Chapter 20.1 Kennedy and the Cold War notes

What happened 1957-60 that made some Americans unhappy with the Eisenhower administration?

1960 Election

The two candidates Richard Nixon (Republican) and John Kennedy (Democrat) differed very little on the issues.

What were someconcerns about JFK?

“That night image replaced the printed word as the natural language of politics.”

What issue/actions probably put Kennedy ahead of Nixon?

“Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.” JFK inaugural speech

What is "flexible response?"

How did JFK change our nuclear capacity?

How did Fidel Castro gain popularity in Cuba? promised democracy, revolution against dictator

Fulgencio Batista 1959

“Revolutionaries are not born, they are made by poverty, inequality, and dictatorship.” Fidel Castro

What actions did Castro take that the US and Britain would have seen as Communist in nature?

What country supplied Cuba with aid?

What else did Castro do that the U.S. didn't like?

Approximately 10% of Cubans left, with most going to the U.S., and a large portion of those settling in the Miami area of Florida.

December, 1960 President Eisenhower breaks diplomatic ties with Cuba. Fidel Castro declares himself a communist.

Pres. Eisenhower (1960) gives CIA permission to train Cuban exiles for an invasion of Cuba

The CIA and exiles hoped that the Cuban people would rise up and fight

What happened at the Bay of Pigs (Bahia de Cochinos)?

How did JFK get the exiles back?

How did nuclear missiles end up in Cuba?

How did the U.S. know Cuba had nukes?

What was Cuban Missile Crisis?

October 22-28, 1962

JFK informed U.S. citizens of missiles, established "quarantine" to prevent more Soviet weapons from entering Cuba, and had 100,000 troops in Florida, waiting to invade.

What was Khrushchev's move?

What else did JFK do (secretly) to end the crisis?

JFK and Khrushchev both lost prestige in their home countries over the incident.

What did Castro do (11-'62)?

What was the Berlin Wall?

Why did people leave East Berlin for West Berlin?

Why did Khrushchev want the wall built?

When was the wall torn down?

What was the hot line? dedicated “phone” enabled the leaders of the US and USSR to

communicate at once should another crisis arise

the book says it was a phone, actually the Pentagon used a teletype machine

Describe the Limited Test Ban Treaty: