1Welcome and introductions

2This meeting is held in line with Hampshire’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Policy. The purpose of the meeting is to share information about
(add name of service provider here)and the allegation/s of abuse; to make decisions together about how the allegations should be investigated, and to agree actions that protect the adult/s at risk.
Everybody’s views within this meeting will be respected and everything discussed will remain confidential. Please check with the Chair if you have any questions about sharing information from this meeting.
The minutes are an accurate summary of the discussion, not a verbatim record.

3Details of allegations

4Discussion of concerns

5Risk assessment

6Planning the investigation

7Communication plan:
Ensure all actions are fully communicated to commissioners and adult at risks/representatives.

8Do the concerns meet the criteria for an on-going LSI?
If no, agree the following:

  • Which agency shall lead on following through the concerns?
  • How will the outcomes of this strategy meeting be feedback to
    the owner/ Provider?

9Safeguarding allegations:

  • Not determined/inconclusive
  • Inconclusive pending investigation
  • Not substantiated
  • Part substantiated
  • Substantiated

10Closing statement:
Is everyone in agreement with the decisions made today and how they have been reached?Does anyone have anything to add?

11Next meeting: (if required)


  • Some parts of the agenda allow for general discussion, after which the Chair may wish to summarise the consensus views and reasons for decisions. Any differing views can be minuted rather than the Minute Taker recording the whole discussion.
  • Section 4:If separate individual Safeguarding investigations are underway, it may be appropriate to provide feedback to the meeting.
  • Section 7: if the case is closed to LSI you may wish to consider referral to the QOCM (Quality Outcome Contract Monitoring) framework, SIRI (Serious Incident Requiring Investigation) or QI (Quality Improvement) etc.
  • Section 10: next meeting - please consider whether any on-going risks could be managed through Care Management.


  • Print pages 1 and 2 only for handing out to attendees.
  • Some parts of the agenda allow for general discussion, after which the Chair may wish to summarise the consensus views and reasons for decisions. Any differing views can be minuted rather than the Minute Taker recording the whole discussion.
  • Do not delete any sections of the template - use ‘not discussed’ or ‘not applicable’.
  • Use appropriate sub-headings within sections as required, for example: ‘Feedback from Care Management review’.
  • Use full names of all parties involved, including alleged perpetrators (exception: use initials and AIS ref where applicable for service users or adults at risk)
  • Where concerns have not yet been substantiated please ensure references to abuse and perpetrators are recorded as ‘alleged’
  • Check with the Chair in the event of any doubts about who should receive the minutes from the meeting.
  • Immediately after the meeting please inform the meeting planner if a follow-on meeting date has been agreed and, if it is at the same venue, consider booking the room

L4 SM - LSI – Agenda – July 2014 – v1