
John Ogonowski and Doug Bereuter Farmer-to-Farmer Program

F2F for AET

Request for Technical Assistance

Scope of Work Outline


Assignment Number:

Executive Summary:Provide a 2-3 paragraph abstract of the assignment. This should include a briefstatement of problem(s) to be addressed during the volunteer assignment, and skills required of the volunteer. Note: This section will be cut and pasted into the Winrock Web Pages so please make this as concise and clear as possible.(additional/longer information can be included in the Background or Host Information sections below)

Background:Following are examples of information/ details that you may want to include to orient the volunteer about the assignment:

  • Brief summary of the sector/value chain: constraints, opportunities, stakeholders, etc. –as related to the statement of need for the SOW.
  • Brief summary of any other USAID or other donor-funded work in similar areas/topics in country.
  • Describe any previous F2F support to the same host or sector. List any previous end of assignment reports (by assignment code) that the recruiter should provide in the volunteer’s orientation packet as background information.

Host Information:(The host is the direct recipient of F2F assistance. If there are multiple hosts, please cut & paste the box below to include information for each host.)

Host Organization Name: / Address:
Telephone Number: / Email Address: / Website:
Primary Contact Name: / Secondary Contact Name:
Phone: / Phone:
Email: / Email:
Title: / Title:
Gender: Choose an item. / Gender: Choose an item.
Host Type: Choose an item.
Have we worked with this host before? Choose an item.
If yes, please include a recent assignment number: Click here to enter text.

Are there local partner organizations collaborating on this assignment?Choose an item. (A partner is an institution, project, or program who assists with the implementation of F2F and the volunteer’s assignment.)

Partner Organization Name: / Address:
Telephone Number: / Email Address: / Website:
Primary Contact Name: / Secondary Contact Name:
Phone: / Phone:
Title: / Title:
Gender: Choose an item. / Gender: Choose an item.
Partner Type: Choose an item.
Have we worked with this partner before? Choose an item.
If yes, please include a recent assignment number: Click here to enter text.

Host Organization Profile: Following are examples of information/ details needed. The greater the detail, the greater the chance for the recruiter to select the most appropriate expert(s), the better oriented the volunteer, and the higher the chances for a successful assignment. The information collected here will also make conducting follow-up impact surveys easier to do and provide more accurate information. Provide only information applicable to this assignment.

For all hosts, describe:

  • Description of the host, history of enterprise and their long-term objectives. Describe relevant milestones that have led up to the present situation.
  • Number of workers: male, female, education levels, host plans to increase or decrease size of workforce, etc.
  • Market situation: Has a market analysis been done, size of market, existing marketing plans?
  • Description of management capabilities: strengths & weaknesses.
  • Pertinent information on local physical setting: infrastructure; availability of electricity water, fuels, etc. and their limitations.

For FormalAET institutions, describe:

  • Location(s) of school or training centers
  • Student demographics (number of students; level of students –e.g., mid-career or undergraduate, etc.; gender breakdown; etc.)
  • Faculty demographics (number of faculty; gender breakdown; level of training of faculty; etc.)
  • Types of courses/training offered
  • Types of extracurricular or service learning programs offered (e.g., internships, apprenticeships, relevant student associations/clubs –e.g., future farmers club, etc.)
  • School year/semester timeframe
  • Linkages with the private sector, other AET institutions, or other external entities
  • Major constraints
  • Plans for growth (mention any strategic plans, SWOT assessments, or institutional assessments that the host has conducted)

For agribusiness/processing enterprises/input suppliers, describe:

  • Current products or services being offered: amount sold, sale prices, and descriptions of quality
  • Technologies: Equipment and its condition
  • Production processes and capacity: production levels, number of clients, etc.
  • List any significant raw material problems, spoilage issues, or other environmental concerns
  • Post-harvest /marketing, describe:
  • History of product development
  • Present situation facility and equipment
  • Methods of processing; packaging techniques and limitations
  • Transportation/distribution methods and limitations
  • Electronic technology (computer hardware and software used) etc.
  • Types of services or training provided to farmers/clients; major constraints; and any plans to expand or improve services or training

For associations, cooperatives, or business support organizations, describe:

  • Type of organization and current legal status
  • Current organization and management structure
  • Current services, products, training, or information being offered to members; major constraints; and any plans to expand or improve services or training
  • Membership total, % paying dues, % female
  • Estimate the current budget for the organization and list current sources of funding { e.g. member fees 25%, government funding 50%, outside donors 25% }
  • List any current advocacy role the group plays and its effectiveness

For NGOs or other service providers, describe:

  • Mission and programs implemented in country, particularly details of specific program(s) that F2F will support
  • Staff (number, gender breakdown, level of technical expertise)
  • Funding source(s)
  • Partners or other stakeholder groups that the organization interacts with regularly
  • Beneficiaries (number, location, gender, type of beneficiary)
  • Types of training and services provided to farmers or youth; major constraints; and any plans to expand or improve services or training

For farms/production enterprises, describe:


  • Acreage dedicated to each crop, plant/seed varieties/cultivators
  • Crop yields, amounts sold, and unit prices
  • Soil types and results of any analysis than have been done
  • Fertilizer application rates
  • Climatic conditions {rainfall, temperatures, etc.}
  • Planting/harvesting seasons
  • Pests, diseases and application rates of pesticides and insecticides used
  • Plant varieties/cultivators
  • Description of irrigation system
  • Post-harvest handling and storage issues
  • Major constraints


  • Animal numbers and breeds
  • Pests, diseases and treatments
  • Feed composition, test analysis and availability
  • Volumes of production {mi1k, fiber, meat}, amounts sold and unit prices
  • Costs of inputs
  • Major constraints

Assignment Information

Number of Volunteer Experts Requested:Choose an item.

Expertise ofVolunteer Experts Requested:

Describe in as much detail as possible the technical and training skills needed by the volunteer to fulfill the following tasks. Information needed includes minimum requirements, professional affiliations, specific experience or skills, etc.


  • Higher university degree in food science or another related field
  • 10 years’ experience in horticulture quality testing, including experience training others
  • Good written and verbal communication skills

Objectives of the Assignment:This will determine what indicators are tracked after the assignment. Describe what kinds of impacts the host expects from this assignment -make sure they are realistic -e.g., increased sales, a new product developed; a new business plan written, new business/farm management skills. This should be linked to our overall strategy for the relevant Country F2F Project.

Duration and Dates of Assignment (including travel):Identify specific dates or windows of opportunity with regards to crop cycles, holidays, etc. Also note any time periods that the host would not be available.

Expected Beneficiaries:Provide the following information on the expected training participants or direct recipients of volunteer assistance.

  • Estimated number of assignment participants:
  • Estimated % of women:
  • Average skill and education level:
  • English-language capability:
  • Any prior training on similar topic:

Tasks to be Performed:These are the activities the expert is expected to perform in order to achieve the objectives.Include an illustrative work schedule for the volunteer (suggested table format included below).

Prior to leaving the US:


Activity / Location / Estimated days
Total number of days

End of Assignment Report and Other Deliverables Required:List requirements for EOA and any other materials to be left behind at the end of the assignment (e.g., training guides, etc.) to support the assignment objectives.

Host Plans for Dissemination or Replication of F2F Training: Describe the host’s plans for disseminating information provided by the volunteer or replicating the F2F training with others.

F2F Pesticide Evaluation Report and Safer Use Action Plan (PERSUAP):Select theappropriate PERSUAP Type below. Delete the ones that are not applicable. Leave the instructions for the chosen type, so that the volunteers can review.

Type 1(the assignment is expected to directly cover pesticide issues)

  • The volunteer shall review the F2F Environmental Brochure and the F2F Programmatic Pesticide Evaluation Report-Safe Use Action Plan (PERSUAP) and shall comply with requirements described in Section 4 of the SUAP when providing “assistance for the procurement or use” of pesticides.
  • If a sector or mission-wide PERSUAP exists that is more up to date than the F2F PERSUAP (and thus supercedes the F2F PERSUAP) the F2F volunteer should obtain that document and the approved pesticide list, which supercedes the approved pesticide list in the F2F Programmatic PERSUAP. However, the F2F volunteer must comply with the conditions laid out in the F2F Safe Use Action Plan (SUAP). Information on IPM and the overall country information in the sector or mission-wide PERSUAP can provide useful background information for the consultant.
  • The volunteer shall review the guidance in attachments A through H of the F2F PERSUAP and the questionnaire provided by Winrockas part of this PERSUAP prior to providing recommendations for the use or procurement of pesticides; and shall be prepared to provide recommendations, based on this guidance, to recipients of F2F technical assistance.
  • Winrock shall submit all monitoring forms, scouting forms, and other documents the F2F volunteer may develop in regard to pesticide use, pesticide safe use training, and IPM to the F2F country office for use by future F2F volunteers.
  • The volunteer shall, at their discretion, provide recommendations to the F2F country office for additional F2F support for pesticide safe use training, IPM, or other pesticide-related topics.

If the volunteer will be providing training in pesticides, IPM, pest management or other pesticide-related topics, Winrockshall provide the syllabus for each training event for review and comment by the Mission Environmental Officer and the USAID COTR and shall incorporate any guidance or comment provided.

The volunteer shall submit a brief report (PERSUAP End of Assignment Report Annex; format to be provided by Winrock) describing activities involving pesticides and the following: (1) Pesticides that the F2F country program should be able to recommend/use that are not included in Attachment A, Table 2; (2) Limitations and successes of the PERSUAP; (3) Recommendations for additional technical assistance and training needed to improve pest and pesticide management practices; (4) Tools, forms, and plans provided to F2F recipients to assist with implementing the volunteer’s recommendations; and (5) recommendations on IPM practices and feedback on the effectiveness of IPM practices used locally.

Type 2(the assignment may address some pesticide issues, but it is not a main focus)

  • The volunteer shall review the F2F Environmental Brochure and the F2F Programmatic Pesticide Evaluation Report-Safe Use Action Plan (PERSUAP) and shall comply with requirements described in Section 4 of the SUAP when providing “assistance for the procurement or use” of pesticides. The volunteer is not expected to provide recommendations for specific pesticide active ingredients or products, but rather to provide advice, if necessary, on safe use of pesticides, and to discourage poor practices in pesticide use, transport, mixing, storage, application, and disposal.
  • The volunteer shall review the guidance in attachments B, C, F, and H of the PERSUAP and the information in the pesticide questionnaire that each country F2F Program submitted during preparation of this PERSUAP, and shall be prepared to provide recommendations, based on this guidance, to recipients of F2F technical assistance.
  • The volunteer shall, at their discretion, provide recommendations to the F2F country office for additional F2F support for pesticide safe use training, IPM, or other pesticide-related topics.

The volunteer shall submit a brief report (PERSUAP End of Assignment Report Annex; format to be provided by Winrock) describing: (1) Limitations and successes of the PERSUAP; (2) Recommendations for additional technical assistance and training needed to improve pest and pesticide management practices; and (3) New recommendations on IPM practices and feedback on the effectiveness of IPM practices used locally.

Type 3 (the assignment will probably not have any pesticide issues)

  • The volunteer shall review the F2F Environmental Brochure and be aware of F2F’s legal requirements regarding the provision of assistance for the procurement or use of pesticides. The volunteer shall not recommend or provide advice on specific pesticides.

Type 4 (the assignment is supporting another USAID program)

  • If a mission or sector-wide PERSUAP for an existing USAID activity is more current than the F2F PERSUAP, the approved pesticides in that PERSUAP will supercede the approved pesticide list in the F2F Programmatic PERSUAP. Should this be the case, the volunteer should obtain a copy of the PERSUAP governing that project, and ensure compliance with the Safe Use Action Plan (SUAP) from the F2F PERSUAP. If there is no existing PERSUAP for the USAID project, the volunteer shall obtain and review pertinent portions of the F2F Programmatic PERSUAP and comply with the SUAP (based on whether this is a Type 1, 2, or 3 assignment).

If governed by the F2F Programmatic PERSUAP, consultant shall submit a brief report (PERSUAP End of Assignment Report Annex; format to be provided by Winrock), as required for Type 1, 2, and 3 assignments.

Follow-up Impact Survey:Discuss with the host that an impact survey will be conducted between 6 to 12 months after the assignment. Explain the types of information that will be collected.

Working/living Conditions and Materials Needed for Assignment: Describe the physical conditions the volunteers will encounter, such as the amount of walking/hiking to farm fields that will be required, if there will be large elevation changes, whether there will be hot or cold temperatures that may be difficult for some volunteers, etc. Please suggest what equipment and clothing the volunteer will need. This helps reduce the amount of luggage some volunteers bring. Describe need for water purification tablets, insect repellent, clothing, voltage of electricity, lack of water, etc. volunteer expert/s should be prepared for. Also, include any electronic, teaching materials, video, written information, etc. required for the assignment.

Volunteer Outreach: USAID and Winrock encourage all F2F volunteers to participate in public outreach. An important objective of the program is to increase awareness of Americans’ good work in developing countries. Volunteers should select at least one outreach activity from the list below, to be completed within two months of return to the US:

☐ Write an entry for the Winrock Volunteers blog.

☐ Post a photo, video, or text related to the F2F assignment on a personal website, blog, Facebook page, Twitter, or other social media site. –And send a link to Winrock staff.

☐ Send a press release to local newspaper(s) in the volunteer’s home town. (Winrock can provide a template).

☐ Write something for an alumni or professional association newsletter, or other publication. (Winrock can help as needed).

☐ Give a presentation about the F2F assignment to colleagues, students, church group, rotary club, etc.

☐ Send an email about F2F to friends, family, or colleagues.

☐ Other.

Administrative Information

Date SOW sent to HQ: Click here to enter a date.

Assignment Site(s): (please include town/city and region/district)

PERSUAP Classification: Choose an item.

Choose Type 1 (the assignment is expected to cover pesticide issues), Type 2 (the assignment may address some pesticide issues, but it is not a main focus), Type 3 (the assignment will probably not have any pesticide issues), or Type 4 (the assignment is supporting another USAID program).

Country F2F Project: Choose an item.

Select the appropriate Country F2F Project. If the assignment does not fall within the approved Country F2F Projects listed, select “Flexible”.

Focus Area(s): Choose an item.,Click here to enter text.

Select the key terms to describe the focus of the assignment. For example, if the assignment will be working on a specific technical topic, subsector, or value chain, select the appropriate key word from the list. (The intent is to tag assignments by key words, to enable us to search for types/topics of assignments in the future). It is okay to list more than one.

Commodity Chain Activities: Choose an item.

If a volunteer focuses assistance on multiple categories of the commodity chain, determine the one category that the volunteer spent the majority of his/her time with and use that for the classification.

Type of Volunteer Assistance: Choose an item.

If a volunteer provides multiple types of assistance, determine the one category that the volunteer spent the majority of his/her time with and use that for the classification.

Resources to be contributed by the Host:Contribution for local hospitality, such as food and lodging, transportation to and from field, local transportation, interpreters/staff time, and any other logistics for the volunteer expert that might be necessary in course of this assignment in the field for conducting training workshops, visiting some field activities etc.

Estimated value of all those contributions will be as follows:

InterpretersUS$ .... per day

Food & LodgingUS$ .... per day

Transport and driverUS$ .... per day

OtherUS$ .... per day


TotalUS$ ....per day x ...... days = US$ ......

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