University of Chester Faculty of Education and Children’s Services

Year 2 SBL Professional Development Activities BA (Hons) Primary Education and BA (Hons) Early Years – Primary Education

Faculty of Education and Children’s Services

Year 2 School-based Learning -

Professional Development Activities

BA (Hons) Primary Education and

BA (Hons) Early Years - Primary Education

2016 - 2017

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University of Chester Faculty of Education and Children’s Services

Year 2 SBL Professional Development Activities BA (Hons) Primary Education and BA (Hons) Early Years – Primary Education

Booklet Rationale

This booklet has been created to support the bringing together of university and school-based learning. The school-based learning activities have been designed within the ITE Partnership to provide guidance to Associate Teachers (ATs) and Professional Mentors / Class Teachers on the types of activities that ATs should engage in in order to meet, to a good or outstanding level by the end of their training, key aspects of the Teachers’ Standards. This set of activities is by no means exhaustive and, as with all aspects of ITE Partnership, school colleagues and ATs are encouraged to seek other related and bespoke opportunities for development in these areas. Feedback from mentors and ATs is, as always, very welcome and can be given either to the University Link Tutor, programme tutors or noted on the relevant SBL evaluation form.

Activities, and priorities for 2016/17, have been developed in consultation with the following school colleagues and Associate Teachers:

Cerys Colquhoun (Ysgol Merllyn)

Luke Jones (Y2 Associate Teacher)

Shannon Jenkins (Y2 Associate Teacher)

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University of Chester Faculty of Education and Children’s Services

Year 2 SBL Professional Development Activities BA (Hons) Primary Education and BA (Hons) Early Years – Primary Education


Expectations of Associate Teachers should move very quickly from participant observation/ support to very focused teaching of small groups and the whole class. Expectations of planning and assessment are summarised below. During this period of School-based learning, ATs will initially be involved in observation, some team teaching and supporting individual learners and groups. As the placement progresses, increasing responsibility should be taken for managing the learning of the whole class. The teaching time will be 40- 60%. ATs should be using the time in school to ensure they are gathering and developing knowledge from a range of professionals. There are clear essential experiences outlined in the experience log (Professional Journey File) that they should be actively seeking to engage in.

Planned Teaching Time: 40% - 60% (60% for last 4 weeks of placement)

·  Supporting the Class Teacher by working with groups of pupils (who may have particular educational needs);

·  Supporting other teachers/staff by working with small groups etc;

·  Team teaching, which involves sharing the planning, teaching and evaluation of a lesson with an experienced teacher;

·  Whole class and further group teaching (very focused teaching of groups should continue during all weeks of the block placement).

Planned Directed Time: 20% - 30%

·  Observation of learning and teaching across the whole curriculum (across different age phases);

·  Working with teacher in pastoral capacity;

·  Professional Development activities (detailed in Professional Development Activities Guide);

·  Attending an aspect of extra-curricular activity work;

·  Attending staff meetings and other professional workshops;

·  3 days (or equivalent) should be allocated during the placement for work related to the ‘Specialist Area of Interest’ (see separate booklet of activities).

Planned Protected Time: 20% - 30%

·  Non-contact protected time for Associate Teachers to research, plan, prepare, assess pupils, evaluate their teaching and reflect on their professional learning;

·  Medium term planning (for the second half of placement: one unit of work for each of English, Mathematics and Science, and for one foundation subject).

Overall Teaching Expectations – minimum requirements

·  Regular teaching of core subjects (English – must include planning and teaching sequences of both fiction and non-fiction writing with formal lesson observation feedback on at least 2 of these lessons; Mathematics, with formal lesson observation feedback on at least 2 lessons; and Science – must plan independently and teach a minimum of 3 lessons, preferably consecutive, and receive formal lesson observation feedback on at least one).

·  At least 3 PE lessons.

·  At least 3 PSHE (or PSHE-related) lessons.

·  Experience of teaching at least 2 of Geography, History and RE.

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University of Chester Faculty of Education and Children’s Services

Year 2 SBL Professional Development Activities BA (Hons) Primary Education and BA (Hons) Early Years – Primary Education

Below is information for our ITE Partnership colleagues based in school outlining the University-based learning undertaken by the Year 2 Associate Teachers across Educational and Professional Studies and SBL preparation sessions this year.

Education and Professional Studies
·  The philosophy and practice of inclusion;
·  Current legislation relating to inclusion, equality, responding to bullying, SEN and disability;
·  Inclusive learning, teaching and assessment for a range of learners; overcoming barriers to learning;
·  The use of additional adults;
·  Behaviour management: responding to the needs of learners with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties;
·  Celebrating and promoting diversity;
·  Assessment: summative assessment; formative assessment (including key principles of formative assessment: learning objectives and success criteria; questioning; feedback; self and peer assessment);
·  Use of data;
·  Working with parents and carers;
·  Supporting vulnerable children;
·  Personal and professional conduct.
School-based Learning Placement Preparation (some of these areas will be considered during return to University sessions)
·  Team teaching – principles and practice;
·  Using school data, tracking and assessment to identify gaps in achievementand potential barriers to learning;
·  Applying the statutory frameworks to plan a series of lessons which show progression;
·  Whole class medium and short term planning and assessment;
·  Assessing children’s learning and work;
·  The unique child – planning for inclusion and addressing factors that impact on learning with a focus on children with additional needs;
·  Child Profiles;
·  Managing the work of others to support learning;
·  Parents and carers;
·  PSHE;
·  Observing legislation in practice;
·  Target setting and subject knowledge auditing.

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University of Chester Faculty of Education and Children’s Services

Year 2 SBL Professional Development Activities BA (Hons) Primary Education and BA (Hons) Early Years – Primary Education

ProfessionAL Development ACTIVITIES

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University of Chester Faculty of Education and Children’s Services

Year 2 SBL Professional Development Activities BA (Hons) Primary Education and BA (Hons) Early Years – Primary Education

Induction to the school

Making the most of the first 3-4 days

The first 3-4 days of the placement should enable Associate Teachers to orientate themselves with the class/classes and schools they will be based in, collecting key information and documents about the class/classes, and about school policies and procedures. Opportunities for meeting the class teacher and/or Professional Mentor will greatly enhance this process.

Key information and documents to collect

Key Policies: e.g. Safeguarding and Child Protection; e-safety; subject-specific policies; behaviour management; anti-bullying; Equality.

School information: School prospectus and mission statement; roles and responsibilities of all staff; resources available in school and any procedures for booking them.

Class information: Class list; details of groupings; key assessment data and tracking information about children in class (including targets); information about children with additional needs (e.g. EAL; SEN and disability (access to Education, Health and Care Plans; IEPs; medical needs); class timetable (including access to hall and other facilities, (e.g. ICT Suite); topics/areas to be covered during SBL; sketch classroom layout.

School routines: lunchtime arrangements; playground duty rota; staff meetings; staffroom protocol.

Age-phase enhancement and enrichment

Discussion should focus on requirements for this over the course of the Programme.

During the 3 year programme, Associate Teachers are expected to spend time in the Key Stages/age phases below and above the ones they are training to teach. For Primary ATs, this means a minimum of 5 days in each of EYFS and KS3 Year 7. For Early Years-Primary ATs, this means a minimum of 5 days in each of lower KS2 and EYFS 0-3.

General organisation

·  Arrange with your Professional Mentor or Class Teacher a suitable time each week to hold your ‘weekly review’ meeting. Ideally, the first meeting will take place before the Return to University session, which takes place on Friday 20th January.

·  With your Class Teacher and, if appropriate, your paired placement partner, establish your responsibilities and activities for the week ahead.


·  In your base class and, where possible, other classes across the school, observe a range of both core and foundation subjects, including at least one Literacy lesson, one Numeracy lesson and one Science lesson.

·  From your observations and discussions with the class teacher, make a note of the strategies used to manage children’s behaviour; record exactly how they are used; the rationale behind them; the impact they have.

Child Profiles

·  Given the focus on inclusion this year, three contrasting children should be selected as a focus for child profiles (in consultation with the class teacher). ATs should then work closely with these children throughout the placement, gaining insight into their learning needs and supporting their learning appropriately. Reviews of progress in this activity will take place in the return to University sessions.

·  It is recommended to select 1 child who is exceeding age-related expectations, 1 child who is meeting age-related expectations and one child with SEN and/ or who is not meeting age-related expectations.

Breaking the ice with the whole class (suggestions)

Whilst this is not mandatory, it is a good idea to do some activity, that you feel confident with, during the first few days of the placement.

For example, you could:

·  Begin to read aloud to the class on a regular basis and continue for the rest of the placement.

·  Team teach an oral/mental starter for a numeracy lesson.

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University of Chester Faculty of Education and Children’s Services

Year 2 SBL Professional Development Activities BA (Hons) Primary Education and BA (Hons) Early Years – Primary Education


Working with parents and carers
From Week 1:
During the course of the placement, Associate Teachers should be given the opportunity to do the following, where possible, on at least one occasion:
·  Write a letter to parents, introducing themselves as an Associate Teacher. A template for this is provided on Moodle, and on the Professional Journey website (if parents’ evening will be attended, this can be added);
·  Communicate with parents to give praise about a child’s achievement(s);
·  Communicate with parents to respond to concerns about a child’s progress or well-being;
·  Engage in at least one communication with parents that involves technology (e.g. Twitter, text, blog, class dojos);
·  Attending and, if deemed appropriate, contributing during a consultation with parents and carers (e.g. parents’ evening);
·  Make a phone call to parents (where one is needed, and with support from class teacher – note, this could be about something positive, e.g. an achievement or to arrange some parental support);
·  Communicate to parents about a child’s progress in reading (e.g. through reading record/ diary);
·  Attend an extra-curricular event organised for parents, and talk to the parent (s) of at least 3 children during this. / S8e
Completed: Yes/ No
(Professional Mentor/ ULT) / Additional Comments
From Week 1:
·  Talk with the class teacher about how planning takes place in both the medium term (termly, half termly or lesser duration) and in the short term (lesson planning).
·  What information do teachers use to plan work in both the medium term and short term?
·  Discuss how the teacher enables progression in learning in both medium term planning and lesson planning. Discuss with the class teacher planning for a sequence of lessons. What issues have to be considered? What is the rationale for a sequence of lessons? How do lesson plans take account of children’s abilities?
·  Plan, teach and evaluate lessons taught, using University formats. / S1b
Completed: Yes/ No
(Professional Mentor/ ULT) / Additional Comments
From Week 5:
For ATs in KS1 and KS2, create your own medium term/ unit plans, representing approximately 2 weeks’ (or equivalent) learning for the following from Week 5 of the placement:
·  One for each of English, Mathematics and Science;
·  One for a foundation subject.
For ATs in EYFS, create your own medium term/ unit plans, representing approximately 2 weeks’ (or equivalent) learning, from Week 5 of the placement.
Your planning, if possible, should cover all prime and specific areas of learning, and demonstrate how children’s learning in the specific areas is underpinned by the prime areas.
Additional guidance on medium term planning will be given in the first return to University session (please bring one or two examples of your school’s ‘medium term plans’ to this session).
Completed: Yes/ No
(Professional Mentor/ ULT) / Additional Comments
Assessment and Pupil Progress: Assessment for Learning / Using Records and National Data to improve Pupils’ Learning
During Week 1, and then ongoing throughout the placement:
In your base class, and if possible other classes, identify and reflect on how assessment for learning strategies are used to engage children in and support their learning:
·  Sharing of learning objectives and success criteria;
·  Questioning;
·  Feedback;
·  Self and peer assessment.
Bring your notes, and the materials below, along to the Return to University sessions to support discussion.
·  1 example of written feedback for each of Maths and English that reflects the school’s marking policy, with some accompanying notes about its impact (for Return to University session 1).
·  Lesson observation notes on examples of verbal feedback that you have seen, with comment about its impact (for Return to University session 1).
·  The completed ‘assessment narratives’ activity and the supporting resources will be the basis for a workshop in the second Return to University session. / S2
Completed: Yes/ No
(Professional Mentor/ ULT) / Additional Comments
During Weeks 1-4:
Find out about school assessment policy and processes (summative and formative). Write a small report, using the template on Moodle PR5904 (Appendix 1). This will be a focus for discussion with your peers during the second Return to University day. To help you complete this and support your practice during SBL, you should (in addition to the AfL activity above):
·  Meet with the school’s assessment coordinator. Discuss the ‘assessment narratives’ activity. Document how the school utilises data and national benchmarking, and how that impacts on the class teacher.
·  Investigate, from a very early stage of School-based Learning, how the class teacher uses data to inform learning and teaching. Discuss how you will be able to make use of data specifically to inform learning and teaching for a group of children. Find out what assessment information is recorded on a regular basis by your class teacher, why and how it is recorded and how the information is used to inform planning.
Remember your presentation title for later in the year:
A critical reflection on inclusive practice, including the use of assessment, informed by recent and relevant research (2800 words equivalent) / S2
During Weeks 5-9:
During a meeting (e.g. weekly review/ team/ whole staff), disseminate findings from ‘Assessment Narratives’ feedback activity (Return to University 2). Share what you learnt from peers about practice in other schools during Return to University Session 2.
Completed: Yes/ No
(Professional Mentor/ ULT) / Additional Comments
Teachers’ use of questioning
During Weeks 1-4:
Observe and note the types of questions asked of children in the classroom. Consider what makes effective questioning and the impact that high quality questions have on the learning in the lesson. How is questioning used? Is it to illicit answers?, to check understanding?, for assessment purposes? Be prepared to bring back your notes for use during Return to University Session 2.
During Weeks 5-9:
Reflect on one lesson where you have planned the questions in advance and included some higher order questions. Reflect on how the questions challenged the learners and the impact on the lesson. Consider how to sustain and improve this practice. You may have used Bloom’s Taxonomy. If so, evaluate the extent to which this supported practice. / S3a
Completed: Yes/ No
(Professional Mentor/ ULT) / Additional Comments
During weeks 1-4:
For those in a school in Wales:
Examine the Welsh National Curriculum and identify similarities and differences between this and the English National Curriculum. Devise a tabular format to record your findings, highlighting any similarities and differences you find in aims, ethos, curriculum content etc.
For those in a school in England:
Examine Part 2 of the Teachers’ Standards and identify how the National Curriculum/ EYFS and the overall school curriculum supports this in school.
Both these activities will be shared at Return to University session 2. / S3
Completed: Yes/ No
(Professional Mentor/ ULT) / Additional Comments

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