Together for Vanier
October 23rd, 2007-2:00 to 4:00 p.m..
252 McArthur (Vanier Community Police office)
Attendees:Hélène Berthelet, Franceska Gnarowski, Abid Jan, Michael Justinich, Marianne Laver, Andrew Rhéaume, Grant Toole, Nancy Worsfold,Francine Demers (recorder)
Regrets:Léo Lavergne
- Welcome and Introductions
Nancy welcomed everyone.
- Approve the agenda
Members approved agenda with addition “Community Association”
- Approve the September 11th minutes
Minutes were approved by members
- Business Arising
Marianne to give a hard copy of the lighting in Parks report (300 Pères Blancs) to Nancy and Franceska
- Update on Hiring:
- Coordinator Position:
- Received 15 applications but none were applicable. Reposting by Friday October 26th.
- New staff should be hired by Mid November
- Its a Community Developer position-Role will be to build relationship and participate at local activities
- Marianne to see on hiring committee
Andrew to send job posting to members of the committee
- New funding for micro-neighbourhood organizing
- It’s a way to know your neighbours
- Break down isolation street by street-How to mobilize the neighbourhood
- 28 people signed up to get involved in the micro-neighbourhood (Ethel Street)-Meeting Thursday, at 3 p.m.
- A way to inform people by knocking on their doors and let them know their rights and inform them numbers to call for reporting.
- Get pride for living in Vanier
- Inventorying services and assets – Update
Referrals card
- List for Sex Trade Workers and Addiction will be done by new staff person
- In the meantime volunteers at the CSC Vanier will do an inventory of the services that are being used at the moment.
- Needs to be available for clients
Contact List-legal Size:
- List is not for public, it will be used for the Intake line at CSC Vanier, certain organizations and 311
- Could be similar to Reporting tips with information and numbers
- Marianne had volunteers make some calls to verify the information.
- Make sure that the revised date is a bottom of sheets
- Could have the list by category in “Perspective Vanier” and “EMC” every 3 months-not a good idea
- We could send a letter to the people on list and ask to check information and ask if we can share the information with other organizations and return to CPO by December 15th either by mail or e-mail.
Francine to contact the Sports organization to verify the information.
Francine to compare list with existing stakeholders mailout list
Michael to speak to Desmond Devoy (EMC) for the possibilities of having an article in EMC.
- Services for Clients living high-risk lifestyles in Vanier
- Need a networking event-Engage key service providers
- Have all Vanier Service Providers meet and become a more active community
- Communications plans with stakeholders and how can they help
- Nancy trying to get a meeting with Action Vanier for the past 1 ½ year- Still haven’t heard anything.
- Who is important at CSV and who is missing in this committee-Through Michel Gervais, Andrew Rhéaume and George Bédard.-See them as a sub-committee for Together for Vanier/Ensemble pour Vanier. Aim for January 2008-First meeting to be an information meeting (what they do and the next steps)
Georges Bédard to send letters to agencies’ Executive Director and invite to next meeting.
- Reporting
- Constant Reporting-Reporting Tips one pager is very well distributed
- Educates residents
- Could send reporting tips to agencies on Inventory list once its checked
- Work Groups-Beautification-Drugs-Prostitution
- Nancy gave an overview of the working groups and their objectives
- Combined the Drug and Prostitution-next meeting on October 30th
- Dana to introduce the Squad team at a Drug and Prostitution meeting
- Beautification meeting is tonight at the BIA offices
- Marianne has received one call with a licence plate number-will call him up
- Letters maybe sent to 3 other people-Police to follow-up before sending letter-Need to have contact with client before sending letter
- Have police present at all meetings is good, they are a good resource and lets the residents know what is being done in the community
- Other Business
Community Association:
Franceska talked about having a Community Association in Vanier.
The Association would report to the City Council
Franceska already talked to a few people regarding the Community Association (Michael Horne, Irene Franklin, Marilyn Hart and Eric Deschamps)
Working groups could be sub-committees to the Community Association.
Franceska to send information on Community Association to members
Franceska to make contacts and report at next meeting
- Next meeting
Tuesday, January 10th, 2008 from 9 to 11 a.m.
252 McArthur (Vanier Community Police office)