Name______Date ______

Period ______

Daily Language 8-5: Parts of Speech Grade 8

Verbs – (part 2)


The tense of a verb shows time. Verb tenses can be past, present, or future. Past tense refers to action that already happened. Present tense shows action that is happening now or happens over and over. Future tense shows action that has not yet happened.

Circle the verbs and write whether they are past, present, or future.

1. My parents act in community theatre productions. ______

2. Tomorrow, they will practice their lines. ______

3. Last year, they were in two plays.______


Verb tense agreement - Be sure to use consistent verb tense throughout a piece of writing. Write the correct verb on the lines in the following paragraph.

Helene and Julia (eat/ate) ______lunch together every day. Helene(talks/talked) ______a lot, so Julia (does/did) ______most of the listening. They (seem/seemed) ______to enjoy being together a lot.


As well as the simple past, present and future tenses, there are also three other verb tense forms in English: the perfect tense, the progressive tense, and the perfect progressive. The perfect tense of a verb shows a completed or “perfected” action.

present / Present perfect / past / Past
perfect / future / Future perfect
laugh / have, has
laughed / laughed / had laughed / will laugh / will have
work / have, has
worked / worked / had worked / will work / will have

Circle the verbs or verb phrases in these sentences and write the tense.

1.  Recently, weather officials have used both genders’ names for

hurricanes. ______

2.  Maybe a hurricane will use your name someday. ______


The progressive tense indicates an ongoing action. The form used is the infinitive (to be) and the present or past participle (-ing):

Present progressive / Past progressive / Future progressive
(is, are, am) playing / (was, were) playing / (will be) playing
(is, are, am) moving / (was, were) moving / (will be) going

Circle the verb phrase write what progressive tense it is.

1.  We will be going to a movie tonight. ______

2.  I was practicing my flute when I heard a crash. ______

3.  I am attending my cousin’s baseball game. ______


The perfect progressive combines both the perfect and the progressive to indicating an action that was ongoing for a time before it ended.

Present prefect
progressive / Past perfect
progressive / Future perfect progressive
(has/have been) playing / (had been) playing / (will have been ) playing
(has/have been) moving / (had been) moving / (will have been)

Circle the verb phrase write what perfect progressive tense it is.

1. Jared has been playing piano since he was five years old.


3.  When Bob retires, he will have been working in this industry for

forty years. ______