Teatromania of New York, together with the Municipalities of Ugento and Mola

di Bari, as well as the Provinces of Lecce and Bari, announces the

institution of a study abroad program in Ugento (LE) and Mola di Bari (BA.)

To mark the third year of this program, designed to provide university

students around the world with Italian linguistic and cultural immersion

through theatrical performance, the organizers are offering up to 20

fellowships that cover the full tuition for all selected participants.

Please find further information below:

Duration of summer program: May 28 - July 7, 2011 (around five-six weeks)

Program Faculty: The program founder and director is Vittorio Capotorto.

Before moving to New York City in 1997 from his native Italy, Capotorto

staged more than a hundred plays over the course of forty years. He was

inspired by the celebrated Italian Maestro Eduardo De Filippo, with whom he

worked for a number of years as an assistant and actor. His theatrical

experience, which began in the 1950s, includes the founding and directing of

theater companies in Italy, Sudan, Argentina, and Austria. Upon arriving in

New York City, he created the "Italian Theater Practicum" course which he

taught at ColumbiaUniversity (1998 to 2001) and BrooklynCollege (2005). In

addition to the plays associated with the Practicum both in NYC and Italy,

Capotorto staged twenty productions in NYC. He founded the non-profit

association Teatromania in 1999, and he was the creator and Artistic

Director of the International Festival "Orlando Innamorato" held in Italy in


Course: Italian Theater Practicum

Prerequisite: two years of college-level Italian or the equivalent,

completed with a minimum grade of B.

Students devote in-depth study to an Italian play which they will perform

for an Italian audience at the conclusion of the program.

Attention will be given to grammar, stylistics, and oral skills, combined

with textual analysis, character exploration, and acting techniques.

The end-of-course performance of the play, i.e. the debut, will be part of

the Festival Internazionale "Orlando Innamorato" which will take place in

June 2011. Shortly afterwards, there will be several additional performances

in surrounding towns.

Credits: 3

Credits are contingent upon approval of the student's home institution. Upon

the student's request, Teatromania will send a letter of participation and


Deadline for applying: March 1, 2011.

See below for full application information.

Notification of fellowship winners: March 15, 2011.

All students accepted to the program this year will receive a fellowship in

the form of a full tuition waiver.

Student's acceptance deadline: March 25, 2011.


Financial responsibility of students: There are no application or program

fees. There is a total fee of US$1,000 to cover lodging and breakfast, due

by March 25, 2011. Students will be responsible for their airfare, all

transportation to Ugento (beginning of the program) and from Bari (end of

the program) as well as their meals and personal expenses.


On-site orientation: Upon arrival in Ugento, students take part in a

comprehensive orientation session. Discussion topics include practical

advice about Italian life and customs. The orientation concludes with a

walking tour of Ugento.

Total immersion in Italian culture and lifestyle in a small town of the

Apulia region. Detailed information about Ugento and Province of Bari is

available at the following websites:

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Intensive language instruction through the Italian Theater Practicum.

Possible excursions and activities that extend students' experience of

Italian life and culture. In particular, the students may wish to visit at

their own expense: the Valle D'Itria with the famous Trulli from

Alberobello, Otranto and Gallipoli, le Grotte di Castellana, Polignano a

Mare, the sea caves of S. Maria di Leuca, the city of Lecce (home to many

Baroque buildings that are unique to Europe), archaeological sights in the

region, and more.

Application information:

Students must be at least 18 years of age.

Please submit the following application materials:

1. One essay in English describing your interest and experience in Italian

language, literature, culture, and/or theater (about 800 words.)

2. One official copy of your most recent transcript.

3. A one-page resume (indicate special artistic skills.)

4. One letter of recommendation from a current or previous Italian


5. One recent photograph of yourself.

Application materials and letter of recommendation should be submitted

on-line to:


AND mailed to:


Post Office Ansonia Station

P.O.BOX 230764


The organizers may follow up your application with a phone interview, so

please include your phone number on your resume.

More information about the non-profit organization Teatromania is available

at the following website:


Questions may also be addressed to Vittorio Capotorto at

4d7ed&URL=mailto%3ateatritaly%40aol.com> .