The Marr-Munning Trust will only consider applications from registered charitable organisations/NGOs
withan annual income of between £25,000 and £1m per annum
or the equivalent inyour national currency.
We support projects and activities which will improve the lives of poor and marginalized people living in the Indian Subcontinent, South EastAsia, or Sub-Saharan Africa.
Currently, our priorities are community projects for the education of childrenorskills training for adults which will directly increase their ability to earn a living for themselves and their families.
Our next grants meeting is in September2015. The deadline for us to receive applications is
Midnight (UK-time) on 30th June 2015.
About your organisation:1 / Your organisation’s name:
2 / Full address:
3 / Telephone number:
4 / Organisation’s email address: / 5 / Website address:
6 / Name of main contact: / 7 / Main contact’s position in the organisation:
8 / Email address of main contact:
9 / Have you ever applied for a grant from The Marr-Munning Trust before? Yes / No
10 / If yes, please tell us the date/s and whether we gave you a grant or not:
11 / Is your organisation a registered charity or registered NGO? Yes / No
12 / If yes, please tell us with whom you are registered (eg. Charity Commission for England & Wales; FCRA in India): / and tell us your registration number:
13 / If your organisation is not a registered charity or NGO, tell us how we can verify that your organisation is a recognised charitable organisation or NGO(in no more than 100 words):
14 / Are your organisation’s annual accounts independently audited? Yes / No
15 / If your organisation’s annual accounts are not independently audited, explain the reason: (in no more than 100 words)
16 / What was your organisation’s total income in the last 12 month period in British Pounds Sterling? (please use the figure from your organisation’s latest accounts if possible):
£ ______
17 / Does your organisation have its own bank account? Yes / No
18 / If your organisation’s does not have its own bank account, please explain why:(in no more than 50 words)
About the project for which you are seeking funds from The Marr-Munning Trust:
19 / Which country is the project based in?
20 / Provide a brief description or title for your project:(in no more than 30 words)
21 / Describe the need for your project, giving as much evidence as possible: (in no more than 200 words)
22 / What will your project do to meet this need? eg. what activities will your project carry out and over what period?(in no more than 200 words)
23 / Who will benefit from your project? eg. how many people, who are they, and where are they based?(in no more than 200 words)
24 / Outcomes: How will these people benefit from your project? (in no more than 200 words)
25 / Monitoring and evaluation: How will you know how successful your project has been?(in no more than 200 words)
26 / In what ways is your organisation best placed to provide this project? eg. has your organisation worked with this community before or provided projects like this to similar communities? (in no more than 200 words)
27 / What is the total cost of this project? £______
28 / What is the total grant that you are requesting towards this project from The Marr-Munning Trust?
29 / Of the total requested in Question 28, how much are you requesting in each year:
Year 1 £______, Year 2 £______, Year 3 £______.
30 / If you are requesting a grant from The Marr-Munning Trust for more than 3 years please tell us why - and how much you are asking for in each year: (in no more than 100 words)
31 / If we give you a grant, what will you spend the money on? (in no more than 200 words) if appropriate please provide a breakdown or list showing how the grant will be spent on a separate sheet.
32 / How will you raise the rest of the funding needed for this project if necessary? What other funding has already been agreed for this project? Tell us about any other potential sources of funding. (in no more than 150 words)
33 / Sustainability: Is it your intention that this project would continue after any grant from The Marr-Munning Trust comes to an end? If so, how will you raise the funds or earn the income needed to keep it going? (in no more than 150 words) If you are applying to us for money to buy equipment or construct a building please see our Funding Guidelines to help you answer this question
34 / If you will be working with children or vulnerable adults please tell us how you will ensure they are safe and have their rights respected during the project? Please tell us how you will ensure that girls and/or women will benefit and have their rights protected. (in no more than 150 words)
35 / Is there anything else that you would like to tell us about your project or organisation that will help us to understand the need for this project, what you will do to meet that need or why your organisation is best placed to meet that need?(in no more than 150 words)
The documents you need to send with your application form:
- A copy of your organisation’s most recent audited accounts
- A copy of yourorganisation’s ‘governing document’, eg. constitution or memorandum and articles of association
- If your organisation is a registered NGO or charitable organisation based outside the UK, a copy of your registration certificate
- Optional: Any other documents to help us understand your organisation and the project for which you are seeking a grant (such as your annual report; business plan or project plan; newsletter; newspaper reports about your project).
How to submit your application and attachments:
Please send your application and other documents by email to
We are unable to accept emails that are larger than 15mb.
If you cannot email your attachments please send them to:
The Marr-Munning Trust
9 Madeley Road, London W5 2LA, UK
Or fax them to: + 44 (0)20 8998 9593
The deadline for us to have received your application ismidnight UK time on 30th June 2015.
What happens next?: We will acknowledge your application when we receive it and we will let you know by the end of September 2015whether your application has been successful.
The Marr-Munning Trust
Registered Charity in England No: 1153007
Company Limited by Guarantee in England and Wales No: 08561488
The Marr-Munning Trust: Please read our Guidelines document to help you complete this form: