On notebook paper, write the heading below (all caps). Read the question then read through the paragraph. Decide what is important to answer your question. Use the formula above to answer the question on your paper.
Why should students learn to write in cursive?
Beth Mizell, a Louisiana lawmaker, tried to bring cursive writing back in her state. She said she was sad to see people graduate from college and still write like second graders. Studies show that learning cursive makes students think more deeply. It helps improve students' ability to work with their hands. They say cursive helps children learn how words work together.Studies also show that cursive writing helps students with spelling, reading, and writing their ideas.
Tesla Autopilot Driving
Is hands-free driving technology dangerous?
Tesla’s hands-free driving system is the result of many years of advances in technology. The cars' computers use a few of the new technologies for Autopilot. The technology has been built into 70,000 Tesla vehicles worldwide since October 2014. Yet the May 7 crash that killed the driver shows the technology is not perfect. It will be awhile before self-driving vehicles are mainstream. The Tesla company says Autopilot is off until the driver turns it on. Drivers are warned that the technology is still new. They are also told that Autopilot is only to assist them. Drivers must still keep their hands on the steering wheel. Computer vision allows computers to find and interpret objects that are filmed on a camera. It can help the Tesla "see" in a way. However, the technology is not perfect. It generally uses cameras with lower resolution than the average smartphone camera. The company’s cameras act as sensors to help warn drivers. Examples include when a driver is in danger of rear-ending another vehicle. This can turn on an emergency braking system. The company said that the system does not brake when another vehicle comes from the side. Drivers must realize self-driving technologies are still limited. There will always be scenarios that they are not ready to handle properly.
Should humans feed dolphins in the wild?
Jean Fruh is a South Carolina Master Naturalist, one of a statewide group of volunteers who work to protect water, soil, plants and animals. She works as a guide and directs a local group that teaches kids to protect the environment. Fruh often sees people feeding the dolphins. She said that some are visitors, but others are locals who should know better. Fruh cannot say whether more people are feeding the dolphins, but she has noticed more of the animals approaching her boat. She calls them beggars. Dolphins will eat anything, so they will fill up on hand-fed Twinkies, for example, instead of hunting for fish. Fish are their source of fresh water, and dolphins that eat human food can become dehydrated and eventually die. Feeding can change dolphins’ behavior as well. Dolphins used to being fed can train their offspring to beg instead of hunt for food. They might go after fishing bait and swallow hooks that can lodge in their stomachs and cause fatal infections. Sometimes a hook will cut off the windpipe from the air hole, and then the dolphin cannot breathe. Dolphins who are beggars can become threatening. There are numerous instances of people being bitten by them. Feeding the dolphins could encourage them to approach boats, which is dangerous for the animals. Some dolphins have scars on their dorsal finsfrom boat propellers. The dorsal fin acts as a dolphin’s fingerprint, or feature that makes them different from each other.