's professional development programs on university level arts educators; served as liaison to Policy Board; and as Director of week long leadership events for K-College educators and CAC Artists in the Schools.)

1997 Professional Consultant, Theater Arts, Redwood Arts Project Invitational Institute, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA. (Theater arts discipline expert for residential professional development institute for K-post secondary educators in the visual and performing arts.)

1996 Director, Bay Area California Arts Project, Open Institute, Cal State Hayward. (Administered, hired professional staff of 16, recruited 85 participants, oversaw budget of $95,000, designed and presented programs for two-week residential professional development institute for K-post secondary educators in the visual and performing arts. Conducted follow-up meetings, provided assistance and support, and tracked participants for research purposes.)

1995-1996 Managing-Artistic Director, Actors' Theatre of Sonoma County, Luther Burbank Center for the Arts, Santa Rosa, CA. (Administered a yearly budget of $126,000 for a six play season. Worked with Board, staff, directors, technicians, actors, designers, and community. Oversaw fundraising, promotions, and developed company policy. Selected seasons. Directed and designed productions, served as lighting designer and technical director. Accomplishments also include computerizing box office systems and creating a database of subscribers and funders.)

1995 Co-Director, East Bay/Valley Sierra California Arts Project Joint Invitational Institute, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA. (Administered, hired professional staff, recruited participants, oversaw budget of $45,000, designed and presented programs for residential professional development institute for K-post secondary educators in the visual and performing arts. Conducted follow-up meetings, provided assistance and support, and tracked participants for research purposes.)

1995 Interim Site Director, TeachARTS Project - The California Alliance for Arts Education (CAAE), Cal State Hayward. (Administered pilot program for recruiting minority education students with art specialties and linking them with mentor teachers.)

1995 Master Teacher, San Francisco Shakespeare Festival, Midnight Shakespeare Program, San Francisco, CA. (Supervised teachers in North Bay, taught classes in Shakespeare and commedia dell’arte, directed productions with at-risk adolescents.)

1994 Artist-Educator, Theater Discipline Team, The Bay Area California Arts Project. (Developed and led workshops for K - University teachers in mask-making, creativity and acting.)

1992 Independent Acting Teacher, Oakland, CA. (Taught Acting and Shakespeare classes.)

1988-1990 Associate Artistic Director, Will & Company, Los Angeles (Equity touring company presenting productions of Shakespeare in the schools: associated with the Music Center of Los Angeles County. Duties included teaching acting classes to the ensemble, artistic administration, development, budgeting, marketing, directing, workshop presentation and acting.)

1989 Teacher, Lincoln Unified School District, Stockton (Taught theater in alternative education high school.)

1988 Assistant Director & Technical Director, Summertime Theater, Yuba Community College, Colusa Center

1985-1988 Associate Artistic Director, Theatre of N.O.T.E., Los Angeles (Equity waiver company presenting new plays. Taught acting/voice to the Equity ensemble.)

1986 Ringmaster & Performance Director, Circus Flora, Rocky Mountain Tour


Engdahl, Eric. “The East Bay Center for the Performing Arts: A Model for Community Based Multicultural Arts Education,” The Journal of Multicultural Education, Winter 2012. (Peer reviewed)

Engdahl, Eric. “Alignment and Rigorous Program Design and Evaluation” and “Rigorous Professional Development,” Conference Proceedings, Walking the Talk, Pathways to Quality Arts Integration, Southeast Center for Education in the Arts, University of Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN, May 2012.

Engdahl, Eric, editor and contributing writer. GATEWAYS CRADLE TO CAREER EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE PARTNERSHIP REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY, 2011, published by University Advancement, 2011.

Engdahl, Eric. LEARNING WITHOUT BORDERS, PROESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISES, published by the East Bay Center for the Performing Arts, 2006.

Engdahl, Eric, editor, STORIES FROM THE EDGE, SON JAROCHO, KASUM AFRICA, WORK OF THE MIND, web and print published by East Bay Center for the Performing Arts, 2006.

Engdahl, Eric, et al., PARAGON™ HUMANITIES ARTS CURRICULUM, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004.

Engdahl, Eric, et al., PARAGON CURRICULUM™, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004.

Engdahl, Eric, Program Editor and Feature Writer, Solano College Theatre, 2002-2003 season.

Engdahl, Eric & Cab Covay (Illustrations), LUNGMAN AND WINDPIPE’S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE, (Coloring Book) Published by Make*A*Circus, 1998.

Engdahl, Eric, MAKE*A*CIRCUS’ SMOKE FREE CIRCUS - TEACHER’S STUDY GUIDE. Published by Make*A*Circus, 1998.

Engdahl, Eric. “Issues in Technology and Education.” ARTSREACH ONLINE, Volume 1, Number 2, September, 1997.

Engdahl, Eric. “Creative Collaborations: The California Arts Project/California

Arts Council Artists and Educators Collaborative Forum.” ARTSREACH ONLINE,

Volume 1, Number 1, February, 1997.

Engdahl, Eric. "Professional Development Goals for Postsecondary Arts Faculty."

ARTSREACH, Volume 8, Number 3, March, 1996.

Engdahl, Eric. "I've Got a Ph.D., I'm Ready to Teach!" OPEN MIC, Volume

2, Number 5, May 1996.

Engdahl, Eric. "Tap in America," program notes for GRAVITY IS A STATE OF MIND, New Conservatory Theatre, San Francisco, June 1994.

Engdahl, Eric. Review "METAMORFOSES and FACE À FACE at the Festival Fantocchio" Theatre Journal, May 1994.

Editorial Advisory Board Member, Theatre: Its Art and Craft. Collegiate Press, 1999



“Alignment and Rigorous Program Design and Evaluation” and “Rigorous Professional Development,” Panelist, Walking the Talk, Pathways to Quality Arts Integration, Southeast Center for Education in the Arts, University of Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN, May 2012.

“The Power of Partners: Strategic Arts Learning Collaborations – Arts Education Initiative,” Transforming Urban School Systems Through the Arts, Arts Education Partnership National Convening, San Francisco, September, 2011.

“Theater and Storytelling @ the Heart of 21st Century Communication,” Art from the Start -Arts Integrated Preparation for Teachers and School Leaders Conference, CSUEB Concord Campus, October 2010.

“Theater and Storytelling @ the Heart of 21st Century Communication,” Arts @ the Core of 21st Century Learning Forum, Southeast Center for Education in the Arts, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN, May, 2010.

“Using Theater to Teach Character Education,” Critical Teaching in Action, The Arts and Social Justice Conference, Mount St. Mary’s College, Los Angeles, CA, March, 2010.

“A Cross College Collaboration: Teacher Credential Students Teach Education Administration Students about Arts Integration ,” with Dr. Peg Winkelman, Educational Leadership Department, Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Poster Exhibit, March, 2010.

“The Power of the Arts in the Professional Learning of Educators,” (co-presenter) Arts Education Partnership, Cambridge, MA, October, 2009.

“Who’s Got Game? Alternate Reality Gaming as a Motivator in Professional Development,” and “What is the Role of Preservice Teacher Programs in Arts Education?” Arts & Education Forum, The Southeast Center for Education in the Arts, Chattanooga, TN, May, 2009.

“The Use Of Alternate Reality Games (ARG) In Introducing Visual Arts Concepts To Multiple Subject Candidates,” Poster Session, California Council on Teacher Education Conference, San Jose, March 2009.

“The ABCs of Drama: Using Theater in the Elementary Classroom,” Co-presented with Michelle Roderick, California Educational Theatre Association, South San Francisco, CA, 2008.

“Using Theatrical Tableaux for Reading Comprehension,” An Arts Integration Conference, California State University East Bay, Concord Campus, 2008.

“The Role of Professional Development in Facilitating the Practice of Arts Integration: Sustainability – Panel Discussion,” Arts & Education Forum, The Southeast Center for Education in the Arts, Chattanooga, TN, 2008.

“Arts Integration and the Learning Without Borders Professional Development Program.” The National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts, Los Angeles, CA. 2007.

“Constructivist Teaching in the Arts.” Co-presented with Dr. Joan Davenport, Association for Constructivist Teaching, Berkeley, CA. 2007.

“Arts Integration.” International Network ofSchools for the Advancement of Arts Education, Oakland, CA. 2007.

“Using the Arts Effectively in Your Classroom!” Teachers for Social Justice, San Francisco, CA. 2007.

“The Importance of Arts Education.” Keynote Speaker, Mediterranean Association of Independent Schools (MAIS), Madrid, Spain. 2002.

“Artist – Educator Connections, How Artists-in-the-Schools and Educators Can Get the Most Out of Collaboration.” Golden Gate University Arts Education Summit, San Francisco, CA 1998.

"Using Theatre, Dance & Music for Text Re-Presentation as a Language Acquisition Strategy." Visual & Performing Arts Framework Conference, Asilomar, CA 1996.

"Professional Development for Postsecondary Arts and Education Faculty and The California Arts Project." Joint TCAP Policy Board, Site Directors & Principal Investigators' Symposium, CSU San Bernardino, 1996.

"Using the Arts as Language Acquisition Strategies for Second Language Learners." Bay Region IV Diversity Coalition Conference, Burlingame, CA 1995.

"The California Arts Project & Goals 2000" Association for Theatre in Higher Education Conference, San Francisco, 1995.

"A LIVE ACT - Using Boal’s Methods to Teach Problem Solving Skills in Secondary Schools." California Educational Theatre Association Conference, San Francisco, 1995.

"The California Arts Project" with Gabe Bernstein & Jim Pritchard. California Educational Theatre Association Conference, San Francisco, 1995.

"The Method Doesn't Help If You Have to Play God - An Approach to Directing and Acting Medieval Theatre." Association for Theatre in Higher Education Conference, Philadelphia, 1993.