February 1, 2016
John S. Klemanski
Department of Political Science
Oakland University
Rochester, MI 48309-4488
Degree Institution Date Subject
Ph.D. Wayne State University 1985 Political Science
M.P.A. Wayne State University 1974 Public Administration
B. A. University of Michigan 1973 Political Science
Institution Rank Date
Oakland University Professor 1998-present
Oakland University Associate Professor 1992-1998
Oakland University Assistant Professor 1987-1992
Oakland University Visiting Asst. Prof. 1985-1987
University of Detroit Visiting Asst. Prof. 1982-1985
Wayne State University Lecturer 1979-1981
Other relevant professional experience:
Institution Rank/Title Dates
Oakland University Professor and Chair August 2004-August 2007
Oakland University Acting MPA Director May 2003- July 2004
Oakland University Professor and Acting Chair August 1998-August 1999
Oakland University Assistant/Associate Professor
and MPA Director August 1988 -August 1996
Doctoral dissertation:
"Campaign Finance Reform, Election Activities, and State Political Party Organizations," Wayne State University, 1985.
Master's Thesis:
"Public Employee Unions, Collective Bargaining, and the Right to Strike," Wayne State University, 1974.
Books published or in press:
John S. Klemanski and David A. Dulio (eds.), Michigan Government, Politics, and Policy. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press, forthcoming, July 2017.
John S. Klemanski, David A. Dulio, and Michael Switalski. Campaigns from the Ground Up: State House Elections in a National Context. New York: Routledge, 2015. Pp. 194.
David A. Dulio, Erin O’Brien, and John S. Klemanski (eds). Diversity in Contemporary American Politics and Government. New York: Longman, 2008. Pp. 346.
John S. Klemanski and David A. Dulio. The Mechanics of State Legislative Campaigns. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2006. Pp. 168.
Alan DiGaetano and John S. Klemanski. Power and City Governance: Comparative Perspectives on Urban Development. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1999. Pp. 328.
John W Smith and John S. Klemanski, The Urban Politics Dictionary. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 1990. Pp. 613.
Articles and book chapters published:
David A. Dulio and John S. Klemanski, “Republican Strategies and Tactics in the 2012
Primary and General Elections,” Chapter 13 in Campaigns and Elections: American
Style, 4th edition, edited by James Thurber and Candace Nelson. New York: Taylor and
Francis, 2014, pp. 283-313.
John S. Klemanski, “Trends in Michigan Supreme Court Elections 2000-2012,” Michigan Academician, Vol 41, no. 3, 2013, pp. 289-309.
John S. Klemanski and David O. Kasdan, two terms for the Encyclopedia of Housing, 2nd
edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2012. [Building Permit; Household].
David A. Dulio and John S. Klemanski, “Schauer vs. Walberg in Michigan’s Seventh
Congressional District: Money Helps Create the Wave,” Ch. 13, in Randall E. Adkins
and David A. Dulio (eds.), Cases in Congressional Campaigns: Riding the Wave, 2nd ed.
London: Routledge, 2011, pp. 259-279.
Articles published or in press (con’t):
Roger Larocca and John S. Klemanski, “Election Reform and Turnout in Presidential
Elections,” State Politics and Policy Quarterly, Vol. 11, no. 1, 2011, pp. 76-101.
John S. Klemanski and Julie K. Walters, “Defeating an Incumbent Chief Justice: The
2008 Michigan Supreme Court Election,” Judicature, Vol. 94, no. 5, 2011, pp. 233-238.
David A. Dulio and John S. Klemanski, “Sinking in ‘The Perfect Storm’: Knollenberg vs. Peters in Michigan’s Ninth Congressional District,” Chapter 2 in Randall E. Adkins and David A. Dulio (eds.), Cases in Congressional Campaigns: Incumbents Playing Defense in 2008. London: Routledge, 2010, pp. 25-42.
David A. Dulio and John S. Klemanski, “Incumbency is No Advantage: Michigan’s 7th Congressional District,” The American Review of Politics, Summer 2009, pp. 189-212.
John S. Klemanski, “A Tale of Three Cities: Brownfield Redevelopment in Detroit, Pontiac, and Monroe, Michigan,” National Social Science Journal, Vol. 23, no. 2, 2005, pp. 79-85.
John S. Klemanski, “Greenfields, Greyfields, and Brownfields: Governmental Response to Land Use Challenges,” National Social Science Perspectives, Vol. 24, no. 1, 2003, pp. 20-28.
John S. Klemanski & John W. Smith, John W. Smith & John S. Klemanski, John S. Klemanski & C. Michelle Piskulich, nine terms for the Encyclopedia of Housing. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1998. [Appraisal; Blight; Blockbusting; Building Permit; Certificate of Occupancy; Household; Infill housing; PUD; and Restrictive Covenant].
John S. Klemanski, biographies of four Speakers of the Michigan State House, in American Legislative Leaders in the Midwest, 1911-1994, edited by Nancy W. Sharp and James R. Sharp. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997.
William Browne, Delbert J. Ringquist, John S. Klemanski, and Charles Press, “Influencing Michigan Politics,” ch. 9 in Michigan Politics and Government: Facing Change in a Complex State. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1995.
Alan DiGaetano and John S. Klemanski, "Comparative Urban Regimes: Regime Formation and Reformation in the United Kingdom and the United States," Vol. 2, Proceedings of the First International Seminar on Comparative Urban Research, Bristol, England, July 11-13, 1994, pp. 1-30.
Articles published or in press (con’t):
C. Michelle Piskulich and John S. Klemanski, "Organizational Effectiveness: One
Nonprofit's Experience," New England Journal of Human Services, Vol. XII, no. 4, 1994, pp. 24-29.
John S. Klemanski and C. Michelle Piskulich, "Commentary," Non-profit Management & Leadership, Vol. 4, no. 4, Summer 1994, pp. 483-486.
Alan DiGaetano and John S. Klemanski, "Urban Regimes in Comparative Perspective: The Politics of Urban Development in Britain," Urban Affairs Quarterly, Vol. 29, no. 1, September 1993, pp. 54-83.
Alan DiGaetano and John S. Klemanski, "Urban Regime Capacity: A Comparison of Birmingham, England and Detroit, Michigan," Journal of Urban Affairs, Vol. 15, no. 4, 1993, pp. 367-384.
John S. Klemanski and Karen J. Maschke, "Managing Freedom of Information Laws: A Survey of State-level Departments," Chapter 4 in Annual Review of Research Advances in Computers and the Social Sciences, Vol. III, June 1993, JAI Press, pp. 51-66.
Alan DiGaetano and John S. Klemanski, "Restructuring the Suburbs: The Political Economy of Economic Development in Auburn Hills, Michigan," Journal of Urban Affairs, Vol. 13, no. 2, 1991, pp. 137-158.
John S. Klemanski, "Post-graduate Public Administration Education: Comparisons of the United Kingdom and the United States," Teaching Public Administration, Vol. XI, no. 1, Spring 1991, pp. 137-158.
John S. Klemanski, "Using Tax Increment Financing for Urban Redevelopment Projects," Economic Development Quarterly, Vol. 4, no. 1, February 1990, pp. 23-28.
John S. Klemanski, “Tax Increment Financing: Public Funding for Private Economic Development Projects,” Policy Studies Journal, Vol. 17, no. 3, 1989, pp. 656-671.
John S. Klemanski and Brent S. Steel, "Citizen Attitudes, Knowledge, and Participation in Environmental Policy-Making: Michigan, Ontario, and the Case of Acid Rain," Michigan Academician, Vol. XXI, no. 2, 1989, pp. 175-189.
John S. Klemanski, “Campaign Contribution Strategies by PACs and Parties to Michigan Legislative Candidates, 1984,” Michigan Academician,Vol. XXI, no. 3, 1989, pp. 221-233.
Oral presentations; performances; exhibitions:
John S. Klemanski, “Greenfields, Greyfields, and Brownfields: Local Governmental Response to Land Use Challenges,” paper presented at the 2003 National Social Science Association Summer Seminar, Seattle, WA, August 2-9, 2003.
John S. Klemanski, “The Environment, the Market and Local Politics: Which Brownfields Will Be Developed?” Paper presented at the 2001 meeting of the Association for Politics and the Life Sciences, Charleston, SC, October 17, 2001.
John S. Klemanski, Lizabeth A. Barclay, and Kenneth M. York, “Expanding Assessment Capacity in Higher Education,” presented at the annual conference of the American Evaluation Association, Honolulu, Hawaii, November 1-4, 2000.
Alan DiGaetano and John S. Klemanski, “The Changing Nature of UK and US Cities,” presented at the 2000 Political Studies Association conference, London, England, April 10-13, 2000.
John S. Klemanski and John Czarnecki, “Michigan’s Renaissance Zones” presented at the 59th annual conference of the American Society for Public Administration, Seattle, WA, May 9-13, 1998.
John S. Klemanski, “Evaluating Empowerment and Renaissance Zone Policy in Michigan: Some Preliminary Findings,” presented at the 1997 Great Lakes Economic Development conference, Detroit, MI, October 18, 1997. I also chaired this panel.
John S. Klemanski and Alan DiGaetano, "Framing a Study of UK and US Cities: The Contexts of Comparative Urban Governance," paper presented at the 1996 Michigan Conference of Political Scientists, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, October 11, 1996 [also served as panel convener and panel chair].
Alan DiGaetano and John S. Klemanski, "Comparative Urban Regimes," presented at the first International Seminar on Comparative Urban Research, University of Bristol, Bristol, England, July 11-14, 1994.
Alan DiGaetano and John S. Klemanski, "Urban Regime Capacity: A Comparison of Birmingham, England and Detroit, Michigan," presented at the 22nd Annual Urban Affairs Association meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, April 29-May 2, 1992.
Alan DiGaetano and John S. Klemanski, "Urban Political Regimes: Governing Coalitions in the U.S. and England," presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Urban Affairs Association, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 18, 1991.
Research in progress:
John S. Klemanski and David A. Dulio, “State Ballot Initiatives,” to be prepared for presentation at the 2016 Michigan Political Science Association conference, October 2016.
Introduction to American Politics Intergovernmental Relations (MPA)
Media and Politics Public Administration Theory (MPA)
Public Administration Program & Policy Evaluation (MPA)
Local Government and Politics Public Policy Analysis
State Politics Public Affairs Internship
Parties and Elections Political Campaigns
Legislative Process
Member, Local Development Finance Authority (LDFA), City of Rochester Hills, MI,
Member, City of Rochester Hills Building Authority, 2001-2006
Member, Board of Directors, United Way of Oakland County, 1998-2003
Interviewed and quoted in: New York Times.com, Detroit Free Press; Detroit News; Oakland Press; Rochester Eccentric; Gongwer News Service; Michigan News (radio) Network; Michigan Talk Radio Network; WAAM-AM; WCHB-AM; and FOX2 TV
University and College service:
Department representative, Go for the Gold, 2012, 2013.
Co-Chair, College “Cities” Theme Committee, 2008-09
Member, Liberal Studies Committee, 2006-08
Member, Academic Conduct Committee, 2005-07
Member, University Assessment Committee, 2001-2004; Chair, 2002-04.
Member, Keeper of the Dream Awards Committee, 2003.
Member, Distinguished Professor Committee, 2002-2003
Member, Wilson Award and Human Relations Award Committee, 2002.
Faculty Adviser, OU Democrats, 1998-2000.
Department service:
Chair, 2004-07; Acting Chair, 1998-99.
Acting Director, MPA Program and Graduate Adviser, 1988-1996; 2003-04.
Chair, MPA Faculty Group, 1988-1996; 2003-04.
Member, PA Faculty Group, 1985-present.
Member, Executive Committee, 1988-1996; 2003-2007.
Faculty Adviser, Pi Alpha Alpha, 1991-1996; 2003-04.
Member, Personnel Committee, 2000-01; 2009-10.
Chair, Undergraduate Curriculum and Assessment Committee, 2011-12; 2012-13, 2013-14.
Chair or Member, numerous department Candidate Review Committees.
Member, Student Scholarship Committee 2015-16
Course work, Duke University Nonprofit Management Certificate Program, 2015
Member, American Society for Public Administration, 1989-2015
Member, American Evaluation Association, 1990-present
Department of Political Science Merit Award for Research, multiple times since 1987.
Department of Political Science Merit Award for Teaching, multiple times since 1987.
Recipient, Oakland University Faculty Recognition Award, 2000; 2004.
Manuscript referee, 1998- present, for; American Review of Public Administration;
American Journal of Evaluation; State and Local Government Review; Michigan
Academician; and Economic Development Quarterly.
Textbook manuscript reviewer for CQ Press (2011, 2012, 2016), Prentice Hall (2011), and
Oxford University Press (2012, 2015).