Are you a public library architect, interior designer, or library technology/equipment supplier?

Please consider presenting a paper at


When Conference Thursday 14 November – Friday 15 November 2013

Optional preconference study tour of new public libraries in Sydney Wednesday 13 November 2013

Where State Library of NSW, Sydney

This eighthof the highly rated annualAuslibconferences will help public library decision makers in Australia and New Zealand to plan for new, redeveloped and renovated library places and spaces in the context of their increasing valuation as the community’s third place after home and school or work, and ascentres forcommunity connection, learning and creativity.By Design will have a tightly focused program ofinternational, Australian and New Zealand speakers, a comprehensive information folder for each delegate, panel sessions, recommendations, and full published proceedings for every delegate.

It aims to identify

  • the diversity of the roles and services of today’s public libraries and how those roles are evolving from a focus on collections and lending, to creative learning and digital services for all citizens
  • the implications of this for the public library’s location, accessibility, physical space and places
  • best practice and innovation in public library architecture,design, facilities and technology.

Possible issues to be addressed during the conference include(please tick those which strongly interest you)

Assistive/adaptive technology

Automated return systems

Building conversions 

Building extensions

Building renovations

Colocation of libraries with other agencies

Display issues and options

Effective use of space

Emerging technologies

Environmentally sustainable


Friends of the Library spaces

Funding issues and options

Furniture 

Future proofing

Gaming spaces

Guidelines and standards for public

library buildings

Interior design issues

Joint use public libraries with

other libraries

Learning, connection and

meeting spaces

Libraries in shopping centres

Library cafés


Local studies spaces

Media creation spaces

Mobile libraries

Mobile shelving

Profile and visibility 

Project management 

RFID technology and benefits 


Shelving options


Smaller and rural libraries 

Spaces for babies, children, young

adults, adults, older adults

Staff spaces

The planning process

Volunteers spaces


I suggest the following additional issues______

I suggest______as a speaker on the topic of

We are particularly interested in receiving proposals for papers from library managers and/orarchitects and interior designers who have collaborated on recent successful public library projects – both large and small, static and mobile.

I am interested in presenting a 30 minute paper.Proposals from New Zealand are especially welcome.

Accepted speakers will receive a 50% discount onthe conference registration fee(100% for New Zealand speakers), will be expected to participate in the whole conference, and in a panel session at the end of the day they are speaking. Theywill also need to provide promptly afull written paper for the conferenceproceedings. Please outline your proposed paper title and content here in about 50 words.

Proposed title





Please return by Monday 25 February 2013 toAuslib Conferences

PO Box 622BlackwoodSouth Australia 5051

tel + 61 (0)8 8278 4363 fax +61 (0)8 8278 4000

Please send me a registration form for the conference 

The cost for By Designwill be A$770 (incl GST)

Thestudy tour costwill beA$88.00 (inclGST)