JANUARY 8, 2014

Members Present: Tony Nelson, Jacob Schleusner, Mark Winkels, Dianne Schmidt, and Deputy Clerk Nancy Eichman

Members Absent: Kevin Kullot, Jacob Robinson and Kurt Holst

Guests: Mayor Tyrel Clark, Kelly Corbin of Olmsted County Health Department, and Mark Engel of Yaggy Colby Engineering Firm.

Call to Order: Mark Winkels called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM in the absence of Chair Kullot and Co-Chair Robinson.

Approve Agenda: There was a motion made by Schmidt and seconded by Schleusner to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. The motion was declared carried.

Approve Minutes: There was a motion made by Schmidt and seconded by Winkels to approve the minutes of the December 11, 2013 meeting. All voted in favor. The motion was declared carried.

Park/Maintenance Update: Secretary Eichman reported that the ice rink is open. The ice rink facility will be maintained by volunteer Ryan Pike.

Selection of Park Board Chair and Co-Chair for 2014: There was a motion made by Schleusner and seconded by Schmidt to recommend to the City Council to nominate Jacob Robinson as Chair and Mark Winkels as Co-Chair for the 2014 Park Board positions. All voted in favor. The motion was declared carried.

Summer Recreation Program: There was a motion made by Schmidt and seconded by Schleusner to recommend to the City Council Mark Winkels as the 2014 Summer Recreation Director. All voted in favor. The motion was declared carried.

Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) Mini Grant:

Kelly Corbin of Olmsted County Health Department reported a brief summary review on the details of the SHIP mini grant. The purpose of the grant is to promote community physical activity. It is a grant eligible for up to $10,000 that must be used by November 2015. The plan would need to be established to create good health for parents, kids and the whole community, by decreasing obesity and reducing the number of people who use tobacco or who are exposed to tobacco smoke. It would be a two year program. The first year a plan would be designed (with the assistance given by Yaggy Colby Engineering, hired by SHIP) and a survey completed. The second year when the plan is completed, the City would apply for the grant. Things the grant money could be used for are park benches, signage (way finding signs), crosswalks and bike racks.

Ms. Corbin then introduced Mark Engel of Yaggy Colby Engineering. Mr. Engel

reported to the Park Board that his company would assist the park board with map

layouts of our parks or a specific park. The maps could include crosswalks, park

benches, directional signage, etc. Mr. Engel asked the Park Board for specific direction

on what park(s)they want assistance for.

After some discussion the Park Board decided they would like Mr. Engel to work on

maps for the InnerCity Trails and the Safe Routes to School Project. Mr. Engel reported

that he could design a couple of maps. One map could be used for brochures,

flyers/newsletters, website andfacebook. The second map could be a map used for future

planning; such as identifyingsidewalks, types of trails/mileage, crosswalks, benches, and


There was a motion made by Schmidt and seconded by Schleusner to recommend to the

City Council to request Mr. Mark Engel to move forward with creating more detail maps

for ourInner City Trails and the Safe Route to School Project. All voted in favor. The

motion was declared carried.

Adjourn: There was a motion made by Schmidt and seconded by Schleusner to adjourn.

All voted in favor. The motion was declared carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.


Nancy Eichman

Deputy Clerk/Park Board Secretary

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