Registration fee Grant

Closing date: Tuesday 28th November 2017

Application procedure

The Course Organizers are offering SEVEN (7) grants for preferably young students (<30) or researchers native and resident in a developing or an in transition country (see here).

What does the Grant Cover?

Each grant covers the full registration fee to the on-line Course.

What is expected from the grant holders?

Applicants must be able to complete the Course within the stated date (1st December 2017 to 31st September, 2018).

They could also be required to appear in any publicity event related to the Course diffusion, such as photo shoots, flyers or short ads.

Recipients will be requested to write a brief report about their Course experience (approximately 300 words) within 10 days after finished the Course.


·  Preferably, applicants should be 26 years old or younger. A special consideration will be offered to participants between 26 and 30 years old, but participants older than 30 can also apply. Students to be eligible for this Grant can be undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate.

Application Procedures

·  The applicant must complete the request form available here.

·  The next additional documents must also be provided:

1)  A certification of Academic records

2)  Brief curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages) including picture

3)  Other Academic merits (list of publications, scientific papers, etc.)

4)  A motivation letter explaining personal economic situation and main reasons for taking the Course

Documentation should be e-mailed before November 28th 2017 to

·  The request form and additional documents must be all in one pdf file to be e-mailed with the Name of the applicant

·  All applications will be acknowledged upon receipt.

·  All applicants will receive notification of award status no later than December 1, 2017.

This grant is possible due to the International & Development Cooperation Vice-rectorate of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena and to the SPONSORS of the Course: TECNIDEX and DECCO.

(The complete Official Resolution can be seen here).