SUSCON Kick-off Meeting between NTUA and PARTNERS

NTUA, 25th October 2005




/ Participant Name
NTUA / Maria Loizidou, Ekaterini Haralambous, Konstantinos Moustakas, Simeon Malamis, Kyriakos Hapeshis
EPTA Ltd / Athena Bourka
CYBARCO / Takis Palekythritis
EDRASIS-PSALLIDAS / Dimitris Chardas
UCY / Despo Fatta
ETEK / Linos Chrysostomou
Life-Environment External Monitoring Team / C. Marouli


Agenda Topics

M. Loizidou of NTUA welcomed all partners who attended the meeting
Each partner introduced himself/herself
Overview of Project
EPTA (A. Bourka) made a brief overview of the project which included:
  • the project purpose and objectives
  • brief presentation of all the tasks that will be carried out (start/end date, actions, deliverables)
  • Cost analysis for each partner
NTUA (S. Malamis) presented the project timetable and the responsibilities of each partner:
- duration of each task and allocation of responsibilities for partners
- important events
Short Presentation of the profile of each partner
Each partner briefly presented the activities, interests and other co-ordinating activities of their organization:
NTUA profile (M. Loizidou)
EPTA (A. Bourka)
CYBARCO (T. Palekythritis)
UCY (D. Fatta)
ETEK (L. Chrysostomou)
Task 1: Management and Reporting to the EC
NTUA (K. Moustakas) presented in detail Task 1:
  • Start date: 01/10/05; End date: 30/09/08

1.1: Task Management
The team determined the Task Leaders and the Coordination Group:
Task Leaders
  • Task 1: M. Loizidou
  • Task 2: A. Bourka
  • Task 3: M. Loizidou
  • Task 4: M. Loizidou / A. Bourka
  • Task 5: M. Loizidou/ A. Bourka
  • Task 6: D. Fatta
  • Task 7: E. Haralambous
/ Coordination Group:
NTUA: M. Loizidou
EPTA: A. Bourka
CYBARCO: T. Palekythritis
UCY: D. Fatta
ETEK: L. Chrysostomou
1.2: Reporting to EC
  • 3 Progress reports, 1 Interim and 1 Final Report:
May 2006 (Submission of 1stProgress Report)
January 2007 (Submission of 2ndProgress Report)
April 2007 (Submission Interim Report)
February 2008 (Submission of 3rdProgress Report)
December 2008 (Submission of Final Report)
  • Prior of each report submission to the EC, the report will be provided to all partners for comments and feedback
  • The contract has been received by the NTUA
  • NTUA will start preparing the contract between the partners and NTUA

1.3: Project Meetings
  • 6 project meetings will take place in total, 3 inGreece and 3 inCyprus
  • Each partner will be responsible for the organization of one meeting
  • The next partner meeting will take place in Cyprus on April 2006 and will be organized by ETEK

1.4: Monitoring and Evaluation
  • The progress of the project will be monitored by the co-ordination group through the use of performance indicators
  • NTUA will prepare appropriate indicators for each Task, in collaboration with the Task Manager of the relevant Task

1.4: Advisory Board
  • Two Advisory Boards will be formulated, one in Cyprus and one in Greece
  • EPTA in collaboration with EDRASIS-PSALLIDAS will be responsible for contacting the Greek relevant bodies and UCY in collaboration with ETEK and CYBARCO will be responsible for contacting the Cypriot relevant bodies
  • The Advisory Boards will consist of key representatives of public organisations, academics and research institutions, technical chambers, association of construction industries
  • Up to the 15th of November two letters will be drafted, one from the Greek and one from the Cypriot side, listing the organizations that will be contacted to participate in the Advisory Boards
  • Need to inform and involve relevant fora

Task 2: Analysis and Documentation of the Construction
Sector in Greece, Cyprus & EU level
EPTA (A. Bourka) presented the objectives, activities and deliverables of Task 2
  • Start date: 1/11/05; End Date: 31/03/06
  • The Task will be completed 20 days in advance of the EC deadline in order to have comments and feedback from all partners

2.1 Analysis of the construction sector in GreeceCyprus
  • Collection of data & analysis of the construction sector in GreeceCyprus
  • Decide on the length of the recording period (preferably the 5 most recent years); however must make sure that the same recording period is taken for Greece and Cyprus
  • Classification of construction activities according topublic buildings, civil works, private infrastructures
  • EPTA & EDRASIS-PSALLIDAS will be responsible for the collection of data from the Greek sector, while CYBARCO & ETEK will be responsible for the collection of data from the Cypriot sector
  • Next week EPTA will send a suitable format for the presentation of the results
  • First data will be available by 20/12/2005
  • Deliverables:
Report including fact sheets with construction activities in GreeceCyprus
Report on international best practices
2.2: Environmental Impact Assessment from the construction activities
  • Consider all potential environmental impacts:
Consumption of building materials
Consumption of other raw materials
Waste generation
Energy consumption from the use of new buildings
Air emissions
  • Deliverable
Environmental Impact Assessment from the construction activities
Task 3: LCA in two construction activities
NTUA (C. Koroneos) presented the objectives, activities and deliverables of Task 3:
  • Start Date: 01/01/06; End Date: 30/06/06
  • NTUA will be responsible for this Action, while UCY will also be involved

3.1: Data collection for the two construction categories
  • Examination of best available practiceson methodologies, evaluation tools and software relating to eco-design in the construction sector
  • Selection of two categories from the construction activities
  • Need to select two categories for which data is available and that will the attract the attention of relevant organizations
  • Consider pre-fabricated buildings for which the materials used are well-known; potential examples are schools buildings and public roads. The Association of School Buildings in Greece will be interested if school buildings are selected
  • Formulation of Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) in which material and energy consumption, emissions to the environment and waste disposal problems will be documented
  • EDRASIS-PSALLIDAS & CYBARCO will provide the required data
  • Deliverables:
Report on international best practices
Life Cycle Inventory study
3.2: Conduction of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study
  • The LCA study will include the four steps of the methodology:
Goal definition and scoping
Inventory analysis
Impact assessment
  • The life cycle of the building will consist of 3 phases:
Production phase
Structural phase
Disposal phase
  • Need to consider the whole life cycle including the energy consumed for the production of the required materials, transportation impacts etc.
  • Deliverable:
 Life Cycle Assessment Study
Task 4: Development of eco-design criteria
NTUA (M. Loizidou) briefly presented this task:
  • Start-date: 01/07/2006; End date:28/02/2007
  • Objectives:
Assessment of all the eco-design issues towards the eco-design in the construction sector
Development of eco-design criteria
4.1: General assessment of eco-design strategies
  • The general strategies of eco-design will be examined in order to apply them in the construction sector

4.2: Creation of an eco-design matrix and an eco-design checklist
  • An eco-design matrix and a checklist will be created as tools of eco-design in the constructionindustry
  • Deliverables:
Eco-design matrix and checklist for the construction industry
4.3: Development of eco-design criteria
  • Using the findings of 4.1 & 4.2 appropriate eco-design criteria will be created for the construction industry
  • Deliverable:
Eco-design criteria study
Task 5: Application of eco-design criteria in construction
NTUA (M. Loizidou) briefly presented this task:
  • Start Date: 01/03/07; End Date: 30/09/08
  • NTUA in collaboration with EPTA will be responsible for this Task
  • Objectives:
To produce and apply a software tool that will assess the environmental performance in the construction sector
5.1 Production of software for the evaluation of the envirnmental
performance of construction works
  • Web-based software tool developed based on the findings of Task 4
  • All organizations related to the construction sector will have access to this tool
  • Continious improvements will be done
  • Deliverable:
Software tool
5.2 Application of the software tool by the construction companies
  • EDRASIS-PSALLIDAS and CYBARCO will run the software to their construction projects
  • Evaluate the performance of the two companies
  • Propose corrrective actions based on the software output
  • Deliverables:
Modifications to the software tool through its application
Report on the application of the software tool to the two construction companies
5.3 Drafting National Institutonal Arrangements
  • Prepare recommendations for national institutional arrangements
  • Deliverable:
Report with recommendations, proposals, measures to be taken and a cost-benefit analysis of the proposed measures
Task 6: Online Database for the Construction Industry
  • A discussion on the activities to be taken under this Task took place. All the partners agreed that UCY will be responsible for drafting the specifications of the database and presenting them to the partners for comments. The database will be hosted in the website of the project.

Task 7: Dissemination
NTUA (E. Haralambous) presented the dissemination activities that will take place throughout the project:
  • Start Date: 01/01/2006; End Date: 30/09/2008
  • Objectives:
Motivate Greek and Cypriot construction industry to move towards sustainable construction
Inform stakeholders about sustainable construction
Disseminate the project results to national and European stakeholders
  • It was mentioned that it is important to consider the dissemination plan once the project has finished

7.1 Development and Updating of project Web-site
  • The project website will be uploaded by NTUA on January 2006
  • NTUA responsible for its creation and its regular updating; however all partners need to provide input
  • It will include the following features:
General information on the project
Project deliverables
Project events
Online database
Software with limited access
  • Deliverable: SUSCON website

7.2 Organization of a national annual competition for ‘sustainable construction project’
  • Competitions will take place in GreeceCyprus
  • EPTA will be responsible for the organization of the competitions
  • Winner selection will be based on the eco-deign criteria developed in Task 4
  • The competition will provide an incentive for construction companies to promote the eco-design criteria

7.3: Organization of one-day informational events & Final Conference
  • Two one-day informational events in GreeceCyprus under the topic of sustainable construction
  • The target of these events is to raise the awareness of sustainability issues among the actors in the construction process and towards the public
  • EDRASIS-PSALLIDAS & CYBARCO will be responsible for the organization of these 1-day events in Greece and Cyprus respectively
  • The final Conference will be organized in Athens
  • Deliverable: Conference Proceedings

7.4 Newsletters
  • Preparation and distribution of newsletters every 6 months by NTUA in collaboration with EPTA
  • Each partner will be responsible for the distribution of newsletters to relevant organizations/institutions with which they co-operate
  • Deliverables: Newsletters

7.5 Advertisement Campaign
  • The campaign be achieved through the following means:
Articles and newsletters in the press
European and national technical magazines
Sectoral publications
Production of leaflets / brochures for distribution
  • Target groups for distribution:
 Construction industries
Public authorities issuing tender documents
Key Stakeholders
Relevant association
  • Deliverable: Advertising campaign plan