


Absence 14

Accommodation 11

Aims 7

Art and Craft 24

CEYU Information 5

CEYU Staff 6

Change of Address 14

Charity Support 23

Children with Disabilities 14

Children’s Rights 21

Clothes 18

Clytha Friends Association 21

Curriculum Cymreig 17

Discipline and Behaviour/ Pastoral Care 21

Documentation 19

Dogs 23

Early Years Education - Foundation Phase 15

Educational Visits 18

Emergency Contact Telephone Numbers 24

Equality and Diversity 24

Equipment and Resources 18

Fire Drills 23

First Aid 25

Head lice/Nits 22

Health and Safety 25

Home and C.E.Y.U. Links 20

Hygiene 25

ICT 18

Jewellery/ hairstyles 24

Libraries 19

Litter Policy 22

Lost/ Damaged Property 22

Medical Matters 21

Mission Statement 8

Multicultural Education 23

No Smoking Zone 23

Organisation 12

Our Early Years Unit Prayer 10

Our Early Years Unit Rules 9

Parking 23

Pens/ Pencils 23

Planning and Information for Families 25

Preventative Services Group 14

Pupil Care 14

Race Equality 24

Record Keeping and Assessment 17

Religious Education 17

Security 12

Snacks 21

Special Educational Needs 18

Staff 6

The Great Day 10

Times and Term Dates 13

Toilets & Toilet Training 18

Transfer from C.E.Y.U to Clytha Primary School 14

Valuables 24

Welcome to Clytha Early Years Unit 4


1 Parent/Carers Concerns/Complaints 26

2 Positive Behaviour Management Information for Parents booklet 27

3  Child Protection Statement 29

4  Daily timetable 30

5  CSSIW Report 31

6  ESTYN Report 45



The Chairperson, Management Group and staff are delighted to welcome you to Clytha Early years Unit. (CEYU)

It is important to us that your child is happy during their time with us. If you have any concerns about his/her time in C.E.Y.U, please do not ever hesitate to discuss them with us. We will do all we can to help. A happy child is a confident learner.

We hope that your child will find their time in C.E.Y.U. an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Communicating with parents will always be a priority at Clytha Early Years Unit. The purpose of the Clytha Early Years Unit Handbook is to provide a comprehensive insight into all aspects of the setting. We hope you will find it both useful and informative.

Chairperson, Management Group and Staff

The child

Is made of one hundred

The child has

a hundred languages

a hundred hands

a hundred thoughts

a hundred ways of thinking,

of playing, of speaking.

A hundred, always a hundred

ways of listening

Of marvelling, of loving

a hundred joys

for singing and understanding

a hundred worlds

to discover

a hundred worlds

to invent

a hundred worlds

to dream.

(Loris Malaguzzi 1920–1994)



C.E.Y.U. Address: Clytha Early Years Unit

C/o Clytha Primary School

Bryngwyn Road


South Wales

NP20 4JT

Telephone : 01633 265266

Fax: 01633 265266


Website address: www.newportlearn.net/clytha

Chairperson: Mrs Ann Picton, HT Clytha Primary School

Vice Chairperson/Secretary; Miss Ann Reece, DHT Clytha Primary School

Treasurer/Secretary: Mrs Jo Henshall, CPS Administrator

Management Group: Mrs Christine Roberts, CPS Foundation Phase Leader

Miss Kathryn Mountain, CPS Teacher

Mrs Caroline Reynolds, CPS Teacher


CSSIW: tel: 02920 451242/01495 761200

Child Protection tel: 01633 235407/8

Children’s Partnership Coordinator Mrs Katie Diamond tel: 01633 232609

WPPA, Head Office, Powys tel: 01686 624573

WPPA: local contact, Beechwood House tel: 01633 271528

WPPA Development Officer: Hannah Beckett tel: 07875 568038

Newport EYDCP Secretary Lisa Owen Chuckles Nursery tel: 01633 852373

WPPA Training Coordinator: Jayne Robinson tel: 01495 760909

WPPA Special Educational

Needs Referral Scheme: Lisa Aldridge tel: 01495 303805

WPPA Assisted Places Scheme: tel: 01495 760909

Local Education Authority: Newport City Council tel: 01633 656656

Education Department

Civic Centre

NEWPORT, South Wales, NP20 4UR

Educational Psychology Service: Moira Thompson tel: 01633 656656

Behaviour Support Service: Katy Rees tel: 01633 656656

Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Service: Katy Rees tel: 01633 656656

Specific Learning Difficulties: Katy Rees tel; 01633 656656

Principal School Improvement

Advisor Kate Evan Hughes tel: 01633 656656

SEN and Inclusion Officer Michael Olufsen tel: 01633 656656

School Nurse: Pam Flanagan tel: 01633 266176

SNAP/Special Needs Advisory

Project for Parents Les Foster tel: 01633 246897

Visually Impaired Service: Clytha Clinic tel; 01633 435946

Hearing Impaired Service: Margaret Barrell tel: 01633 871226

Child & Mental Health/CAMHS: tel: 01633 656656

Parent Partnership Officer: Gavin Metheringham tel: 01633 232357

Preventative Services Group: tel: 01633 656656


The vision of the Management Group of Clytha Early Years Unit was to set up a cutting edge, early years facility that would work very closely with Clytha Primary School. The C.E.Y.U. staff needed to be of the highest calibre, paid as professionals, whilst accepting the role and responsibilities that go with this status.

The staff of Clytha Early Years Unit is one of its greatest assets. They are a well qualified, professional team, passionate about early years, cognisant of the potential impact of their input on the future of the children in their care.

The early years, when the brain is at its most active and receptive, are the most critical years and nothing is more powerful in “Lifting Ourselves and Others into Our Best Future” than the synchronisation of the best efforts of the home, the child and the school. Given the best start in life then the world is then truly our oyster!


Miss Claire Knowles: BA, PGCE

Miss Knowles is a qualified teacher, particularly experienced in Early Years along with additional experience across all ages of the primary phase. She is fully conversant with the new Foundation Phase - introduced by the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG)for implementation in nursery classes in September 2008, Miss Knowles works closely with Clytha Primary School, Foundation Phase Leader of Learning and the Reception class staff. Early Years Unit briefings are held every morning and planning and feedback meetings are held weekly.


Mrs Kate O’Bryan: CACHE 2 & CACHE 3

Mrs O’Bryan was appointed in September 2008. Mrs O’Bryan has been awarded CACHE 2 and CACHE 3 by Nash College. She has also attended all the WAG Foundation training sessions, all the school closure days, all staff meetings, briefings and CEYU staff meetings.

Mrs Victoria Fenucci: CACHE 2 & CACHE 3

Mrs Fenucci was appointed as teaching assistant in February 2011. Mrs Fenucci has been awarded her CACHE 2 qualification at Nash College and is currently studying for her CACHE 3 qualification. These are college and school based experience qualifications. She is also attending the Foundation Phase WAG training, all Clytha Primary School’s closure training days along with all Clytha Primary School’s staff meetings, briefings and CEYU staff meetings.


¨  To provide the best possible start in education for the children in our pre school, helping every child to reach his/her full potential in all areas;

¨  To provide children with an education appropriate to age and stage of development through a wide range of well planned exciting and stimulating


¨  To secure children’s wellbeing, to meet pupils personal and social needs and to promote their spiritual, moral, social and emotional development;

¨  To develop and improve performance in the basic skills of literacy and numeracy and welsh second language;

¨  To develop in children a love of learning and a desire to continue to expand their knowledge and skills throughout their lives;

¨  To help children to live together in a community, to develop a sensitivity to others and to become responsible independent people;

¨  To provide a happy setting in a stimulating, secure, clean, attractive and purposeful environment;

¨  To care for and value children as individuals encouraging co-operation and support for one another;

¨  To create an environment in which staff have an entitlement to teach and children an entitlement to learn;

¨  To develop and encourage a partnership between staff, children, parents and the community :- welcoming and involving all in the life of Clytha Early Years Unit;

¨  To promote a healthy living lifestyle;

¨  To give children opportunities to have a voice and be actively involved in their own learning which must build on what they already know and can do, their interests and what they understand.

¨  To be committed to equal opportunities by opposing all forms of prejudice, discrimination and racism, promoting positive approaches to difference and fostering respect for people of all cultural backgrounds and sexual orientation.





Mission Statement



·  Follow instructions first time

·  Keep hands, feet, objects and unkind words to ourselves

·  Use an indoor voice in the classroom

·  Use walking feet in the classroom

We will flourish as a setting if we:

·  respect each other, treating others as we wish to be treated

·  look after each other, our school and our world

·  share, care and are kind and considerate

·  be well mannered, honest and always do our best.



If a child lives with criticism

She learns to condemn.

If a child lives with hostility

He learns to fight.

If a child lives with ridicule

She learns to be shy.

If a child lives with shame

He learns to feel guilty.

If a child lives with tolerance

She learns to be patient.

If a child lives with encouragement

He learns confidence.

If a child lives with praise

She learns to appreciate.

If a child lives with fairness

He learns justice.

If a child lives with security

She learns to have faith.

If a child lives with approval

He learns to like himself.

If a child lives with acceptance and friendship

She learns to give love in the world.


This is what is important to us at Clytha Early Years Unit.

The Great Day

Your child will be very excited about starting at C.E.Y.U. Do not be surprised if s/he suddenly clings to you! On the first day, bring your child and settle him/her down. Stay for a while (or even the session) and leave together. The next time your child may stay for the entire session, please tell him/her when you are going and reassure him/her you will return.


Clytha Early Years Unit is a first class, superbly resourced, purpose built and renovated facility housed within the lower building and grounds of Clytha Primary School. The location on Bryngwyn Road, is central to the Handpost area in the North and Clytha Park to the south, two of the most enviably, thriving and vibrant residential and commercial communities in the City of Newport. The area buzzes and is home to a fabulous range and cluster of small businesses that meet the diverse needs of the community and so much more. A network of Edwardian and Victorian homes of great character, pre and post war houses, a sprinkling of modern builds sit in grand tree lined streets offering houses, flats and some bed sit accommodation in abundance to a wonderful, multicultural community,

The Lower Building dates from 1901 and in addition to the Early Years Unit, houses all the Foundation Phase classrooms, the hall, indoor cloakrooms and toilet facilities, a staff room that doubles as a central resource/small group area, the Headteacher/Chairperson’s office and the administration office. The EYU utilises the facilities and resources of the primary school and works in close partnership with them in order to ensure there is a continuum of care and learning across the three to eleven year old phase.

The Early Years Unit is a private business, organised and run solely by a small school based management group, working voluntarily without pay. Any profit is ploughed 100% back into the setting. Initially the establishment of Clytha Early Years Unit was sponsored by the Children’s Partnership and WPPA with funding from the Welsh Assembly Government. The Partnership, WPPA (Wales Pre-School Providers) and the LA continue to support CEYU’s development. The Early Years Unit was awarded the WPPA Quality Mark of Excellence in 2009. The ESTYN Inspection of November 2010 awarded CEYU with the most outstanding of accolades with judgements of EXCELLENT for ‘Current Performance’ and EXCELLENT for ‘Prospects for Improvement’. EXCELLENT means “Many strengths, including significant examples of sector leading practice”. This level of judgement is very rarely awarded. The full report is included as appendices to the Handbook.

Indoor facilities are bright, airy, attractive, welcoming and child friendly and offer a huge range of well planned learning experiences and activities in safe and healthy accommodation comprising a generous space of two adjoining rooms with bathroom, washing, kitchen and cloakroom areas. The main room and the Canopy area are both well lit with windows that can be shaded by blinds and with heating and ventilation systems that enable comfortable and legally required temperatures to be maintained. Space is provided to display notices about the setting’s activities together with helpful leaflets, information and policies. The setting is fully accessible for parents with prams, pushchairs, buggies and wheel chairs.

The EYU dedicated outdoor environment/play space is a fabulously resourced area. In the school there are also two additional hard play areas, allotments and a small grassed copse/Forest School to the rear of the upper building, all of which are available for use by the EYU. The school site is safely enclosed by walls, fencing, trees and greenery. A great deal of outdoor environment improvement has taken place in order to provide a more enriched outdoor play and learning space with the memorial/peace garden and the foundation phase trim trail being the last two completed projects, spring term 2009 and January 2010 respectively.

There is no public right of way through the grounds and it is the Council’s policy not to allow unauthorised use, which constitutes trespass.