22ndSanitationsub-group meeting held at the GIZ Isimani- office,
on 3rdJune, 2016 from 10:10-12:20 hrs.
Linda Engel (GIZ) / Lukas Kwezi (DfID) / Ajith Kumar (WB)Jacob F Woelki (BORDA) / Jacqueline Matoro (Swiss Emb) / Carlos Batarda (WB)
Rebecca Budimu (UNICEF) / Rose Lidonde (SNV) / Nsaa-IyaAmaniel (DPG W)
Linda Ayendera (DPG W)
- Opening and Introduction.
- Approval of previous minutes.
- Actions arising from previous meeting, briefing on pending issues, reports and dialogue meetings and events calendar.
- Joint Supervision Mission
- Delivering Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in NSC
- Feedback of 1st Health TWG meeting and possible collaboration with TWG4.
- AOB and Closure.
- Opening and Introduction.
The meeting was officially opened at 10:10hrs and thereafter members introduced themselves.
2. Approval of previous minutes
Minutes of the previous sanitation sub group meeting held on the 5th May, 2016were approved.
3. Actions arising from previous meeting, briefing on pending issues, reports and dialogue meetings.
3.1Matters and actions arising from previous meetingand S&H retreat were;
- Secretariat was to update the Events calendar and share an updated version with DPs. This was done although very few events were reported by DPs.
- Secretariat was to Upload the DPs S&H mapping and share with DPs. It was reported that the task is almost complete. Additional information has now been received from BORDA and ACRA Foundation and sharing to DPs will be soon.
- DfID was to find task team to support the selection of BCC consultant. It was reported that UNICEF has provided a resource person to be in the team. So far, two firms have been shortlisted for the BCC messages. The shortlisting will be finalized at the end of June 2016.
- UNICEF was to strengthen the TWG 4 secretariat with a technical advisor/consultant. It was reported that a resource who is an employee of UNICEF has been assigned the task. This person will reside at UNICEF.
- DFID, SNV, GIZ, WAT, WSP/WB - Newly selected DP leads for specific areas (rural/urban) shall participate in other TWG meetings and report back to TWG 4. This task is not yet due but due to the recently staggering of TWGs, reporting from these Institutions is expected to be provided after the June 2016 TWG meetings.
- CoLeads (GIZ & World Bank) were to have a meeting with head of PCU to discuss proceedings in TWG 4 and the involvement of Co-Chairs (Health and Education). It was reported that the meeting did take place and was a productive meeting. Only one CoLead managed to attend as the other was out of the country for official business.
- S&H subgroup to review of KPIs of TWG 4 – Although this task hasn’t been attended yet, it was reported that already a Consultant earlier engaged by DfID has been reviewing the S&H targets for WSDP II vs available resources with the Ministry of Health and a report will be shared once the exercise is completed.
3.2Dialogue Calendar;
Secretariat presented themost recent draft of 2016 dialogue calendar (embedded below) and highlighted on the immediate dialogue eventsplanned in the upcoming three months:
- TWG meetings and Climate Change dialogue forum now planned to be held on 06th– 09th June 2016.
- The 1stJSM for WSDP IIis now planned to be held on 21st– 28th June 2016.
- The WSDP Steering Committee is tentatively planned to be held on July 6th 2016.
Embedded below is the dialogue calendar.
Following an earlier suggestion about changing the dates for the TWG4 meeting it was agreed that the date for TWG4 will not be moved to 10thJune but will be held on 8thJune in accordance to the dialogue calendar.
3.3 Reports
Members were informed that in accordance with the WSDP MoU and other requirements, status of reports is as follows;
- Draft Annual work plan & 3 year rolling work plan and budget- As per current MoU, the report was due on 15th March 2016. MTEF was received but Annual work plan are yet to be received.
- WSDP consolidated audit reports of IA– this is due after the end of 3rd qtr. Report to be submitted to TWG5 for discussion.
- 3rd qtr FY15/16 Interim Financial Report (IFR) -this report has been submitted by MoWI to DPG Water FM specialist and has been cleared. Specialist will communicate to DP.
3.4 Events Calendar
Secretariat presented a few planned events appearing on the calendarcurrently.
Embedded below is the Events calendar.
- Joint Supervision Mission
DPs were informed of the upcoming Joint Supervision Mission, whose field visits are scheduledled to start on 13th June, 2016. Although S&H DPs had planned their own field destinations, they were encouraged to tag-along other Components such as2, 3 and others. Component 3 was planning to visit Moshi while and a proposal to tag along and extend a visit to Kilimanjaro/ Hai was tabled and accepted. Othermembers were encouraged to join component 2that was planning to visit Babati, Karatu, and Mbulu.
- Delivering Sustainable Development
A brief presentation (embedded below) was done by WSP onthe Trends on Rural Sanitation in Tanzania. The presentation reflected on the three targets for sanitation; JMP, NSC I, NSC II and SDG, It was highlighted that unless a review is done, the NSC II targets appear very ambitious and could not be achieved with the existing limited resources.
Secretariat was requested to distribute the presentation to all DPs so that it is revised and then discussed in the next TWG meeting.
Embedded below is the Trends Rural Sanitation Presentation
At the end of the presentation, it was reported that a Consultant is already working with MoHCDGEC and assisting them to plan the targets based on available resources and current situation. This process is progressing well and soon the Ministry of Health will share the revised plan.
S/n / Points for Action / Responsible / Date1. / Share the presentation Trends on Rural Sanitation in Tanzania to DPs for information and review and discussion in the next TWG meeting. / Secretariat / 6th June
2. / Share with members the current communication with Consultant supporting MoHCDGEC on updating the Result framework. / Secretariat / 6th June
- Feedback of 1st Health TWG meeting and possible collaboration with TWG4.
On 30th May 2016, The Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC) had organized the first Technical Working Group (TWG) for Health Promotion and Protection formed for implementation of the Health Sector Strategic plan (IV). This group intended to bring together WASH, Nutrition and Health promotion stakeholders to discuss key issues and advice the Health Sector Technical Committee on matters related to Health promotion, Nutrition, WASH and Climate change. Due to many commitments, a few DPs seemed interested to attend the meeting and it wasn’t clear who among the WASH DPs managed to attend the meeting.
It seemed all DPs who did attend the 22nd S&H subgroup meetingdid not attend the meeting and had no feedback. The agenda was parked for discussion at a later time as seen appropriate by CoLeads.
- AOB and Closure
The Chair thanked members for attending and closed the meeting at12:20hrs. Date for the 23rd Sanitation sub-group meeting will be on July5th or 6th 2016 (tentatively) pending confirmation due to the upcoming Eid and Sabasaba holidays.
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