Water Coordination Matrix
# / Project Name-
Sector / Duration
(Rate: US$ = CHF 1.5) / Team Leader
Contractor (s)
Project Implementation Unit / Brief project description
Comment / Project Status / Town/Villages/pilot sites/beneficiaries /
1 / Agriculture Area Development Project
Agriculture and Natural Resources /Irrigation and Rural Development
ADB / Implementation Phase:
12.99 – 12.05
Budget: US$ 36Mio. / Executing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources
Tel: + 996 312 22 14 35 / Address constraints in farm restructuring, drainage and irrigation, input supply, machinery hire services, marketing, and finance / Kyrgyzstan
Chuy province
2 / Amu Zang Irrigation rehabilitation Project
Agriculture and Natural Resources /Irrigation and Rural Development
ADB / In the pipeline
Budget: US$ 73.2 Mio. / Executing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources (MAWR)
Implementing Agency: Uzgiprovodkhoz
PIU establish in Termez / Increase the reliability, efficiency and sustainability of water supplies of the Amu Zang irrigation scheme, and to facilitate and accelerate the on-going agricultural sector reforms in the project area / Uzbekistan
Canal Level
Amu Zang
Sukhandarya province
Angor, Djarkurgan, Kumkurgan, Muzrabad, end Termez districts
3 / Agriculture Rehabilitation Project
Agriculture and Natural Resources /Irrigation and Rural Development
ADB / Implementation Phase:
18.12.02 – 03.09 / Executing Agency: Ministry of Water Resources and Land Reclamation
Minister Nasirov
Tel: + 992 372 35 35 66 / 21 20 31 / Rehabilitation of three districts irrigation and drainage facilities. Provision of agricultural extension services / Tajikistan
Khojabakirgan district of Sughd province
Vakhsh and Kyzylsu-Yakhsu districts of Khatlon pronvince
4 / AK Altyn Agriculture Development Project
Agriculture and Natural Resources /Irrigation and Rural Development
ADB / Implementation Phase: 23.08.01 – 31.12.04
Budget: US$ 36 Mio. / PIU: Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources
Team leader: Mr A Juraev Deputy Minister
Tel: + 998 71 414 814 / Improve agricultural performance and increase farm income in Ak Altin Rayon, with focus on cotton and wheat production / Uzbekistan
Ak Altin District - Syr Darya province
# / Project Name
Sector / Duration
(Rate: US$ = CHF 1.5) / Team Leader
Contractor (s)
Project Implementation Unit / Brief project description
Comment / Project status / Town/Villages/pilot sites/beneficiaries /
5 / Integrated Water
Agriculture and Natural Resources /Irrigation and Rural Development
SDC / Phase I (Inception Phase)
01.08.01 – 30.04.02
Budget CHF 570'000
Phase II
01.05.02 – 30.04.05
Budget CHF 2'800'000 / Association IWMI-SIC:
Project Manager: Mehmood ul Hassan
Apt. 123, home 6
Murtazaev str.
Tashkent 7000000
Tel: + 998 71 137 04 45
Project Manager: Mr Vadim Sokolov
B-11, Karasu-4
Tashkent 700187
Tel: + 998 71 166 50 95 / Addresses possibilities for water saving and improvement of soil fertility, the reorganization of water management and the elaboration of sustainable water allocation mechanism / Project external review (evaluation) in October
New phase expected (Phase III. 01.05.05 – 30.04.08) / Central Asia
Canal level
South Fergana Canal (UZB-KYR)
Aravan Akbura (KYR)
Gulya Kandoz (TAJ)
Water User Association level
Akbarabad (Kuva District) (UZB)
Federation of Water User Association along Aravan-Akbura canal(Japalak, Kerme Too, Akbura, JanAryk) (Kara Suu District) (KYR)
Zerafchan (Jabar Rasulev District) (TAJ)
Demonstrative field level
Akhunbabaev, Tashla and Kuva Districts in UZB
Jabar Rasulev and Bobo Gafurov Districts in TAJ
Kara Suu and Aravan district in KYR
6 / Contribution to Automation of Sluice Gates at Uch Kurgan Weir
SDC / 01.01.01 – 30.09.03
Budget CHF 335'000 / Contractor: SIGMA
19-12Pobeda str.
Kara-Balta 722030
Tel: + 996 3133 72585
Engineer: SIC
Project Manager: Mr Vadim Sokolov
B-11, Karasu-4
Tashkent 700187
Tel: + 998 71 166 50 / Installation of automated regulation and operation control system at the dispatcher center of the Uch Kurgan Barrage. / Project completed – Long term impact assessment mission this fall / Uzbekistan
The Uchkurgan weir works play a central role for the distribution of water in major parts of the Fergana valley through main canals: Big Ferghana Canal (East Ferghana), Haqulabad Canal (West , Ferghana), North Ferghana Canal, Nartu Canal
# / Project Name
Sector / Duration
(Rate: US$ = CHF 1.5) / Team Leader
Contractor (s)
Project Implementation Unit / Brief project description
Comment / Project status / Town/Villages/pilot sites/beneficiaries /
7 / Canal Automation Project (Fergana Valley)
SDC / 01.11.03 – 30.10.06
Budget CHF 2'000'000 / Contractor: SIGMA
19-12Pobeda str.
Kara-Balta 722030
Tel: + 996 3133 72585
Engineer: SIC
Project Manager: Mr Vadim Sokolov
B-11, Karasu-4
Tashkent 700187
Tel: + 998 71 166 50 / Installation of automated and semi-automated regulation and operation control system at system irrigation and basin levels / Detailed design and implementation plan phase / Pilot canals
South Fergana Canal (UZB)
Aravan Akbuura (KYR)
Gulya Kandoz (TAJ)
Basin structures/BVO Syr Darya
Head regulator of Big Namagan Canal
Head Regulator of Big Fergana Canal
Khakulabad Distributor
Head Regulator of Big Andijan Canal
8 / Regional Centre of Hydrology
SDC / 01.01.01 – 31.12.03
Budget: CHF 2'440'000 / Mr Spreafico
Swiss National Hydrological and Geological Survey
Swiss Aral Sea Mission – PIU
72, Makhsumov str.
Tashkent 700052
e-mail: / Provide forecast information
Improve exchange of information / Project currently in a bridging period (2004) Outcomes: Consolidation and design of next phase
9 / Improvement of Hydro-meteorological Services
SDC/seco / 01.01.96 – 31.12.03
Budget CHF 4'450'000 / Complement and improve the existing network of hydro-meteorological stations. / Central Asia
Pskem river basin (UZB)
Chatkal river basin (UZB)
Angren river basin (UZB)
Naryn river basin (KYR)
Karadarya river basin (KYR)
Vashkh river basin (TAJ)
Panj river basin (TAJ)
# / Project Name
Sector / Duration
(Rate: US$ = CHF 1.5) / Team Leader
Contractor (s)
Project Implementation Unit / Brief project description
Comment / Project status / Town/Villages/pilot sites/beneficiaries /
10 / Central Asia Regional Water Information Base
Data Exchange
SDC / 01.11.03 – 31.10.06
Budget CHF 435'000 / Consortium: SIC/GRID-ARENDAL and UNECE-SPECA
Project Manager: Mr Vadim Sokolov
B-11, Karasu-4
Tashkent 700187
Tel: + 998 71 166 50 95
Project Manager: Mr Nicolay Denisov
Tel: + 47 370 35707 / 35650
Fax: + 47 370 35050
Project Manager: Mr Bo Libert
Tel: + 41 22 917 23 96
Fax: + 41 22 917 06 21 / The project aims to improbe the sharing and circulation of information in the water and environmental sectors in Central Asian countries. A regional Internet portal (based on existing ICWC website) will be created to provide immediate access to up-to-date information.
11 / Development of effective Integrated Water Resources Management in Two Pilot Sub Catchments of the Aral Sea
Agriculture and Natural Resources /Irrigation and Rural Development
EuropAid / Preparatory Phase:
01.07.03 – 31.10.03
Implementation Phase:
01.11.03 – 31.12.04
Budget EURO 2.2 Mio. / Consortium: Mott MacDonald, Arcadis, Electricité de France, MNT Consulting
Team leader:
40, Rudaki Str.
Dushanbe, 734000 (Tajikistan)
Tel: + 992 372 27 26 77 / 23 41 55 / 51 02 20
Fax: + 992 372 27 26 77 / The project aims at assisting water management organisations in selected pilot sub-catchments to tackle shortfalls in their capacity for IWRM / Kyrgyzstan/Kazakhstan
Chu and Talas Basin
Vakhsh Basin
# / Project Name
Sector / Duration
(Rate: US$ = CHF 1.5) / Team Leader
Contractor (s)
Project Implementation Unit / Brief project description
Comment / Project status / Town/Villages/pilot sites/beneficiaries /
12 / Integrated Water Resources Management in Lowlands and Deltas of the Aral Sea Basin
Agriculture and Natural Resources /Irrigation and Rural Development
US State Department / Implementation Phase: 01.05.04-313.12.04In the Pipeline
Duration: 6 months
US$ 520'000 / SIC
B-11, Karasu-4
Tashkent 700187
Tel: + 998 71 166 50 / Promotion of transboundary cooperation on IWRM among three countries, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and possibly Turkmenistan / Kazakhstan
Kyzyl Orda province
Dashouz province
Khorezm and Karakalpakstan provinces
13 / Central Asia Natural Resource Management Program (NRMP)
Agriculture and Natural Resources /Irrigation and Rural Development
USAID / PA Consortium: PA Consulting Group, Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI), Counterpart International, Winrock International, and over 20 other subcontractors.
Team Leader: Mike Jim Biddison
72, Kodyra Makhsumova Str.
Tashkent, 700000
Tel: + 998 71 120 60 60 / The project provides technical assistance in improving management of critical natural resources in the five countries of Central Asia.
Throughout Central Asia, NRMP works closely with the national and local governments, NGOs and industry, providing recommendations on policy issues, conducting demonstration models and organizing training programs in the area of integrated natural resource management / Central Asia
7 sub basins (forecasting and data communication)
Establishment of WUAs (6 in Uzbekistan 1 in Tajikistan)
1. Karakalpaktan province
Nukus (Improvement of pumping station)
Tuyamuyun-Nukus Interregional Water Utility (pipeline maintenance equipment)
2. Zerafshan and Sukhandarya provinces (irrigation district improvement)
3. Chirchik and Zerafshan basins, Pakhtabad Canal (establishment of Decision Support Systems)
1. Khatlon province, Iskra (Rehabilitation of pumping schemes)
14 / Water User Association Support Project (WUASP)
Agriculture and Natural Resources /Irrigation and Rural Development
USAID / Budget: USD 25 Mio. / Winrock Int.
Chief of party: John C. Baxter
44/1 Bogidil/Mirokilov 1-tor kocha Str.
Tashkent, 70070
Tel./Fax: +998 71 152 29 48 / 1521369
Email: / Develop WUAs capacity to manage local irrigation systems and use sound business practices and democratic principle in its management
Support WUAs implementation of institutional and technical improvements (training and financial means)
Promote and improve legal and regulatory environment
Increase WUAs capabilities to carry out ancillary functions / Kyrgyzstan/Tajikistan/Uzbekistan
15 / On Farm Irrigation Project
Agriculture and Natural Resources /Irrigation and Rural Development
WB / Implementation Phase:
22.06.00 – 31.03.06
Budget: US$ 20 Mio / Executing Agency: Ministry of Water Resources and Land Reclamation / Increased crop production, through reliable, and sustainable water distribution on irrigated land across the Kyrgyz Republic. / Project is under implementation and rated as satisfactory / Kyrgyzstan
# / Project Name
Sector / Duration
(Rate: US$ = CHF 1.5) / Team Leader
Contractor (s)
Project Implementation Unit / Brief project description
Comment / Project status / Town/Villages/pilot sites/beneficiaries /
16 / Rural Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project
Agriculture and Natural Resources /Irrigation and Rural Development
WB / Implementation Phase:
22.06.00 – 31.03.06
Budget: US$ 20 Mio. / Executing Agency: Ministry of Water Resources and Land Reclamation
Mr Ostonaev– Deputy Minister
Tel: + 992 372 21 85 66 / 21 00 21 / Increase water supply and efficiency in the main and secondary irrigation canals of / Project is under implementation / Tajikistan
Republican Subordinate province:
Shaharimov, Lenin and Gissar districts
Khatlon province:
Kolkhozabad, Yavan and Ghozimalik districts
Sughd province:
Macha and Zefarabad districts
18 / Drainage, Irrigation and Wetlands Project
Agriculture and Natural Resources /Irrigation and Rural Development
WB / Implementation Phase:
10.03 – 12.09
Expected closing date:
Budget: US$ 74.55 Mio. / Executing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources (MAWR)
4, Navoy Str.
700004 Tashkent
Tel: + 998 71 41 26 92 / 41 00 20
Fax: + 998 71 41 25 74 / 41 32 92
PIU: Karakalpak Project Coordination Committee (KPCC) / Increase productivity of irrigated agriculture, employment and incomes. Improve the water quality of the Amu Darya river by the safe disposal of the drainage effluent. Enhance the quality of wetlands in the Amu Darya delta. Develop institutions for improving water management, operation and maintenance of the irrigation and drainage systems. / Loan agreement sighed & Project got effective in 2004 and implementation stage started. Project rated as satisfactory / Uzbekistan
Karakalpakstan province
South Karakalpakstan Main Drain (SKMD) major drain formedby the connection of the South Karakalpakstan Main collector (SKMC) and the Akchdarya Main Drain (AMD)
Establishment of WUAs:
Beruni and Turtkul districts
19 / Karakalpakstan Rural Development Project
JICA / 3 years, 1/09/2005 – 31/08/2008 / Project Implementation Unit: Council of Ministers, Karakalpakstan / Brief Project Description:
- Master planning study with verification trials
- Main concept is human security and poverty alleviation.
- Study focuses at agriculture combined with livestock, soil & water management, local industry promotion, and community development
- Quick-return pilot projects should directly contribute to local communities.
- After evaluation of the pilot project, the results will be extended to other areas in Karakalpakstan. / Pilot Sites: Northern part of Karakalpakstan (Nukus, Chimbay, Muynak and Kongirat districts)
20 / Regional-focused training course “Promotion of water users’ association”
JICA / 5 years, 1/09/2004 – 31/08/2008 / Tsukuba International Center, Japan / - 2 months course (start in April 10 in this year)
- 15 participants from Central Asian countries
- 2 participants (Cabinet of Ministers and SANIIRI) were selected in 2004
- Lectures and study tours / N/A
21 / Dispatch of an expert on water management
- / 6 months, 1/07/2005 – 31/12/2005 / SANIIRI / - To make further cooperation programs in water management
Economic and ecological restructuring of land and water use in Khorezm region. A pilot project in development research
Project Phase II: field research and development of a restructuring concept.
Funding by the German Government (BMBF) / First inventory phase:
Second phase:
Budget 1.3 US$ / Executing Agencies: Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources (MAWR), UNESCO-Tashkent, Center for Development research (ZEF) Bonn, Germany, and German Space Agency (DLR)
Program coordinator
John P.A. Lamers
Amir Temur str. 95, 700081, Tashkent Uzbekistan,
Tel: (8371)- 1358253
Fax: (8371)- 1321382
Email: / Long-term scientific cooperation,
Human capacity building of young Uzbek students