For pupils to be admitted from September 2013 to July 2014

The processing of all applications will be in accordance with the Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme of the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead (RBWM) - the details of which will be published by RBWM when it has been finalised. The scheme will be common to all schools within RBWM. Applications should be made on the common application form of the local authority (LA) in which the parent(s) (explanatory note 2) and the child live (the home LA) and submitted to that LA.

The Governing Body has made every effort to ensure that this policy complies with all relevant legislation, including on infant class sizes and on equal opportunities.

All applications will be treated equally, irrespective of need or ability.

It would be helpful if you could also submit an Expression of Interest form to the school. This is a requirement if you wish to submit a Supplementary Information Form for Church Affiliation

Applications during the year for any year group will be considered provided space is available at the time of application. All in year applications should be made direct to the school.

Re-application can only be made in the same school year if there is a major change in circumstances.

Parents may express a preference for a school on the common application form (refer to the RBWM booklet) of their home LA.

These arrangements do not apply to those being admitted for nursery provision.

We have a separate admissions policy for the Nursery. Attendance at the Nursery does not guarantee admission to the school.

Age of children at admission

By law children must start full-time education when they reach compulsory school age. (See Explanatory Note 1). Parents (see Explanatory Note 2) are legally responsible for ensuring that children of compulsory school age receive suitable full-time education.

Pupils will normally be admitted at the beginning of the academic year in which they become five.

However parents can request that the date their child is admitted is deferred until later in the same academic year or until the child reaches compulsory school age in that school year.

A deferred place will be held for the child. Entry to the school may not be deferred beyond the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday.

If parents wish to defer the entry of the child who reaches the age of five between 1 April 2014 and 31 August 2014 to the school year beginning in September 2014, they would have to make a fresh in year (an in year application is an application for a particular school year after it has begun) application in the summer of 2013 for a year one place in September 2014. Parents should be aware that there may not be any places available in year 1as it may be full with children transferring from the 2013-14 Foundation 1 year (Reception class).

Parents can also request that their child attends part time until the child reaches compulsory school age. In the event that they then wish to increase to full time before their child reaches statutory school age, the parents / carers must discuss this with the Head Teacher to agree the date that this will commence.

The school will not accept applications for Foundation 1 (Reception) from parents whose children reach five on or after 1st September 2014.

Requests from parents for places outside a normal age group will be considered carefully e.g. for those who have missed education due to ill health. Each case will be considered on its own merits and circumstances. However, cases will not normally be agreed without a consensus that to do so would be in the pupil’s interests. The governors will ask relevant professionals for their opinion on the case. Those refused places outside the normal age group will be informed of their statutory right to appeal.

Children with statements of special educational need which name the school will always be admitted.

If the number of requests for admission exceeds places available the following criteria will apply in order of priority. Admission criteria apply only if the school is oversubscribed (see Explanatory Note 3).


  1. Looked after children and children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order.
  2. Children who live in Datchet (see Explanatory Note 4) who have church affiliation (see Explanatory note 5) and who have a sibling at the school at the time of application who is expected still to be in attendance at the time of entry.
  3. Children who live in Datchet and who have a sibling at the school at the time of application who is expected still to be in attendance at the time of entry.
  4. Children who live in Datchet and who have church affiliation. (see Explanatory Note 5)
  5. Children who live in Datchet.
  6. Other children who have church affiliation (see Explanatory Note 5) and who have a sibling at the school at the time of application who is expected still to be in attendance at the time of entry.
  7. Other children who have a sibling at the school at the time of application who is expected still to be in attendance at the time of entry.
  8. Other children who have church affiliation. (See Explanatory Note 5).
  9. Children whose parent(s) express a preference for Datchet St. Mary’s School for any other reason.



If a child’s fifth birthday falls between 1st April and 31st August they will become of compulsory school age on the 1st of September.

If a child’s birthday falls between 1st September and 31st December they will become of compulsory school age on 1st January.

If a child’s fifth birthday falls between 1st January and 31st March they will become of compulsory school age on 1st April.


A parent is any person who has parental responsibility for or is the legal guardian of the child.


The planned admission number for entry to the Foundation 1 (Reception) Year is 30. All other year groups have 30 places.

If there are not enough places for all applicants in any one of the admission categories, or if the admission number is reached part-way through a category, priority will be given to those pupils who live closest to the school.

Distance will be measured in straight line from the front door of the child’s home address (including flats) to the main entrance of the school using the RBWM’s computerised measuring system. If two applicants live exactly the same distance from the school the place will be randomly allocated in the presence of an independent witness.

Governors will subscribe to the RBWM’s in-year fair access protocol (see RBWM’s Guide to Secondary, Middle and Upper Schools) which means that children covered by the protocol will be offered a place as soon as possible, even if the school is full or, if appropriate they will be given top priority on the waiting list.


Datchet’s boundaries are shown on the map in the application pack available from school. The child’s home address must be the child’s permanent place of residence. The governing body has the right to seek proof of address.


At least one parent of any child for whom Datchet St. Mary’s School is chosen on the grounds of church affiliation must be an active member of one of the churches on the list in Appendix A. The school considers active membership to include at least monthly attendance at church for a service of worship during the 12 months prior to the application. The upper part of the Church Affiliation Form must be completed by you and then submitted to the Parish Priest or Minister of Religion for completion in full. If you have moved into the area in the past 12 months we will accept attendance at a previous church and aggregate this with attendance at a new church in the local area. You will need to get a church affiliation form signed by the minister or priest of both churches.


Sibling refers to brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parents/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling.

In the case of multiple births the school would offer places to all of the children in the multiple birth if any one of them is offered a place.


Transfer from the Nursery class to the main school is not automatic and cannot be guaranteed. Parents whose children attend the Nursery and wish them to enter the main school must fill in the Common Application Form from the RBWM by the publicised closing date.


Parents must accept or refuse a place within the timescale described in the home LA’s booklet. If a place has not been accepted in writing within this timescale the place will be offered to another applicant.


All applications for entry to the Foundation 1 year (Reception year) at the school for September 2013 must be made to the home LA by 15th January 2013. Applications that are unsuccessful on the grounds of lack of places only, will be held on file. In the event of any places becoming available offers will be made in order of priority, according to the admissions criteria. If people are submitting a Church Affiliation Form it must be submitted to the school at the same time.


There are established arrangements for appeals against the decision of the governors. Details are available from the school. Appeals should be made, in writing, within two weeks of the place not being offered, to:

The Chair of Governors

C/o Datchet St Mary’s C of E Primary Academy

The Green




In the case of an unsuccessful appeal, a re-application can only be made in the same school year if there is a major change in circumstances e.g. a change of address.

If you require any further information, please contact the School Secretary or the Headteacher at the School.

Datchet St Mary’s CofE Primary Academy

The Green



Tel: 01753 542982

Fax: 01753593492


Appendix A

Baptist Union of Great Britain

Cherubim and Seraphim Council of Churches

Church of Wales

Church of England

Church of Ireland

Church of Scotland

Congregational Federation

Congregational Union of Scotland

Council of African and Afro-Caribbean Churches

Council of Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches

Covenanted Baptist Churches in Wales

Greek Orthodox Church

Independent Methodist Churches

International Ministerial Council of Great Britain

Joint Council for Afro-Caribbean Churches

Lutheran Council of Great Britain

Methodist Church

Methodist Church of Ireland

Moravian Church

New Testament Assembly

Presbyterian Church in Wales

Religious Society of Friends

Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales

Roman Catholic Church in Scotland

Russian Orthodox Church

Salvation Army (British Territory)

Salvation Army (Scottish Territory)

Scottish Episcopal Church

Unded yr AnnibynwyrCymraeg (Union of Welsh Independents)

United Free Church of Scotland

United Reformed Church

Wesleyan Holiness Church

The above mentioned Churches are member churches of Ecumenical Bodies, Churches Together in England, Action of Churches Together in Scotland, Churches Together in Wales and Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland.

29th March 2012 CH Page 1