Information Technology

File Transfer Survey to Client

Standard Operating Procedures

Confidential Information

Version 1.0

Meritain File Transfer Survey to Client

Table of Contents

1.File Transfer Survey to Client

1.1Contact Information

1.2Connection Information

1.3Files to Meritain

1.4Files from Meritain


Statement of Purpose

This survey is intended to facilitate a new file transfer between Meritain health and the client. The information in this document is cataloged and stored securely for use by Meritain Health when setting up a new connection, performing maintenance and modification. It is important when filling out this survey that the information is both complete and accurate. We strongly recommend having this filled out by the direct technical contact who will be working with Meritain on establishing this connection.


Meritain File Transfer Survey to Client

Revision History

Date / Version / Description / Document Owner
April, 2009 / 1.0 / Original / Shawn Walsh
May, 2009 / 1.1 / Revisions / Shawn Walsh

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Meritain File Transfer Survey to Client

1.File Transfer Survey to Client

Please complete the required information contained in the following sections.

1.1Contact Information

  1. Technical Contact. Please provide The following:
  2. Name:
  3. Email Address:
  4. Phone Number:

1.2Connection Information

(refer to Section 2, #1 of this document)

  1. What is the hostname and/or IP address of your server?
  2. What username has Meritain been assigned to make this connection?(Refer toSection 2, #2 of this document

1.3Files to Meritain

  1. For files Meritain retrieves from your server, in what directory will the files be found?
  2. What file types will Meritain be retrieving from your server (837s, Elig, 834s, 997s, etc)? Please list all types and quantities for each.
  3. For files Meritain retrieves from your server, what naming convention will the files have? (Refer to Section 2, #3 of this document)
  4. On what schedule should Meritain retrieve these file (Frequency and time of day)?

1.4Files from Meritain

  1. For files Meritain drops off on your server, in what directory should the files be placed?
  2. What file types will Meritain drop of on your server (837s, Elig, 834s, 997s, etc)? Please list all types and quantities for each.
  3. For files Meritain drops off on your server, what naming convention will the files have? (Refer to Section 2, #3 of this document)
  4. On what schedule should Meritain retrieve these file (Frequency and time of day)?


  1. Meritain only allows incoming connections using the SFTP protocol.
  2. Meritain staff will get the password from the Technical Contact named in Section 1.
  3. Use a key to help illustrate naming convention if necessary.

For example QJJJCCYYMMDD##


Q = qualifier P or I for professional or institutional

JJJ = Julian date

CCYYMMDD – date in year/month/day format

## = incrementing number

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